
Monday, July 29, 2024

Ele Ludemann: What if replacement’s worse?

The Greens have ensured that the Darleen Tana saga will drag on for several more weeks:

The Green Party will decide whether to eject former Green, now independent MP Darleen Tana from Parliament at a Special General Meeting (SGM) on September 1.

At the party’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Christchurch this weekend, members decided to support a caucus proposal to hold a special meeting in a month’s time where party delegates could vote on whether to use the waka-jumping law to oust Tana from Parliament. . .

The party voted for the waka jumping legislation but has always said it’s against it.

They could argue that Tana is a special case.

She is a list MP, not in parliament with the support of an electorate, but because the Green Party, from which she has resigned, gifted her a high enough list place to gain a seat.

She has left the party not on a point of principle over policy, but because an independent inquiry links her to her husband’s business and accusations of migrant exploitation.

That is so opposed to and incompatible with the party’s purported values to give it enough reason to swallow the dead rat of hypocrisy and use the waka jumping legislation.

It might but not until September when members might, or might not vote to do so. Even if they do, it will take more time to write to the speaker, him to deliberate and decide whether or not Tana’s resignation form the Greens has upset parliament’s proportionality.

In the meantime taxpayers are funding her salary and getting no apparent value for it.

However, if the legislation is invoked and Tana is forced out of parliament, what if her replacement is worse, or no better, in providing value for the taxpayer funded salary?

There’s nothing any of us can do about that.

Ele Ludemann is a North Otago farmer and journalist, who blogs HERE - where this article was sourced.


Anna Mouse said...

Benjamin Doyle is next cab of the rank (and rank they are). Worse? Maybe, better, definately not.

Read the comments on Bob Jones article on BV about the greens and the comments about Doyles thesis, its s hoot.

Anonymous said...

Ele, the Greens are at a crossroads imo and have been for a long time. They have evolved from a bunch of honest tree hugging misfits, an image they still try trade upon, to something much more sinister and radical.

This is led from the top and until they actually ensure that they have decent humans in their team from top down, they will not really be taken seriously. Again imo the damage is done, they want to appeal to radicals and that is now their bread and butter audience.

I have no doubt that there is another far left lunatic ready to step into the newly departed lunatics seat, thats what happens in that party!

Russell said...

The bad behaviour of all these greenies is a feature, not a bug. Holier-than-thou authoritarianism is written in their very genes.

Russell said...

Re Benjamin Doyle - all you need to know (as if you didn't suspect it already) is that yes, they(!) wears a comically massive nephrite jade carving.

I think the current MP might be slightly more appealing.