
Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Ross Meurant: Civil War

After a week of escalating violence (1), UK is on the brink of an enduring civil war.

Latent as it may have been, since German Chancellor Angela Merkle and other paragons of virtue (Sweden another standout), adopted a “woke” approach to not just thousands but millions of Muslims and non-Muslims, fleeing the various “Spring Revolutions” in the Middle East, the cauldron of racial and religious conflict in UK, has simmered.

From Gaddafi’s Libya (2) to Saddam’s Syria and the remnants of the UN declared “Unlawful War”, (3) perpetrated by George Bush and Tony Blair in Iraq, the hordes who are now crossing Le Manch aka English Channel, from Dunkirk to Dover, have finally produced sufficient metaphorically speaking, explosives in the UK, to make Guy Fawkes shiver in his grave.

Hungary, was one EU state to put the safety of its people before any pretence of being able to accommodate multitudes who do not share the fundamental values of that country, and together with Serbia (non-EU), erected physical barriers and border police with attitudes that appear to have dissuaded the migratory masses.

Having spent a couple of years in the Balkans, I am still reasonably connected.

Croatia adopted a more accommodating approach!  Emigrees heading for Dunkirk, are met at the southern and eastern borders; showered, shampooed, clothed, fed and transported to the western frontiers, where the border guards’ wave; “bye”, as the mob leave for France.  And, no crime along the roadways between east and west Croatia.

But the Balkans is not the only road to the heart of Westminster democracy.  Italy is another victim of the Bush/Blair era, as thousands of “refugees?” ply the Mediterranean. 

Add these never stopping arrivals in UK, to the tsunami of non-white and in many cases, non-Christians during the 1960s & 1970s, from former British Colonies – Africa, Caribbean, India, Pakistan, Malaya Singapore, Burma.  Not unexpectedly (in my assessment) there will be many white Anglo Saxons, who having endured with growing resentment this legacy of Colonialism, are now enthusiastic to fight for what they believe in.

New Zealand had a civil war - 3 months during 1981.  Though it may have been fighting a war on behalf of many in South Africa, it was definitely a civil war.

Unquestionably, the Springbok Tour produced the worst internal violence since the Māori Wars during the 19th Century.  Every day for 3 months. (4)

All indicators suggest that the problems in UK, won’t disappear, as did the Springboks on 12 September 1981.

Notwithstanding threats by several contemporaneous radical Māori pseudo leaders, of a new “civil war” in the Land of the Long Black Cloud, the initiatives which have been adopted by ACT’s David Seymour and NZ First’s Winston Peters and (dare I acknowledge) Shane Jones, to peel back the blatant racially prejudiced policies of the Labour Government, have gone some way to mitigate the growing hostility among the majority of New Zealanders, who deposed Labour in 2023.

As long as John Key keeps his nose out of National Party Conferences and ACT and NZ First maintain their pre-elections pledges, civil war in New Zealand, is unlikely in my view – irrespective of whatever a minority of Māori claim.

Ross Meurant BA MPP.  Company Director.  Former Police Inspector, Member of Parliament & Honorary Consul.






Peter said...

A timely reminder, Ross, with which I'm inclined to agreed provided our PM grows a backbone. If he doesn't, then I think it's quite likely to be our destiny.

anonymous said...

We are at the point where this must go to a vote - in a binding referendum.
It is necessary to eliminate any leader or party which denies citizens the right to vote on their preferred form of government ( i.e. democracy or ethnocracy) in this way.

It is urgent to stop focusing of micro details ( i.e. the meaning of words ). The ultimate objective is tribal rule - often stated by radical Maori. So, essential to now focus on stopping this end game.

K said...

On that theme... more comment.

Anonymous said...

No puppet politician working for the corporate state is going to save us. No controlled political party of the state is going to save us.
It is the state that is we the peoples enemy, our real enemy, as it is the state that uses the problem, reaction, solution strategy to keep us divided and fighting each other instead of the state.
Any civil war/uprising will be because the state wants a civil war/uprising so it then has the excuse needed to implement more state control measures over us all.
It is we the people against the state, and once we realize this we can concentrate on dealing with the real cause of our loss of individual sovereignty, the state, which uses democracy against us to achieve it's goal of total control over us all.

Anonymous said...

You might also have said that the "woke" crusaders of the left actually woke up the crusaders on the right - Len Pen in France, Slovakia Prime Minister, German and Dutch Right Wings.

As always, be careful for what you wish.

anonymous said...

Yes - it is up to the people now.

Anonymous said...

The recent violence is pre-planned and scripted in order to introduce digital ID and mass surveillance. It isn't organic.

Anonymous said...

Peter: it’s not a backbone our PM needs to grow but some grapefruits.

Anonymous said...

Ross you mention the 1981 Spring Bok Rugby Tour, of NZ. and the "radical elements that" went out of their collective way, along with the roped in " acolytes"- who "pretended to be standing for change in South Africa", as you will have witnessed first hand, "their protests" were akin to British Football hooligans'. The question i place in front of you and other readers of your article , is anyone aware of what South Africa has been thru since the ANC took control, even up till recently - South Africa, now is now longer the Country it once was.

ross meurant said...

Fair point anoon re SA today. Live there and 2005 3 months - was dangerous enough then. Now? Wouldn't go back under any enticement. Which makes a revisit to Chobe in Botswana - not an easy road

Geoffrey said...

Backbones and noses. Quite right: Luxon should grow one and Key should keep his nose out of political difficulties of his causing