
Thursday, February 6, 2025

Geoff Parker: Waitangi National Sick Day

If you are sick of the theatrical BS that surrounds Waitangi Day, then why not support a ‘National Sick Day’ on Friday 7th February 2025.

Join the thousands of New Zealanders who are taking a “sick” day on Friday to rest and recover from the insults and lies that have been spewing forth from the raucous Maori activists and their woke sycophants.

Throughout the country, New Zealanders are heartily ‘sick’ of the intimidation, the bullying, and the aggression that emanates daily from these opportunist tribalists, this sickness generally peaks in the first week of February.

Mainstream New Zealanders are ‘sick’ of being forced to listen to a language they don’t understand, they are ‘sick’ of te reo salutations, they are ‘sick’ of our law being corrupted by tikanga, ‘sick’ of treaty twisting, of dubious Treaty claims, of co-governance, of name changes, of tribal coastal claims, and the ceaseless shovelling of money to tribal coffers......

We New Zealanders need to take a ‘SICK’ break to recover from this ‘Waitangi virus’, so please join the nationwide protest by calling in ‘sick’ on Friday!

And if you are a business why not put a sign up on your door - “Due to unforeseen circumstances we are taking a ‘Waitangi National Sick Day’ and apologise for any inconvenience this may cause” - then head for the beach for some peaceful R&R!

Geoff Parker is a passionate advocate for equal rights and a colour blind society.


Anonymous said...

And Luxon and his cronies can’t or won’t admit there’s a huge racial problem in this and nothing to do with David Seymour’s Treaty Settlement Bill.

John Porter said...

And I am heartily sick of so called "politicians" who are aiding and abetting the ever widening division of our country.

Ray S said...

Good idea Geoff, head to the beach while its still legal to do so.

Anonymous said...

Great post Geoff.

Yes, time to stand up to all this maori nonsense.

Starting with your suggested sick day, and finishing with giving Luxon and his pandering mates a kick up the derrière.

robert arthur said...

Whether maori or not, it is called a m.d.o.

Barend Vlaardingerbroek said...

Robert, I looked up 'm.d.o.' on Google....... does that stand in this instance for Multi-Domain Operations or Mentally Disordered Offender?

RogerF said...

It beats me how anyone could call Waitangi Day a 'celebration'.

Hugh Jorgan said...

Damn, I've already applied for a days annual leave.
Barend - it stands for Maori day off ;-)

Robert arthur said...

Hi Barend. How long have you been in NZ? Every employer knew/knows what a m.d.o is.And from long before sick leave. Like a myriad other expressions (many admittedly more appropriate in the distant past) it is falling from use. I can catalogue many from my uncle who served in WW2. Very close relatives despite curiosity are averse to hear in case they accidntally drop in their absurdly PC workplaces.Hopefully some historian is recording. (pukarue, maori p.t.etc etc and some no historian today would venture.)

Kawena said...

Sign seen in a shop window: 'Due to lack of interest, today has been cancelled'. The shop had gone out of business, but doesn't that remind you of something?

Anonymous said...

Luxon’s speech today was lame; how proficient National has been settling claims, more claims settled than any other party and wait, David Seymour’s Bill is a dead duck. Same “old” but a different day. Catch phrases like “ Let’s get NZ back on track” and “Growing the economy” don’t resonate with the average Kiwi. Has he forgotten 40,000 Māori marched to Parliament.
What about the 300,000 who wrote to the Justice committee on the Treaty Principles Bill. Another brain fade by Luxon.

Barrie Davis said...

Geoff, I like the idea, but Friday is not a good day for me. That is traditionally my 'working from home' day (wink, wink). Monday is not good either because, as my doctor has correctly observed, I have a chronic recurring case of Mondayitis. Which leaves Tuesday; although I'm usually not up to much after such a long weekend, so I may as well be at 'work'. So let's do Wednesday. Wednesday is good for me, if I can be bothered.

anonymous said...

Let us see what the final count is - for and against the TP Bill. May be engineered to be 50/50.

Barrie Davis said...

Sorry Geoff, I misunderstood. I thought you were joking. Seriously though, if I did take Friday off sick, would I need to get a doctors' certificate, do you think?

Geoff Parker said...

Mr Davis, Yes, you are right :) >

Anonymous said...

Dear B.V. I hope you have read the post by Hugh Johnson, which sadly being an academic import you may not understand the context of the words - it is something that "white New Zealanders" have seen occur since February 1840.
The same when Maori seek Tangi leave -
I now see Robert Arthur has responded - worth a read B.V

Barend Vlaardingerbroek said...

Yeah, I saw them. I was just making a joke of the abbreviation from two of the expansions offered by Google. I thought the second one in particular might be appropriate...........