
Wednesday, May 3, 2023

NZCPR Podcast: Freshwater - the iwi agenda

Tuku Morgan and John Tamihere have made it very clear that if the Maori Party is the kingmaker after the election, they will not settle for anything less than full ownership of New Zealand’s freshwater.

This is a podcast of the latest NZCPR feature article - to read the article click HERE

All podcasts can be viewed on our Podcast page HERE.


Anonymous said...

First they came for our Rain

Then they came for our Sun (Solar radiation)

Next they came for our Air....

Nothing will be off the table as the inch has become unmeasurable for those that wish to rule, like all despots.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget their claims for the radio spectrum which nobody had the balls to say, nope, totally ridiculous !
How many hundreds of millions of dollars have Maori now been given for their specious claim ?

Robert Arthur said...

if Luxon had the balls he could mount a powerful counter and would romp in at the polls.. But a major problem is the number of maori candidates and mps in their midst, few with clear grasp and resolve as Shane Jones.

Anonymous said...

Well patriots, that's DAHmocracy for ya!!

Anonymous said...

This is getting really scary. The latest Roy Morgan poll puts Labour/Greens/Maori in office in October, and thus the great majority of us into tribal serfdom. New Zealand’s future as a 1st-world democracy is under serious threat.
It is time National and Act came up with some effective strategies. Enough of their pussying about!
They should agree to work post-election with NZ First, in the poll now at 4.5% of the Party Vote. Winston has been consistently anti-separatism for decades and the only politician seemingly brave enough to call the current Maori takeover just that. He has said he won’t go with Labour this time around.
And National and Act should extend an olive branch to Matt King: publicly backed by those 2 parties he’d stand a good chance of winning the Northland seat for Democracy NZ.
I don’t care if we end up with a Netanyahu-type coalition, the crucial thing is that the racist, socialist left is defeated.

Paul said...

I agree with the 3:43pm post. Anything will be better than letting this lot get re-elected!

Anonymous said...

Question: as human beings are 80% water, does it mean people will have to pay a life licence fee to Maori? Annual fee based in weight maybe - will help reduce obesity. No doubt many other benefits too.