
Saturday, February 1, 2025

Sir Roger Douglas: New Zealand's Retirement Pension

Michael Littlewood’s ‘Guest Post’ for David Farrar on pensions, and his belief that our social welfare system is fit for purpose and doesn’t need change, reminded me of why New Zealand is currently well on the way to bankruptcy, and why our brightest young people are leaving the country in droves.

It all started in earnest when Sir Robert Muldoon and the National party in 1976, voted in one of the most generous retirement pension systems anywhere in the world, if not the most generous. They did so without voting in the taxes needed to pay for such a generous scheme.

They got the support of those who benefited in the immediate future (10-20 years) 

without any of the kickback they should have got from the majority of taxpayers.


It was a strictly a win-win situation as far the National party and their state welfare politicians were concerned. They simply did not care about future retirees, like today’s, who instead of retiring with the million dollars+ in investment capital they would have received under Labor’s NZ Superannuation scheme of 1975, retire with very little, if anything at all. 


It was and still is, a strictly lose-lose situation: for the country, and for today’s taxpayers, who are faced with an increase in government welfare expenditure of more than 8% of GDP over the next 40 years ($120,000 million or $40,000+ in extra taxes per worker). 


That this disastrous situation will come about, unless something is done about it, or NZ’s growth rate improves in a spectacular manner to overcome the inevitable, has been known for more than 30 years (See Act’s 1994 paper ‘Commonsense for a Change’ & Treasury’s unofficial 2004 paper on Health, for example).


This dire situation has happened because politicians like Muldoon (Pensions), Clark (Health & Education), Key (Pensions, Government Debt), and Ardern (who simply left it to her Minister of Finance to spend as much as he could), all believed winning power for themselves was more important than looking after NZ’s future. They never asked themselves the one simple question that really matters “Why am I in politics?”


Unlike squirrels, who have the good sense to store nuts so they have food when they need it, New Zealands’ politicians over the last 60-70 years have encouraged people to spend everything they have without looking to the future, because ‘we will look after you’.




For the last 50 years we have effectively set NZ on a path to bankruptcy, beginning with Muldoon’s unfunded super scheme, continued by Clark with her policies on health (which increased spending by billions of dollars and reduced productivity dramatically at the same time), and accelerated by Ardern, whose well-meaning but poorly thought-out solutions to poverty, and inexcusable centralization of power, led to the spending of billions of dollars with nothing to show for it. 


This abject mismanagement is perhaps seen most clearly in the welfare state, where, for at least 80 years, the poor in NZ have been used as an excuse by politicians of all parties to increase their power, rendering those in need more dependent upon them instead of lifting them up, treating them with respect, and empowering and enriching them.


We urgently need to move away from our current welfare system - one that traps people into dependency - to one that makes people independent, and in the process creates a better society. 


To achieve this, we need to cast aside the widely held assumption that if the government spends more of tax-payers money on healthcare, welfare and education, things will get better. Sadly, the evidence of the last 80 years, not only in New Zealand but across the western world, is that this approach generally makes things worse.


People like Michael Littlewood, who want social welfare pensions and other programs to stay the same, should instead heed the words of Thomas Sowell, the respected American economist and economic historian, who advises us to direct our anger at those politicians and their advisors, “who were irresponsible enough to set up costly programs without putting enough money aside to pay for the promises that were made—promises that now cannot be kept, regardless of which political party controls the government.”


Sowell further notes, “Someone needs to say to those who want social security and Medicare to continue unchanged, ‘Don’t you understand? The money is not there anymore’...The way social security was set up was so financially shaky that anyone who set up a similar retirement scheme in the private sector could be sent to prison for fraud. But you can’t send a whole congress (parliament) to prison, however much they deserve it.”


In my view, Sowell is telling people the truth, while Littlewood merely tells people what they want to hear. In so doing, he and his supporters are robbing the young of their futures in New Zealand. 


Little wonder then, that so many of so many of them are packing up and leaving our shores.

Sir Roger Douglas is a retired New Zealand politician, economist and accountant who served as a minister in two Labour governments.


Anonymous said...

We should follow the Australian pension system, which is very successful and already proven.
It would however mean NZ will have to totally redesign taxation policies and this will leave glaring holes in the budget.
This is why the head stays stuck in the sand. Politicians are too afraid to tackle the issue bar David Seymour.

Anonymous said...

The Opal File - The Round Table - a 20 year history in brief is an interesting read.

anonymous said...

In today's world, NZ could be another Singapore - if its government wanted this outcome and facilitated the required pathway.
Instead, successive governments ( whatever their persuasion) bow to tribalism and a world of 2 centuries ago.
The result? Go figure.

Madame Blavatsky said...

When the political system requires popularity to win elections (and so nothing too unpopular, even if necessary, become a policy), and when there is no consequence whatsoever when these same elected leaders leave politics (no matter how badly they've mismanaged things), the inevitable result is a situation like NZ, and most of the "democratic" West finds itself facing.

Anonymous said...

A good 'cover' story...fairytale...the truth is that is that is Holyoake had not made a deal with the IMF who came here with oodles of money to secure a piece of 'the action' in NZ. We would not be in the mess we are in now. Their 'deal' money for 49% of NZ taxpayers assets. Payday 1986 hence Constitution Act 1986/87+Amendments and Rogernomics, yep Rogered by Roger and Palmer. Our Taxpayer owned assets would have paid for pension in our excellent circular economy that we enjoyed. The envy of the world.

Anonymous said...

On it.

Anonymous said...

Agree Anon 1.18.
Yes and an agenda no one was told of.

Anonymous said...

Rodger Douglas, the minister who convinced the government to tax people's food.

Anonymous said...

NZ will never be another Singapore, either in education, health or any other area. Simply because our population want to live in the past, want the Govt to do everything for them and want to be perpetual victims. Compare Singapores peoples attitude to life with ours. They want to succeed in life, learn things to their best ability and are forward looking. We cannot compete with that unless we get rid of the handicap that is the TOW, and look to the future, not live in the past

Brian said...

I am surprised Muriel put Douglas' clap trap on her site. Douglas followed by Richardson destroyed NZ's industrial base. Douglas removed all protection in the name of closing inefficient business and doing what we are good at. He never told us what we were good at. I believe Douglas name crops up in the Opal files. Douglas encouraged dairy farming as an economy, now look at the pollution.
National cancelled the new ferries because there is no money. NZ broke. I dread what the replacements will be.
There are only two ways to save the NZ economy from here.
1. State owned oil like Norway who now has a sovereign fund of $1.6 trillion. Not an error. Firstly NZ has to buy out OMV.
2. Reindustrialise and aim for much more self-sufficiency.
Note. The Treaty settlements will have to be clawed back and invested into NZ for everyone.
We will have to follow the National Socialist model of creating our own bank and investing into our economy. Germany had an advantage in that they had industry. We dont, yet.
NZ imports fish and chip paper from Sweden. How twisted is that?
With the right leadership we could turn NZ around.
Can anyone suggest a suitable leader and support team??