Buckle up, it looks like I might agree with a trade union.
CTU policy director Craig Renney is worried about the same thing I am, and I think he is right to be worried.
What he is worried about is the possibility that we will become a net exporter of population.
Oh the irony that as an exporting nation, one of the growth industries is people.
If you have followed the migration story these past few years a couple of large, and some would argue alarming, things have happened:
1) A huge number of people arrived.
2) A huge number of people have left.
Things are sort of starting to settle. The arrival numbers are tailing off.
But the departure numbers, although not breaking records the way they were, are still large.
The key part of that numeric equation is we are at a tipping point. It is more than possible that if the arrival numbers drop just a bit more, but the departure bit doesn’t stop, we will have more people leaving than arriving.
We will be a net exporter of people.
The really scary thing about that is the one in, one out idea isn't in and of itself a good thing if the “out” is a brain surgeon and the “in” is an uber driver.
The overall picture, i.e. a shrinking population, is a disaster as well because for every person who thought too many arrived and they had no houses etc, having a shrinking population is as bad, if not worse.
Reputationally it's catastrophic. We are the country no one wants to live in. That's not normally a portrait of a robust, successful, prosperous nation, is it?
What it says is those looking to move here don’t fancy it. They pick somewhere else.
In the meantime, those already here look to leave for brighter, more appealing pastures.
We are the ugly girl in the corner of the school dance.
It’s a reminder, as if we needed it, that this country has a series of problems of size and severity that we have not faced in many a long decade.
Mike Hosking is a New Zealand television and radio broadcaster. He currently hosts The Mike Hosking Breakfast show on NewstalkZB on weekday mornings - where this article was sourced.
If you have followed the migration story these past few years a couple of large, and some would argue alarming, things have happened:
1) A huge number of people arrived.
2) A huge number of people have left.
Things are sort of starting to settle. The arrival numbers are tailing off.
But the departure numbers, although not breaking records the way they were, are still large.
The key part of that numeric equation is we are at a tipping point. It is more than possible that if the arrival numbers drop just a bit more, but the departure bit doesn’t stop, we will have more people leaving than arriving.
We will be a net exporter of people.
The really scary thing about that is the one in, one out idea isn't in and of itself a good thing if the “out” is a brain surgeon and the “in” is an uber driver.
The overall picture, i.e. a shrinking population, is a disaster as well because for every person who thought too many arrived and they had no houses etc, having a shrinking population is as bad, if not worse.
Reputationally it's catastrophic. We are the country no one wants to live in. That's not normally a portrait of a robust, successful, prosperous nation, is it?
What it says is those looking to move here don’t fancy it. They pick somewhere else.
In the meantime, those already here look to leave for brighter, more appealing pastures.
We are the ugly girl in the corner of the school dance.
It’s a reminder, as if we needed it, that this country has a series of problems of size and severity that we have not faced in many a long decade.
Mike Hosking is a New Zealand television and radio broadcaster. He currently hosts The Mike Hosking Breakfast show on NewstalkZB on weekday mornings - where this article was sourced.
The medicine for the cure is pretty unpleasant and yet to come.
National have been dithering about and the patient is getting sicker.
There needs to be wholesale retrenchment of PSA staff whose numbers exploded during covid.
Govt debt needs to come down significantly.
People see no future in NZ, recession after recession and no future job prospects. Why stay?
Take the medicine Mr Luxon, get on with it before it’s too late
Last one out, please turn off the lights!
'We are the ugly girl in the corner of the school dance.' More like the poor girl with no self-esteem behind the bike shed, happy for any sort of attention, even the worst kind.
Can we really blame young (and not so young) New Zealanders leaving in the face of the tsunami of cultural, climate and social chaos.....every day there are whingers from every sector bemoaning their special rights, their climate cultist beliefs or their victmhood of everything from colonialism to some form of dysphoria.
We have weak political backbone that seems through inaction (and sometime proaction of the stupid and unsustainable) that supports the BS and a MSM that suppresses facts and promotes historical untruth, lies and are complicit in almost every aspect of the above.
New Zealand was once a #8 wire, we can do, common sense prevails country now we are found in almost every OECD measure as an almost 3rd word country with a growing apartheid and a political and social cohesion about to fall apart.....
Yes those people coming are coming from places like NZ is becoming but it is still to them slightly better, those leaving are leaving to places where maybe they can find their way without having to be treated (and daily told) as 2nd class citizens in the country they were born in.
You ain't seen nothing yet mike! Wait until labour and the gangs form a govt in 2026, thanks in part to Luxon's extraordinary weakeness. Once kiwis realise they no longer have a liberal democracy, and tepati set up a commissioner to veto parliament, there will not be enough planes or enough airports to help escaping kiwis. If we are not allowed a referendum to restore equslity, then surely we should get british citizenship back like hong kong did when it was handed back to china.
Who can pretend to be surprised?
Will it get to a civil war stage, with Kiwis taking up arms before Luxon acts ?
If thd Maori Party can suggest a similar revolution to gain power, why can't the bulk of the population do the same ?
How many Kiwis are going to leave NZ permanently soon, selling their possessions for a fair price before Maori take them compulsorily without compensation - like South Africa ?
Nevermind, the invertebrate, Luxon will still continue with the same 'growth' rhetoric, ignoring the decline of our country and when it finally hits the fan, he'll move on like Ardern and seek out his 'A' lister pals in the UN & WEF. There is none so blind as those. ..
Sorry Mike. A small correction to your comment. -"The really scary thing about that is the one in, one out idea isn't in and of itself a good thing if the “out” is a brain surgeon and the “in” is a 501 deportee from Australia"
It staggers me that politicians have allowed the situation to develop. In matters of immigration they seem incapable of thinking ahead. I can recall a previous period when rental agents were not interested in a relatively cheap Auckland rental I owned; they already had a myriad empty properties. The only merit of mass immigration is that it helps to politically counter the fast multiplying of the trace maori community, avidly encouraged through the for maori by maori practitioners. We do not need myriads more of low skill citizens. Many other immigrants only ever intended NZ as a stepping stone to pastures better. Many have come from countries with racial and political conflict. The rapidly increasing maori domination and insurgency must be very unsettling. Of course many of the more able leave. And able kiwis dare not express criticism of the maori control juggernaut for fear of the cancellation so masterfully perfected by maori. Easier to go somewhere in touch with the 21st century, and more politically settled.
Reluctantly, this also needs saying. Looking at the problems being experienced by Sweden, England and other European countries, allowing much Muslim immigration will be a very bad idea.
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