
Thursday, May 4, 2023

Ross Meurant: CRYPTO - A weapon of War?

According to a reliable source, on 1 June 2023 China will open a bank via Hong Kong for crypto trade.

Eighteen months ago, China banned crypto. (1)

Why the change in policy, one might ask?

With a predicted 20 trillion US dollars set to flow from mainstream banking into China’s crypto, one might conclude that this is but another weapon of the cold war between USA and China.

Unlike Russia and for that matter (based on its post WW2 history) America, which both seem to prefer the barrel of a gun to reinforce their positions on the ladder, China seems to me to prefer the cheque book.

Sri Lanka is one classic example where China owns about 10% of Sri Lanka's foreign debt, which exceeds $51 billion (2). 

Solomon Island and Fiji also appear to me be treading a dangerous path whereas Zimbabwe (where I was domiciled for 3 months, in 2005) is by my assessment, a virtual Chinese colony.

And, lest I be accused of turning a blind eye to the massive property ownership and construction capacity of China in NZ, it is my assessment that New Zealand is seriously at threat of becoming a future Chinese colony.

Make no mistake, China is a big powerful player in our neck of the woods and whereas we rely massively on trade with China, for me, that is no justification not to fight for our sovereignty.    

Of course, the case I make here is not to deny or ignore the possibility that China has the military capacity or implied threat of military activity (as it did when taking over Hong Kong) to take Taiwan.  In fact, the recent ramping up of Aussie military capacity and rhetoric about China’s creep toward Darwin, suggests that Aussie intel reached this conclusion some time ago.

Reverting to crypto as a weapon of war, is this Chinese initiative:

A response to America’s use of sanctions as its apparent contemporaneous weapon of war (viz barrel of a gun)?

A deliberate attempt to further destabilise the increasingly fragile American banking system? (3)

Should we in New Zealand be worried?

Afterall, we have the imminent threat of the Māori Party being “king maker” at the next elections – unless Rt Hon Winston Peters emerges with at least 7 per cent of the list vote at the next elections, so shouldn’t this be the number one issue?

Māori Party as King maker is the number one issue for me but an international banking collapse because, “shoe shine boys” jumping at the perceived chance to make a quick quid on the Ponzi schemes some call crypto via China’s new crypto bank facilities in Hong Kong as the new crypto hub of the planet, is not something to be ignored.

PS Christopher Luxon’s interview with Mz Woodham last week does deliver a ray of hope.  Whereas in the past I have been most critical National and Mr Luxon for not taking a strong enough stance against one minority taking control of our country, the short version of what he said with Woodham seemed to be that National stands for: (4)

No co-governance.

No separatism.

No Māori rule.

No three waters.

No separate Māori health system

NZ is a democratic country where everyone has the same rights.

This too  is my priority but to focus on one issue is not my style.  Accordingly, I cogitate on the impact of China’s Crypto policy.

Ross Meurant BA MPP. Entrepreneur. Retired, is a former Member of Parliament and Police Inspector.



CXH said...

Why do people call the Maori party a potential kingmaker. There is as much chance of them going with National as ACT signing up with Labour.

However that won't stop them leveraging any advantage to the sole benefit of the ruling Maori class.

Anonymous said...

All those countries that signed up to the belt and road initiative (BRI) with china are or will be slaves to china. Australia will fall first, then NZ. Don't forget the NWO one world government is based on the CCP model of communist control. Crypto, then CBDC slave token.
As for Luxon saying NZ is a democratic country where everyone has the same rights, he obviously doesn't know about the 1975 apartheid treaty of waitangi act and every other treaty related statue in legislation.
Ain't dahmocracy great!

Grumpy said...

Interesting commentary. I met Ross many years ago when we (St John Ambulance) were sent to Devonport one evening. There had been reports of serious misbehaviour in the area, and Ross was commanding the Police unit tasked with restoring law and order.
After issuing instructions to his staff at the staging point, he turned to us and said that we were to stay where we were, with our ambulance. Anyone requiring medical treatment would be brought to us, whether offenders or Police Officers was irrelevant. He would warn us if we were likely to need reinforcements.
We were a tad nervous but nothing significant eventuated. I. personally, remain impressed.