
Wednesday, February 5, 2025

John Robertson: New Zealand’s Dirty Little Secret - Apartheid In The 21st Century

New Zealand has a dirty little secret, and it’s time we stop pretending otherwise. We have apartheid. Plain and simple. One racial group—out of 260-plus ethnicities in this country—is handed a separate set of laws, privileges, and political power while the rest of us are expected to shut up and pay for it.

You’re not supposed to say that, of course. No, you’re supposed to play along. Call it “partnership.” Call it “co-governance.” Call it anything except what it actually is—a blatant racial hierarchy enforced by law. And if you dare question it, you’ll be called a racist, a bigot, or some other meaningless insult designed to shut down debate.

But let’s be brutally honest: there is no justifying this system in 2025. Nobody is oppressed. Nobody is being colonized. Nobody is having their land stolen. And yet, a bloated legal framework ensures that one group gets special treatment while everyone else is forced to accept second-class status.

Preferential land rights. Exclusive government funding. Special fishing quotas. Reserved parliamentary seats. Race-based healthcare. Separate local governance structures. The list goes on. And no, this isn’t about “equity” or “historical grievances.” This is about locking in a racial privilege system that has no place in a modern democracy.

New Zealand politicians love to lecture us about “inclusion” and “equality,” yet they’ve spent decades enshrining laws that do the exact opposite. One law for all? Not here. Instead, we have a two-tiered system where your legal rights depend on who your ancestors were.

Most people see the problem. Most people talk about it—just never in public. They whisper about it at family gatherings, complain about it when no one is listening.

Because they know the moment they say it out loud, they’ll be labeled and attacked. But here’s the truth: If one race has more legal rights than another, that’s apartheid. There’s no hiding from that fact.

And here’s the legal framework that keeps it alive:

New Zealand Laws That Enforce Racial Privilege:

1. Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975

2. Māori Language Act 1987

3. Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 (Māori Land Act 1993)

4. Māori Television Service (Te Aratuku Whakaata Irirangi Māori) Act 2003

5. Māori Language Act 2016

6. Ngāi Tahu Claims Settlement Act 1998

7. Tūhoe Claims Settlement Act 2014

8. Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011

9. Resource Management Act 1991

10. Local Government Act 2002

11. Fisheries Act 1996

12. Conservation Act 1987

13. Education Act 1989

14. Public Health and Disability Act 2000

15. Crown Forest Assets Act 1989

16. Māori Purposes Act 1951

17. Māori Trustee Act 1953

18. Waitangi Day Act 1976

19. Haka Ka Mate Attribution Act 2014

20. Māori Fisheries Act 2004

21. Māori Commercial Aquaculture Claims Settlement Act 2004

22. Māori Reserved Land Act 1955

23. Māori Trust Boards Act 1955

24. Māori Affairs Restructuring Act 1989

25. Māori Community Development Act 1962

26. Māori Housing Act 1935

27. Māori Social and Economic Advancement Act 1945

28. Māori Welfare Act 1962

29. Māori Women's Welfare League Act 1962

30. Māori Soldiers Trust Act 1957

31. Māori War Effort Organization Act 1945

32. Māori Education Foundation Act 1961

33. Māori Language Commission Act 1987

34. Māori Language Strategy Act 2003

35. Māori Television Service Act 2003

36. Māori Language (Te Reo Māori) Act 2016

37. Māori Land Amendment and Māori Land Claims Adjustment Act 1926

38. Māori Land Settlement Act 1905

39. Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Act 2022

40. Local Government (Electoral Legislation and Māori Wards and Māori Constituencies) Amendment Act 2024

This needs to end. No more excuses. No more cowardice. If New Zealand wants to be a real democracy, then it’s time to abolish race-based laws and embrace the principle of one law for all.

John Robertson is a patriotic New Zealander who frequently posts on Facebook


anonymous said...

The argument often heard at the Select Committee on the TP Bill is that the future governance of NZ must be decided by the original Treaty partners ( Iwi and Parliament for the Crown). The NZ people have no right to express their voice/preference via a referendum.
Their role is to pay for Treaty settlements in perpetuity.
Unless this is challenged, tribal rule and 3rd world status are certain.

