
Monday, August 19, 2024

Mike's Minute: The Waitangi Tribunal are overstepping

For a Government looking to save money, it beggars belief that they haven't had a decent look at the Waitangi Tribunal.

Yet again they strike, this time with a report that condemns the Treaty Principles Bill. They condemn it and want it abolished.

The trouble is, there is no such thing.

The tribunal is like a court. Fortunately it doesn’t have the same powers as a court, and indeed, as a result of reports like this you can surely argue it is nowadays little more than an advocacy service for the aggrieved, as opposed to a tribunal or court that should be taken seriously.

They intervene so much now that they border on being little more than state-funded whingers.

As a tribunal of any serious standing, how can you issue a report into a bill that doesn’t exist?

There is no bill. There are no clauses. As we sit here today what we have is an idea and an election commitment.

Nothing has yet been written or taken to Cabinet, far less been signed off by Cabinet. It does not exist.

So what the tribunal are saying is "we don’t like the idea".

Courts and tribunals should deal with fact. They have no fact.

They should deal with evidence. They have no evidence.

It's like saying it was Mrs Johnson in the library with the candlestick. I assume David Seymour is Mrs Johnson, Parliament is the library - but they have no candlestick. They have, as they would see it, no crime.

Not only isn't there a bill, when there is a bill, guess what? You get to have a say. At a select committee everyone gets to have a say. Dare I suggest Maori get to have a say. That is called democracy, which ironically is a corner stone of what may or may not turn out to be the Treaty Principles Bill.

David Seymour generously welcomed the report as part of the wider discussion he wants to have.

But as a taxpayer I am over a grouping who clearly has passed their use by date for historic issues and have moved onto the grievance gravy train.

It is clear they hate the Government. They may as well write another report simply saying so.

At least it would once and for all expose the agenda that’s really driving them.

Mike Hosking is a New Zealand television and radio broadcaster. He currently hosts The Mike Hosking Breakfast show on NewstalkZB on weekday mornings - where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

The Tribunal is being pressured “to make a noise” in the final days of their existence. They won’t roll over without a fight and will use this report, and others, as leverage to continue in one form or another. The travesty is Luxon is sympathetic to Māori. The chickens will undoubtedly come home to roost for Luxon when Seymour and Peters in turn play hardball on something Luxon is banking on their support.

Allen said...

Why is the Government still wasting my tax money paying for this Muppet show, Mr Luxon. At least Kermit, Animal and and Miss Piggy were entertaining, this crowd are just an annoying waste of oxygen.

robert arthur said...

It is not so much an advocacy service for the aggrieved as an advocacy service for the artful opportunistic.

Anonymous said...

Anon@4.28 and tonight's latest TV1 poll has Luxon ahead, Swarbrick cementing her position as preferred leader of the Greens (not that there's any competition), Hipkins stabilised, and Seymour & Winston in all-but non-existent "also ran" territory. It's clear that 'they' (supposedly independent and impartially behind the scenes polsters) realise the damage caused by Labour is still far too fresh to boost, but of the coalition the most likely 'soft banana' is Luxon - so give him a nod so he feels confident about adopting his "Key" strategy of "steady she goes and the rough will turn smooth." What a joke! But make no mistake, if it's up to him the Tribunal will be around for eternity and the TPB will be gone by lunchtime. That's what the polsters, the Tribunal, and PM might be hoping, but they'd be fools. Dallow may well have to prepare viewers for "some scenes that may disturb", because the wider public will see this issue as a long way from being over.

Grumpy said...

If, as it appears, this Waitangi Tribunal has left its original purpose behind, and instead has become something twisted or deformed, it no longer has a role in our fair and democratic society. It has become irrelevant and taxpayer money need not be wasted on it any more.

Anonymous said...

The Tribunal isnt going anywhere because Luxon thinks hes in a coalition with NZfirst and TPM. He and Shane Jones confirmed today that they will not support the treaty principles bill. They have caved. Roll on co governance 2030. Full implementation of HePuapua. A totally new constitutional arrangement and the people of NZ get no say in it and are too bullied to do anything about it.

Anonymous said...

The Waitangi Tribunal hasn’t lost it’s way. Due to naive Governmental Ministers, it is doing exactly what it set out to do-Control the country. In the 1980’s Tipene (Stephen) O’Regan, in regard Fisheries distribution of quota, said- “You will come with us”. There was no -we can move forward as one.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't naivety, it was by design. I call it treason.

Publisher NZ said...

You can’t deny that the Treaty has been deviously twisted to suit Maori.
However, the tribal elite who stand to benefit from the fraudulent interpretation, are now in panic mode – because they realise the game might be up, due to David Seymour’s Treaty Principle’s Bill.

He wants to clarify, once and for all, the three Articles in the treaty Agreement.
But, where the Activists realise he's got them beat, is that he’s only using the basic wording from the Maori version.
Which means nobody can kick up a fuss about it not being the genuine Agreement that was signed by the majority of the chiefs.

But of course, Maori are trying to say he has misinterpreted it. Talk about pot, kettle.

The fact of the matter is, he has actually taken the relevant points from the interpretation by Sir Hugh Kawharu.

Here are those Clauses for discussion.
Article 1: kawanatanga katoa o o ratou whenua.
(The New Zealand Government has the right to govern all New Zealanders.)

Article 2: ki nga tangata katoa o Nu Tirani te tino rangatiratanga o o ratou whenua o ratou kainga me o ratou taonga katoa.
(The New Zealand Government will honour all New Zealanders in the chieftainship of their land and all their property.)

Article 3: a ratou nga tikanga katoa rite tahi.
(All New Zealanders are equal under the law with the same rights and duties.)

The point is, the radicals are stumped. They just can’t argue with it. They’re caught in the glare of the headlights … or more aptly, with their fingers in the till.

But, their latest tactic is to hold protest rallies to spook Luxon into not going ahead with Seymour’s Bill. This is the problem … Luxon is the weak link, and Maori know it. He’s pathetically "woke". Can’t help himself.

And other than embracing te reo, he seeks guidance from a special Maori advisor, who … believe it or not, is a committed activist.
God help us.

Another trick the Tribal elite are resorting to … is that having surreptitiously milked the treaty dry, they are now suddenly saying it is an irrelevant document; because the 1836 ‘Declaration of Independence’ should take precedence.

Thus, having realised that they’ve been caught out unjustifiably ripping-off the treaty Agreement, they’re now pushing for an independent State … through a dead in the water before it ever got to float 1836 Declaration of Independence.

It should be noted that this was promoted to Maori by the British in order to counter a French plot to annex NZ. But, only a few chiefs signed. And the so-called Confederation of United Tribes was abandoned without a meeting. And due also to fighting between Maori members. I can imagine the same scenario nowadays.

So why did they leave it till now to decide to totally dismiss the Treaty? It's all bluff. Desperation stuff. They’re clutching at straws. For example, at the recent Omahu Hui, another similar tactic was pulled out of the hat, i.e. calling for a separate Maori Parliament.

I’d be quite happy with that, as long as I didn’t have to pay any tax to them.

Incidentally, they’ve already said, quote: “Our Maori Parliament will levy a 2% commission on all property sold or leased in Aotearoa.” !!!! * # @ = !!* !!

Another trick to put a stop to Seymour’s treaty Principle’s Bill is Waititi’s threat to quote: “Militarise a Maori Movement to create a civil war Army.”
Well, Luxon needs to man-up pronto.