
Saturday, August 3, 2024

David Farrar: Will there be any consequences from the Greens for JAG?

The Herald reports:

Green MP Julie Anne Genter has been found in contempt of the House for “intimidating” behaviour directed at another MP and it has been recommended she be censured.

A report just released by the Privileges Committee, which assessed Genter’s actions in the House in May, recommends the Rongotai MP be “censured by the House for acting in a manner that could have the effect of intimidating a member of the House acting in the discharge of their duty”.

The question now is whether the Greens will do anything. We have a very relevant comparison with National MP Tim van der Molen last term who was found to have had similar behaviour.

Chris Luxon announced that the consequence for the behaviour will be van der Molen loses all his portfolios for the remainder of the current term, and was ruled out from being a Minister during the next term. That was a very significant consequence.

Will the Greens impose any consequence at all on Genter?

David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.


Valid Point said...

There are two aspects to this. JAG has always appeared as a person of low character. Even her performance the other night lacked genuine contrition. At best, it was dismissive. As if this commotion was an inconvenience that everyone should just get over themselves about.
The second issue is what do the Greens do about her. Genter will bully her way through the Green caucus and escape any real punishment. Does anyone really think the Green's whip has the cojones to stand up to her?
But this will be quite rightly viewed as one rule for European Green MPs and quite another for those who identify themselves by their racial background. The fallout could become quite messy.

Anonymous said...

"Will the Greens impose any consequence at all on Genter?" - a wet bus ticket ...? They are still messing around and prevaricating with Darleen T.

Allen said...

What about some consequences for those who attack Karen Chhour?

Anonymous said...

If there is any trouble coming JAG's way from the Greeens then standby for her to announce she is now a they/them.