Michael Laws Criticises Ngāi Tahu’s Water Management Plan on The Platform.

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Writer and former broadcaster Michael Laws, who served as an MP and Mayor, is now a councillor on the Otago Regional Council, and talkback host on The Platform.
National has a problem. They don’t seem to know why they were elected. It is bizarre. After six years in charge, Labour had stuffed up the c...
What a coincidence that PM Luxon chose to spend Waitangi weekend at Akaroa Marae , presumably with Ngai Tahu leaders and representatives.
We can understand now why Luxon is trying to squash the Treaty Principles Bill .
The NZ Attorney General should immediately give evidence against the Court case because it is racist and contrary to the NZ Bill of Rights .
NZ desperately needs a TRUMP style exeutive orderr immediately to just cancel all the Maori seats , 40 Maori Ministeries and Waitangi tribunal.
Enough is Enough .
A takeover - pure and simple. Facilitated by National and Luxon. Enough!
The old Three Waters/He Puapua grift is alive and well. Indeed, it's interesting that Luxon should spend Waitangi with Ngai Tahu. This is unacceptable and needs to be canned - immediately!
Luxon is naive in the extreme and having given away all NZers rights continuing on with Labour’s He PuaPua, will simply walk away when it suits him. He needs to go before causing any more damage to racial relations and the economy.
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