
Thursday, May 4, 2023

Mike Hosking: The Meka Whaitiri mess is a disgrace

What a sordid, sloppy mess, eh?

Meka Whaitiri is off, we still don’t know why and, somehow, she escapes the party hopping laws, so gets to stay on as an MP.

Does that, or does that not, sum up the malaise and general mess with which this country is currently run?

Poor old Megan Woods yesterday on the show didn’t have a clue and, as it turns out, who can blame her?

No one had a clue.

How can you have a senior player in your party and have literally no idea they are bailing and, when they do bail, no idea why?

It speaks very poorly of Whaitiri. Not telling anyone is the height of rudeness.

The fact Kiri Allen was dispatched to try and get some details, and failed, tells you that must have been one spectacularly dysfunctional relationship.

What does it say about Chris Hipkins leadership that he didn’t have a clue?

What does it say about Whaitiri's mindset that she didn’t think it necessary to offer any explanation to anyone?

She must have approached the Māori party because if you were the Māori Party, why would you think of ringing up an MP who has given no indication of being disgruntled?

Or do the Māori Party just ring up all Māori MP's all the time, just in case they want to jump?

To be fair to the Māori Party this is a coup, and a good one. It gives them some credit, it gives them headlines and it gives them renewed hope in the election.

Then we have the so-called party hopping laws. I thought we had dealt with this? I thought Winston Peters had railed endlessly about the shabby way some MP's treat the system?

And yet all these years after Turia and Alamein Kopu, here we are still watching them watch their back, feather their nests, protect their interests and collect the taxpayer's money.

From a broader point of view this is a Government in its death throes.

The economy is shot, the previous leader has run for the hills, the imagery around their promises and delivery is laughable and now another minister has up and scarpered.

In a way, they must be secretly longing for October 14 to be put out of their misery.

Mike Hosking is a New Zealand television and radio broadcaster. He currently hosts The Mike Hosking Breakfast show on NewstalkZB on weekday mornings


DeeM said...

If they really did not know Whaitiri was defecting to the Maori Party then it shows how dysfunctional Labour has become.
I'm not sure I believe that, though. The only way, according to the polls, that Labour/Greens can get in is to have the Maori Party with them.
Maybe this is a sweetener so that the deal is assured.

One thing's for certain, National/ACT need to be looking around for a viable partner because on the polling figures they ain't getting in on their own. They'll have to do a deal with NZ First et al to be sure.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts also Mike as so well articulated by you.
To add a bit more speculation (rumour loves a vacuum) I think John Tamihere thought this up and has convinced Meka to shit all over her electorate, her PM and her parliamentary colleagues. She has rudely bared her brown kumu but cannot show her very red face.
And the way the LP has dodged the waka jumping legislation is another corruption, one of many that means this government is toast.
More polls next week and I predict Labour and the Greens continuing on a downward trend.

Phil said...

This Government rather than in death throws must now be considered likely to win the election because of this defection and securing of TPM as a coalition partner.

EP said...

They are all - every one of them - so without honour, we can only wish for the whole edifice to crumble further. I predict that many Maori voters will have more sense than to vote for such incompetents. This is nothing about wanting to do the best for one's country - just egotism and hubris.

Anonymous said...

Because the MSM insists the MP are the kingmakers, sheeple/people start to think this .

All those milking the taxpayers - Maori and their fellow travellers -
to the hilt will be re-assured and vote L/G/MP.

NZ now reeks of arrogance and corruption - cynically labelled as social justice.

Robert Arthur said...

The Governemnt is grossly deluded if it trusts any maori m.p. As co governance and hence total control is possibly slipping their grasp, defection of all is not unlikely. They are there for maori, not NZ. Many maori mps in other parties also a serious concern. curiously the Nats select still.Hopefully Winston and Shane will abide by their statements; I might bet on. Shane for Minister of Police might work.

Peter Ness said...

An awful lot of energy going into polls and who will win, blah, blah ,blah.
Name me one policy Labour, Greens or Māori Party have to better the Country?
That emptiness you hear is the future of NZ if this lot get back in.

Anonymous said...

Ain't dah-mocracy great.

Peter Young said...

Just like the Greens, more party implosion, but no doubt the polls will indicate otherwise. Personally, I don't think Kiwi's are that brain dead to vote for these losers, but then, Einstein did have valid thoughts about the extent of the universe and human stupidity?

Rob Beechey said...

We once lived as one people in New Zealand where we were proud of our multi cultural harmony until Ardern turned the country upside down by dividing us into racial categories. It has created vitriol that I have never experienced before. No wonder she has galloped for the exit leaving behind a trail of destruction.