
Monday, March 3, 2025

John Robertson: Psychology Under Siege - The Co-Governance Takeover of Mental Health

They started with the classrooms, infiltrated the healthcare system, and now they’ve set their sights on psychology. What began as an ideological push for co-governance is now a full-fledged attempt to hijack mental health practice in New Zealand.

Psychologists in this country are now being told that their professional competence isn’t just about understanding the mind. No, it’s about understanding The Treaty of Waitangi—whether they like it or not. And if you think it’s about cultural competency, think again. It’s about ideological compliance.

The “guidelines” being shoved down their throats mandate that psychologists not only recognize Māori spiritual practices but actively incorporate them into their clinical practice. The mandate goes beyond acknowledging cultural differences—it demands co-designing and leading psychological services by Māori. If you’re a non-Māori psychologist, forget providing therapy based on evidence-based practices. Instead, you’ll be forced into partnership with Māori leaders in the governance, research, delivery, and monitoring of psychological services. In essence, psychologists must cede power to Māori in their own practices.

And that’s just the beginning.

You think it ends with partnership? No. It gets worse. There’s a “Tino Rangatiratanga” mandate—essentially the guarantee of Māori autonomy in all psychological practices. If you thought your job was to treat clients, you’re wrong. It’s to advance the rights and aspirations of Māori, by actively protecting them in every facet of your work. Forget patient-centered care; now it’s about serving political interests masked as health goals.

The principle of equity? It’s not about equality—it’s about achieving equitable health outcomes for Māori, even if that means ignoring proven psychological practices in favor of Māori knowledge and mātauranga Māori (Māori wisdom).

Now, it’s not just the professionals who are being dragged into this web. The mana of Māori will be at the center of every therapeutic intervention. You’ll need to integrate Māori concepts into your practice with every client, and if you're working with Māori individuals, your entire approach must be infused with Māori spirituality and knowledge.

If you don’t—well, your cultural competency is suddenly questionable, and you’re risking your professional credibility.

And here’s what’s on the checklist of demands for New Zealand’s psychologists:



☐ I understand Te Tiriti o Waitangi and its principles of Tino Rangatiratanga and partnership in all psychological practices.

☐ I’m prepared to cede power to Māori in the design, delivery, and evaluation of all psychological services.

☐ I actively promote equity for Māori in all aspects of mental health care, regardless of the patient’s background.

☐ I actively engage in and implement Māori mātauranga Māori in my work.

☐ I challenge colonization, systemic racism, and any form of inequality in all aspects of my professional practice.

☐ I ensure Māori are not only included but lead in psychological service delivery.

☐ I actively and publicly support the political agenda of Māori activists to the fullest extent possible.

☐ I recognize that the mana of Māori supersedes all other cultural norms in my practice.

Let that sink in for a moment.

If you’re a psychologist in New Zealand, this is the reality you’ll have to embrace. This isn’t about creating better mental health care. This is about weaponizing psychology to further a political agenda, all in the name of cultural competency.

So, where does this leave the future of mental health? Will New Zealand’s psychological landscape be a space for scientifically backed healing, or a bastion of political correctness where every therapist’s practice is dictated by activists, tribal leaders, and co-governance ideology?

The question is clear. Will New Zealand’s mental health professionals stand up for their practice—or be reduced to political puppets?

Todd Stephenson, ACT mp

John Robertson is a patriotic New Zealander who frequently posts on Facebook.


Anonymous said...

Then, in acceding, you simply cease to be a psychologist. Simple as that!

Anonymous said...

This is the third case of gross Treaty overreach brought to our attention in the past three weeks - Pharmacy Council, InternetNZ , and now the Psychology Board. And yet again there is ethnic imbalance on the board, three of the eight members being Maori including the Chair and vice-Chair.

Anonymous said...

Yet more systemic racism, promoting all things Maori as a priority over everything else. And all promulgated on the fictions of a falsely contrived and attributed tino rangatiratanga, and that the Treaty was partnership. Those that permit and promote this nonsense deserve our contempt.

Anonymous said...

