
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

David Seymour: My letter to the organisations who wrote the Prime Minister about Act’s Treaty Bill

There’s a common theme running through politics that unites people from the right and left. They want to be more united. People want more open, honest, respectful dialogue. They know our country faces some big asks at the moment. They want to solve problems and move forward. The question is, how?.....

......The bill emphasises the universal human rights that appear throughout te tiriti, and invites an open debate on it. That is the spirit in which Act launched the Treaty Principles Bill.....

....There is another view, and I happily acknowledge it has been the dominant view this century. It says te tiriti created a ‘partnership between races’. On this view what the two versions literally said is less important than the fact two parties did a deal. Therefore, the logic goes, we are forever bound to exist as a compact of two races in partnership according to the Principles as they exist today. Just because a view is dominant, though, does not make it correct.

The Treaty Principles Bill will present a version of the Principles more closely linked to what the Treaty says, that we all have nga tikanga katoa rite tahi – the same rights and duties. All New Zealanders have tino rangatiratanga, the right to self-determine, not only Māori. On this version, every child growing up in New Zealand deserves the same respect and dignity, including equality before the law.

That is the fundamental question being asked by the Treaty Principles Bill, which will be introduced later this term. So why do I say all this right now? Yesterday an open letter to the Prime Minister demanded that the debate shouldn’t even take place. It asked him to throw the bill out before the bill is written, and before they could possibly have read it.....

.....New Zealand needs this debate, but it can’t be dictated by misinformation and bad faith actors who want to stop Kiwis from having their say.....

....I believe New Zealanders can be trusted with difficult debates. Ultimately, it’s the public that will persuade Parliament to advance the Treaty Principles Bill to a referendum....

.....I accept that not everyone will agree with our view, that’s exactly why we want to have the opportunity for New Zealanders to have their say....

.....New Zealanders who visit our information hub at have told us they’re shocked to realise how brazenly opposition has misrepresented the Treaty Principles Bill, and how often the media fails to correct them. I encourage you to read from the horse’s mouth, as it were.....

.....An obsession with identity and elevating race above need will only stoke division.....The full article can be read HERE

David Seymour is the Leader of ACT and a coaltion partner in the current National government. David is a graduate of Auckland Grammar and the University of Auckland (in Electrical Engineering and Philosophy).


mud bay ripper. said...

This bill must proceed to its conclusion, as did the original in 1840. Signed off and installed into law.
If this doesn't happen, New Zealand as we know it, will cease to exst.

Anonymous said...

Outrage over ACT’s proposed Treaty Principles Bill boils down to this: the fear that brown supremacist part-Māori who have turned their white ancestors into a toilet bowl to identify monoculturally as ‘Māori, might lose their unearned ethnocentric privilege.

As Thomas Sowell reminds us: “When people become used to special treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination.”

Anonymous said...

It is very grave that citizens would be denied the right to express their view on this critical issue for NZ's future.

But it does show that a minority is very determined to install an ethnocracy based on racial superiority and political control.

This plan is very clear - it should really wake people up to what is happening.

Anna Mouse said...

And then we have this piece of tribalisation to authoritarinism....

Anonymous said...

Thanks Anna, just read that piece in the Herald. They get a lot wrong in the reporting, it is not new legislation changing the rules around establishing Māori wards, it is reverting to the original rule QED. As for the Tea Party proposal, they do not want democracy in any way, shape or form. They want a dictatorship that they want to gain in the first instance by wide ranging vetoes. Come on Shane/Winston, let's have that promise of putting the Tribunal back to its original intended purpose. Yesterday would be good, it will save a lot of that taxpayer money that PM Luxon is always going on about spending wisely and failing miserably to do so.

Allen said...

So this proposal is to make the elected Parliament subservient to the tribunal. In the name of efficiency and cost saving why not just move the tribunal into the beehive and save the cost of all those elections and parliamentary bureaucracy. The tribunal is lord and master, change the name to Aotearoa, New Zimbabwe.

Allen said...

I know that ACT has launched a fund to pay for advertising for this bill and I very much disagree with this. This bill will be presented in parliament and I believe that everyone should be aware of it and given the correct information about. This is a very valid case to public funding so that Kiwi's receive the correct information. Only in this way will Kiwi's be given the correct information, something we can be certain the MSM will not do.

Anonymous said...

Seems like a very good point and I for one would support the use of public funds to facilitate the truth being placed in front of ALL the public - the info already on the website is a great start at honestly presenting the facts about the bill but this needs airing and advertising in every dark corner of New Zealand - free of the disgraceful bias and inuendo exhibited by the msm.

Anonymous said...


Now watch the MSM lead a full-scale campaign in 2024-2026 to sabotage the Bill using their protected position.......