
Friday, July 26, 2024

Rodney Hide: On another planet

Prime Minister Chris Luxon during the election campaign: "You are on another planet if you want to have a conversation about bathrooms and make that an election issue.”

That’s me. On another planet.

I want my daughters safe.

And not just my daughters. All daughters. All wives. All mothers. All sisters. All women. All girls.

They are not safe now.

Female toilets and changing areas have been opened up to men and to boys to enter at will. They just say they are female and they are in.

We men no longer provide safe spaces for females. Pedophiles, voyeurs and sex offenders have the perfect entrance. They just have to think female and they are in.

Three years ago my then 8 year old daughter was walking into the changing shed at the beach only to be confronted by a six foot four, 140kg beast of a man with a thick beard, make up and a dress on. My six-year-old son stood there mouth agape.

“Don’t stare,” scolded my daughter. “He’s trans!”

Since that moment she has been robbed of her safe space. She still won’t change or go to the toilet in public. Or at school.

Her older sister explains: “They are unisex. They are disgusting. The boys make a mess. They delight in doing their business with the door open.”

The Remarkables Ski Field has always had female and male toilets upstairs in the cafeteria and on the way to the snow. No longer. They still have the male toilets. But the female toilets display the transgender sign.

I complained to Remarkables Ski Field on the grounds of Health and Safety.

Their reply from their Head of Guest Services and Reservations was as follows:

“Thanks for getting in touch.

​The Remarkables has introduced 1 gender-neutral bathroom in addition to our 3 gender-specific bathrooms, to create a more inclusive environment where everyone feels safe and respected. It's important to us that we provide options that cater to all individuals.

Both men and women still have access to gender-specific bathrooms within the base building, ensuring that no one’s needs are overlooked.

Please don't hesitate to reach out if I can help with anything else.”

I was left unclear whether the female gender specific bathroom was exclusive to women and girls or whether it was open to women and girls with penises. I wrote back asking.

I have never had a reply. That is the answer.

There are no exclusive female bathrooms at Remarkable Ski Field. It is open slather.

They are all open to men in frocks. Or men who want to be in frocks. It’s just one has a sign saying so.

I would like to conclude by saying it’s time we had Dads back in charge. But we have a Dad in charge. And he’s proved useless.

Rodney Hide is former ACT Party leader, and Minister in the National-ACT Government from 2008 to 2011. This article was first published HERE


ihcpcoro said...

Given the way that our education system seems to push (in my view) totally inappropriate stuff on young children, seemingly without any parental consent, I had a chuckle the other day watching an Australian property remake doco, 'Love it or list it' - 'parental guidance recommended for those under 15 years of age'. We must be ultra careful that we don't pollute young, impressionable minds with such filthy capitalist stuff.

Anonymous said...

How ironic. Having been involved in establishing schools in remote parts of Asia, guess what one of the most significant criteria is to get girls to attend guessed it!!! Girls' toilets.

Not toilets for those with penises.

Simply, toilets for girls.

Anonymous said...

While I am completely in favour of women only bathrooms, aside from safety concerns, at least some of the female objections to blokes in Womanspace have to do with the loss of what we might call “famine mystique.”

Marital advice to Zsa Zsa Gabor from her mother was “Always preserve a little mystery.”

After all, it’s pretty difficult to play the unattainable, the fairy princess, when there’s guys around hearing you plopping away and smelling that noisome odour roiling out of the cubicle enclosure.

Robert arthur said...

At work I was often intrigued by the changing attitudes of young men. At tea break (remeber those? prolonged in the public services)) they would advocate vehemt.y for limited censorship etc. Then they got married and had daughters...