Yet more systemic racism, promoting all things Maori as a priority over everything else. And all promulgated on the fictions of a falsely contrived and attributed tino rangatiratanga, and that the Treaty was partnership. Those that permit and promote this nonsense deserve our contempt.

Anonymous said...

Is our coalition doing anything about all? NO, sweet nothing! Focus on growth is the cry, well we are getting growth all right - in everything Maori, with its attendant B-S being rammed down our throats and we are absolutely sick to blessed death with it. ENOUGH.

Anonymous said...

The Board's explanation of its Tohu (logo for us non-Maori), the logo no doubt designed at considerable cost, would actually make one think twice before consulting one of these people:

No need for a Rorschach test.

Anonymous said...

Exactly Anon. Corporate Apartheid Growth.

Anonymous said...

It remains rife through the public sector. Just look at any public sector job advert. The same agenda is pushed. It is apparent too in many professional membership organisations.

Anonymous said...

How many Maori / iwi organisations are co-governed?

Anna Mouse said...

Reads like a palm reading or Tea leaf specialist medium.....Who funds these goons?

Anonymous said...

How sinister. Why are they agreeing to it?

Robert Arthur said...

Please tell me the above is a leg pull.
Can any professional now declare that they are not expert in matauranga, latest interpretation of the Treaty, tikanga, te ao etc and therfore decline and/or refer elsewhere maori and pro maori clientele?

Doug Longmire said...

Real estate, Internetnz, Pharmacy Council. Who is next?
Watch this spread through other professions. These woke Council's were hand picked by Comrade Ardern's govt to enforce the woke / racist / "Treaty" indoctrination.

Anonymous said...

The midwife one is the worst. TPM are running this country. They are in every institution and in the councils and parliament does nothing. Since the coalition got in its just got worse. While we all talk about the principles bill, TPM just keep taking more and more and nothing is being done. I think it is too late. He Puapua here we come.

Anonymous said...

Silly question, None??

Anonymous said...

We have our very own Nero, Luxon fiddles while New Zimbabwe burns

anonymous said...

Luxon out and referendum on democracy and citizen equality now.

Anonymous said...

Re Anon at 11:54 I have seen it suggested elsewhere that it is being co-ordinated from a single source somewhere within the Wellington bureaucratic establishment.

Anonymous said...

Might one think that ‘unhinged’ could be a perfect description for all this?

Anonymous said...

A couple of points, first it was the universities, then schools, then lawyers, then the real estate agents, then nurses, then pharmacists, then internetNZ, now psychologists, and yet still too many NZrs are blind to the arrival of the He Puapua ethnostate. And this will only get more demanding with their Treaty claims including the seabed & foreshore and the conservation estate. Meanwhile, Luxon and the neo-Marxist msm/legacy media turn blind eyes, as the country proceeds at pace down the road to perdition.

Anonymous said...

If so, it would probably be safe to say that TPM have a hand in it somewhere. If our coalition were switched on to this basic psyop operation, it would hunt down said source and eliminate it. However, it is also probably safe to say that our coalition is blithely allowing it to happen as they are "nice" and do not stoop to the level of cunning applied by the Tamihere crowd. For anyone who does not know what I'm on about, look up "Psychological warfare" on wiki.

Anonymous said...

So it time yet to have our own protest? Are we brave enough yet?

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't Luxon do something ???
That is the biggest question.
He can't be ignorant of this crap, knows he can stop it, and yet he chooses to look away !
His perpetual shame !

And I'll bet there are dozens of National MPs that are getting fed up with being told to shut up and back his loony ideas.
Have any of them got the gonads to cross him ?

anonymous said...

Totally correct.

Anonymous said...

Why isnt there a loud cry that demands WHO IS POSTING THIS PREPOSTEROUS DUATRIBE.? it is quire deranged and completely unacceprable to all the professionals who are being targeted. Luxon's office should be humming with loud objections to such trash talk. Both Act and NZFIRST should be notified if they dont slreafy know. It CANNOT BE IGNORED. It is spiteful BUT WHO IS CONCOCTING THIS EVIL DIATRIBE? THE PM HAS to stamp out such inflammatary nonsense