Yesterday’s first protest against the Waitangi Day annual charade, which called for people sick and tired of the aggression and lies to take a ‘sick day’ on Friday, was a magnificent success.
Thousands of Kiwis of all cultures and ages, were seen shaking off the Waitangi blues at the beach, strolling on walkways and parks, others were out playing golf or hitting the shops and cafes, and even some schools were closed! It was as if New Zealand was in revelry mode, the huge dark ‘Waitangi’ cloud had passed over for now…

Many were content to stay home and post on Social Media a few interesting quotes following:
M wrote > I am sick of hearing about the Treaty, I am sick of pretending tribes and sick of semi naked overweight men running around with lethal weapons.
A wrote > Time to dump Waitangi Day......the day of hate, verbal abuse, and division by maori radicals and replace it with New Zealand Day.
S wrote > Love it, great idea
K wrote > What a great idea. Let's shut NZ down tomorrow. All businesses. Including fuel stations. We might see a real hikoi
M wrote > That’s a brilliant idea.
J wrote > Now that sounds a brilliant idea,counter all the bullsh*t the ferals keep on doing. Lets finally stop this gravy train of greed & corruption.
R wrote > Good idea Geoff, head to the beach while its still legal to do so.
A wrote > Yes, time to stand up to all this maori nonsense. Starting with your suggested sick day, and finishing with giving Luxon and his pandering mates a kick up the derrière.
Even Tim Beveridge at NewstalkZB joined the mood: “But if I am honest - I'm kind of over it.....I think that many of us have just grown weary with the predictable news cycle around Waitangi..... once again, we're defined and divided by race - Pākehā vs Māori. And frankly? I'm bored with it..... I'm probably with most people - I'll just be looking out the window, hoping for sunshine, and asking: How's the weather looking?
For the wellbeing of the core population of New Zealand, especially the older folk, who find this treaty creep abhorrent, we should legislate ‘Waitangi National Sick Day’ a public holiday, the good folk deserve it after all the treaty BS they have silently endured during the past year - I must put a call into 'uncle' Donald and get this legislation actioned.
Geoff Parker is a passionate advocate for equal rights and a colour blind society.

Many were content to stay home and post on Social Media a few interesting quotes following:
M wrote > I am sick of hearing about the Treaty, I am sick of pretending tribes and sick of semi naked overweight men running around with lethal weapons.
A wrote > Time to dump Waitangi Day......the day of hate, verbal abuse, and division by maori radicals and replace it with New Zealand Day.
S wrote > Love it, great idea
K wrote > What a great idea. Let's shut NZ down tomorrow. All businesses. Including fuel stations. We might see a real hikoi
M wrote > That’s a brilliant idea.
J wrote > Now that sounds a brilliant idea,counter all the bullsh*t the ferals keep on doing. Lets finally stop this gravy train of greed & corruption.
R wrote > Good idea Geoff, head to the beach while its still legal to do so.
A wrote > Yes, time to stand up to all this maori nonsense. Starting with your suggested sick day, and finishing with giving Luxon and his pandering mates a kick up the derrière.
Even Tim Beveridge at NewstalkZB joined the mood: “But if I am honest - I'm kind of over it.....I think that many of us have just grown weary with the predictable news cycle around Waitangi..... once again, we're defined and divided by race - Pākehā vs Māori. And frankly? I'm bored with it..... I'm probably with most people - I'll just be looking out the window, hoping for sunshine, and asking: How's the weather looking?
For the wellbeing of the core population of New Zealand, especially the older folk, who find this treaty creep abhorrent, we should legislate ‘Waitangi National Sick Day’ a public holiday, the good folk deserve it after all the treaty BS they have silently endured during the past year - I must put a call into 'uncle' Donald and get this legislation actioned.
Geoff Parker is a passionate advocate for equal rights and a colour blind society.
Well said, Geoff and others.
Most of those comments would be my thoughts exactly.
This post promotes and encourages New Zealand workers to call in ‘sick’ on the Friday after Waitangi Day. To do so is unprofessional at best, possibly a sacking offence and could be illegal for all I know. To publish it is to facilitate a proposition which if followed would reduce the productivity of the New Zealand workforce. It is a subversive act by both author and publisher.
You are creating an image equivalent to the Looney Left and in so doing you are playing into the hands of the Treatyists. I suggest that you play it straight and give rational reasons for what you see is the problem with the Treaty.
Mr Davis, I will leave you to twist the treaty as you see fit, yadda yadda yadda on about what you believe the treaty says is a waste of time, IMHO, the maori takeover keeps snowballing while you prattle on, those with courage must take a stand and put pressure on the Nats.
I will not try to win you over as I am not a 'jerk whisperer' :)
While a rational debate might be desirable, the other side is not demonstrating this trait.
Indeed, the outrageous and largely invented arguments for separatism advanced by Maori and their supporters - and the often bizarre conduct of Luzon and National (including endless pandering to Iwi and refusal to allow a democratic referendum for all citizens) - could be described as irrational. Certainly both are dangerous.
Mr Davis, over many years, by many great authors the problem with the Treaty has been well truly explained with rational reasons, and have we made any headway? We have to do more than saw sawdust, we have to put the 'saw' down and get innovative, bold etc (but I guess that rules you out) if we are going to turn the good ship NZ around.
PS Further to my earlier comment on the logic of the Real Estate Authority, a quote from Rob MacCulloch in the BBH blog on economic recovery:
"It has emerged that property rights, the fundamental driver of economic growth, are thereby insecure in NZ, making it a terrible place to keep your money and invest."
My opine starts with reviewing the post (social media quote) - " I am sick of .. & sick of semi naked overweight men running around with lethal weapons" (end quote).
Now I would like to suggest, that we ask our ' beloved PM' to sanction the following -
" That all Maori Tribes are to surrender their weapons of war, that is those carried by hand during any and/all Haka's performed, as they are now considered to be a weapon of war".
Well if Jacinda A can " mandate that all automatic firearms had to be surrendered following the Mosque shootings " ( for which I
am reliably informed that many Maori males, who had such weapons in their homes, did not do so) - I am sure we can by Law remove those weapons that I have mentioned.
And I advance that the " required handover of all automatic weapons", as already mentioned, had more to that action, than was published at the time!
And my other opine, is to Barrie Davis (post @7.23AM 08.02.25) it is obvious that you are not aware of how " sudden sick days, or my aunt has died (or the cat), my car will not start, I rang Sue/Dick - and asked them to cover my shift, I am trying to get a Doctor's appointment" - is actually the daily norm in New Zealand.
Oh and I was out and about, on Friday, in my City, and the number of people who were suddenly on 'sick leave' (in coffee shops and elsewhere) was very impressive - which included large numbers of our NZ Maori brethren.
As always Geoff another " pearler ".
All very well to talk of going to the beach, or maybe going bush for the day? Both of which will be under at least some form of Maori control in the not too distant future given the appeasement proclivities of this Government. On the management of our conservation estates you only have days left to make a submission, and we all know what a cock-up National made with our coastlines.
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