A war is no place for casual observers
VP Kamala Harris is dreaming if she believes Israel will yield to US pressure to enter into a two-state peace agreement with Hamas at this point. Taking the pressure off would inevitably lead to a resurgence of Jewish genocide.

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Harris met with Netanyahu and ZeroHedge reported “The Israeli official also said Netanyahu was unhappy with the fact that Harris criticized Israel publicly for the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and for killing civilians, especially at the current timing amid the hostage deal negotiations.”
Benjamin Netanyahu made Israel’s position very clear in his fourth address to the American Congress recently when he thanked America for supporting Israel following the devastating October 7 terrorist attacks and gave credit to four IDF members in the room who were heroes that day and during the days following.
“These are the soldiers of Israel, unbowed, undaunted and unafraid” says Netanyahu of IDF survivors in the audience. “The men and women of the IDF come from every corner of Israeli societies. Every ethnicity, every colour, every creed, left and right, religious and secular, all are imbued with the indomitable spirit of the Maccabees, the legendary Jewish warriors of antiquity.
“With us today is Yekhil Leiter the father of one of those Maccabees. Yekhil’s father escaped the holocaust and found refuge in America. As a young man Yekhil moved to Israel and raised a family of eight children. He named his eldest son Moshe after his late father. Moshe became an exemplary in one of our elite commando units. He served with distinction for two decades while raising six beautiful children of his own. On October 7 Moshe volunteered to return to combat. Four weeks later he was killed when a booby trapped mine exploded in a tunnel shaft right next to a mosque.
At his son’s funeral Yekhil said this “because of the courage of soldiers like my son Moshe Jewish people are no longer helpless in the face if our enemies. If the state of Israel had not been established after the holocaust the image engraved in our collective memory would have been the photograph of that Jewish boy in the Warsaw ghetto with his hands in the air with Nazi rifles pointed at him, but because of the nation of Israel we are no longer helpless in the face of our enemies.”
The men, women and children attacked on October 7 did not have the luxury accorded political observers such as the NZ politicians screeching “From the river to the sea, Palestine shall be free!” The Greens have no skin in this game, they are hollow husks of humanity draped with Palestinian scarves who should ask themselves, “Are we the bad guys?”
The war on Israel is not a war between race, religion, skin colour or any other fleeting DEI value. The purpose of this war is to sustain terrorism – the purpose and prize of terrorist organisations such as Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis. Western values of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness cannot exist where martyrdom is treasured.

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If the disputes with Israel were about land and borders they would have been resolved decades ago. The repeated refusal to enter into a two-state solution disguises the true intent of terrorism, it is Jewish genocide.
“This constant lying is not aimed at making the people believe a lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore. A people that can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong. And such a people, deprived of the power to think and judge, is, without knowing and willing it, completely subjected to the rule of lies.With such a people, you can do whatever you want.”–Hannah Arendt, German historian and philosopher (1906–1975)
Little wonder Netanyahu was frustrated with Kamala Harris’ simplistic statements that are based on lies.
A war is no place for casual observers: no one of consequence exists in between heroes and villains.
Netanyahu’s speech to US Congress.
Suze sees herself as a New Zealander whose heritage shaped but does not define, and believes unless we protect our rights and freedoms they will be taken off us by a few powerful people. This article was first published HERE
Perhaps Suze she's not dreaming at all and she just stepped very cleverly through a political minefield of possible disaster and came through with her presidential camapaign enhanced..
I saw no great backlash to what she said in the popular media, from either side of the issue.
Maybe a lot get's spoken behind closed doors and remains out of the ear of the instantaneous and ill considered media.
And perhaps she's got an election to win ?
It looks to me as if all Netanyahu has to offer (based on his simplistic statements) is more war. The war he is fighting is unwinable - he seems to be the only person who doesn't know that. Israel is counting on the poor beleagured US taxpayer to fund it's forever war. This is not sustainable and if Israel wants to not be at war they need to find a way to make peace. So many secular jews are leaving Israel because they do not want their sons in the IDF. 41 soldiers of the IDF refuse to return to Gaza. Change will come and peace is the only way.
Anonymous @ 10:47 pm: “ if Israel wants to not be at war they need to find a way to make peace.”
A profoundly ignorant assertion.
The problem here is Islam.
IArab-Islamists are affronted by the existence of Jews and want to eradicate them from the world.
That’s what the hate litany: “From the River [Jordan] to the [Mediterranean] Sea, Palestine [sic] will be free” actually means.
Muslim anti-Semitism first arose centuries before the establishment of Jewish Israel.
Islamic scripture (the Koran and associated Hadith narratives of Muhammad’s life and sayings) records that the Jews of Yathrib (now Medina) repeatedly refused to convert to Islam when asked by Muhammad to do so.
An angry Muhammad then cursed the Jewish people, describing them as “the offspring of apes and pigs,” damning them in this world and the next.
That’s why Muslims have always seen Jews as the worst and most inveterate enemies of Islam.
Muslims hold that once a place has been ruled by Muslims, it is “Islamic land” forever.
What is now Israel was ruled for centuries by Muslim Ottoman Turks after the fall of the Roman Empire.
This means the Jews are squatting on ‘Islamic land,” as
Ahmad Bahr, Deputy Speaker of the Hamas Parliament, makes clear in an anti-Israeli sermon aired on Al-Aqsa TV on August 10, 2012 :
“If the enemy sets foot on a single square inch of Islamic land, Jihad becomes an individual duty, incumbent on every Muslim, male or female.”
Ar a public rally held in Gaza on 8 December 2012, Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal proclaimed that “jihad,” armed struggle, will continue until Israel is defeated, conquered, and replaced — every square mile — by an Islamist theocracy.
“Since Palestine is ours, and it is the land of the Arabs and Islam,” he said, “it is unthinkable that we would recognise the legitimacy of the Israeli occupation of it ... Let me emphasise that we adhere to this fundamental principle: We do not recognise Israel … The Palestinian resistance will crush it and sweep it away, be it Allah’s will.”
This explains why many Arab maps of the Middle East don’t show Israel at all.
Indeed, the Palestinian Arabs could have had their own State decades ago. But within hours of the historic 1948 United Nations decision to partition the former British Mandate of “Palestine” into a Jewish state and state for the Arabs now referred to as “Palestinians,” Israel was attacked without warning by five Arab nations promising to drive the Jews into the sea and complete Hitler's work.
An oft-quoted Hadith saying of Muhammad that is part of the charter of the Gaza Strip’s rulers, Hamas, states: “The Day of Judgement will not come until Muslims fight the Jews, when the Jews will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say ‘O Muslim, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.’“
If you really think peace is possible with people who think like this, you need to go boil your head to clear your thoughts.
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