Allen Heath said...

As hellish as this abhorrent list is, you have to have grudging admiration for the descendants of a stone-age peoples who have managed, through the lack of effort from gutless politicians, and the anti-intellectualism of a moronic support cast, been able to provide such an advantage for themselves while the rest of us sleep-walk to apartheid. There should be outrage, followed by revolution, but all that will happen is that self-interested, cowardly politicians (who have the power to make change) will do nothing. They will fall to their knees and lean forward to be royally shafted by the micro-maori, activist elite. The rest of us can only write our polemics and hope that at the next election, some semblance of opposition will come into play and vote out the deplorables.

Anonymous said...

While we were sleeping or distracted by “the bread and circuses”, our ‘democratically elected representatives’ have quietly gone about the business of introducing apartheid into our country, handing over our assets and throwing billions of taxpayers’ dollars at a minority.
And all this curtesy of a false, fake, fraudulent “English version” of the treaty of Waitangi, printed by order of the House of Commons, 1st May, 1841, and taken to be the “true version” of the said treaty, even though it did not agree with the original native version, and which had been designated by Hobson as one page of a two page document he named “Maunsell's make-do Maori language treaty”.

Allen Heath said...

Following my earlier comment it brought to mind Dylan Thomas' poem about his father's death in which he wrote: "rage, rage against the dying of the light". If we are not careful we could be presiding over the death of common sense and democracy and we could write: "rage, rage against the dying of the right".

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, the march to an ethnocracy continues. Our politicians enable it, or judiciary skew it, and our legacy media aid and abet - all the while the average Kiwi seems either complacent, apathetic, or ignorant - or all of the above.

Anonymous said...

Secret? If anyone hasn't realized this by now they must have been living under a rock.

What I find interesting is how vehement all the media, churches, Labour Party and other liberals were against apartheid in the 1980s, yet they are the very ones trying to introduce it here. One would hope that the UN, IOC, International Rugby Union and others would bring the same sanctions against NZ as they did against South Africa, but I the rule seems to be that racism is OK as long as it isn't committed by a honky.

Kiwialan said...

And the ignorant sheeple gleefully take their te reo and kapa haka classes. They deserve what they get. A minority of us have been fighting against this crap since the 1990s but the majority thought " it didn't concern us " so are now reaping the rewards of their apathy. Kiwialan.

Doug Longmire said...

You have hit the nail right on the head, John.
Welcome to New Zimbabwe in the South Pacific !

Anonymous said...

Thank you for saying what must be said. Its time the political and Marxist hand wringers stopped pushing the barrow for Maori. Our government is not in partnership with this sector of society. Parliament have the only right to govern. He iwi tahi tatou. End of.

mudbayripper said...

Article third

In return for the cession of their Sovreignty [sic] to the Queen, the people of New Zealand shall be protected by the Queen of England and the rights and privileges of British subjects will be granted to them.

Signed, William Hobson

Consul and Lieut. Governor.

He iwi tahi tatou - we are one people".

Anonymous said...

If we are one people, we must be suffering from a big dose of schizophrenia coupled with dissociative identity disorder (previously called multiple personality disorder). Either that or I'm dealing with PTSD from all this apartheid.

Anonymous said...

Well it is becoming obvious that the only way out of this is to get all of NZ voting ACT. 2 terms should do it. Anything less and people will just keep leaving. Its time to give a new party a go. NOTHING is ever going to change if we dont change.

Anonymous said...

If it comes to a civil war, and Trump intervenes, he is likely (as per his Gaza type comments) to back the non Maori with troops, and relocate all Maori to the Chathams.
Or perhaps Antarctica, as they also claim they discovered that in about 700 AD, and as therefore indigenous to Antarctica ?

This absurd nonsense has to stop - are you listening Luxon ?

Basil Walker said...

40 Ministeries and specific pieces legisltion as shown in this excellent essay that induce apartheid is madness and frankly sedition.
New Zealand cannot fiscally afford and cannot progress with a handbrake as severe as apartheid and PM Luxon has to step aside .
The fact PM Luxon will not allow the Treaty Principles Bill to proceed and enable a referendum is tantamount to treason .