
Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Denis Hall: Did you watch TV One News tonight?

My name is Denis Hall. I was born in New Zealand almost 81 years ago to European parents - also both born here - as were their parents and grandparents before them. We were pioneers.

On the day I was born my father was training to serve in the Army for this country in World War Two - and as a result of that Hitler decided it was an auspicious day to invade Russia.

Oh - and my mother tongue happens to be ENGLISH - with a touch of French and Irish back in the day.

If I were to consider learning another language - it would be French - or Chinese. I can already speak Irish - especially if I’m in an Irish mood.

I must be a cunning linguist.

I would like to learn French because I love the sound of it - and would love to be able to speak it - and know how to speak through my nose just like the French do ….. Oh bugger - is that racist to say that?

...... And Chinese because my wife is Chinese - and she is just lovely - and English is her second language - and if she wanted me to learn Chinese - I would absolutely make the effort - but she is much more interested in learning better ENGLISH herself.

So as it is - I’m not even remotely interested in learning Maori - never have been and never will be - and apparently that means I really am a racist. Given the numbers of Maori who say they cannot conduct an everyday conversation in Maori - most people of the Maori persuasion cannot speak Maori either - so apparently, I’m in good company - or maybe they are racists like me.

But clearly - if tonight’s TV One News and Propaganda Vomitorium is anything to go by - (Propaganda with a capital ‘P’) - me not having any interest in learning Maori - makes me a sure fire racist all day long - and I should have a slogan tattooed on my forehead and be put in a camp with no way of changing my underwear - and be brainwashed and re-educated.


But you know - all you Labor supporters - it’s difficult to teach an old dog like me new tricks - because my head is so filled up with all the old tricks fighting to get out and see the light of day.

Well - this is what I think about all that. If you agree with me - feel free to cut and paste this to anywhere - while freedom of speech is by a wafer slim margin - still permitted here in New Zealand. In fact - print it on the Prime Minister’s office printer if you like and leave it on her desk.

How’s your imagination? If it’s functioning - try this.

Imagine if the Maori Language was the mother tongue of all New Zealanders - including all Maori - and all the Europeans who have been here for generations speak it - instead of the sad reality that most Maori actually learn ENGLISH at their mother’s knee - and don’t even learn Maori as a second language.

That makes English their mother tongue as well - and with it they can conduct conversation in most of the nations of the world - and they can indulge themselves in the world’s greatest gatherings of literature and knowlege.

Speaking in Maori - almost anywhere - not so much really - but let’s ignore that because it’s politically incorrect.

But please - try to imagine if it were the other way around. All the newspapers and legal documents and school books would be written in Maori. Lectures in Aotearoan Universities would all be in Maori. Maori speakers would teach English to Asian students for money - and all our Asian shop keepers would speak Maori with a difficult accent.

Your doctor would speak Maori - and he would know Maori medicalese. Menus in restaurants would all be in Maori - and beggars would have signs written on the side of a cardboard box in Maori saying how hard up they are. Road signs would all be in Maori - as would all brochures for new cars - and all movies shown in New Zealand would either be in Maori or have Maori subtitles - and maybe all the Beatles songs would have been translated into Maori - and Freddy Mercury would do a rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody in Maori - with pois.

Have you got that imagination working yet?

People generally would strive to speak and write Maori well - and English if they bothered to learn it would be their second language and not so important. Everything written on the side of busses would be in Maori - and most European New Zealanders - presumably - would not bother learning English - because well - why bother?

What’s the Maori words for language lessons? Would they be on everyone’s lips?

So now imagine - its 2030 in this Maori speaking Aotearoa-ist environment - and the Chinese (government) in their push to take over the Pacific Islands - had managed to take over New Zealand already - because we were looking the other way - and a huge number of Chinese began arriving here - none of whom could speak Maori.

The first order of Chinese business would be to force the population to learn Chinese - so we could all understand their Propaganda - and what all these new people arriving in their thousands on our shores - were talking about.

Their first move might be to take a leaf out of Jacinda and Mahuta’s book - and force feed the Chinese language through the mass media.

TV News Readers would be forced to introduce all News segments usually spoken in the common tongue of Maori - with a Chinese phrase. Chinese words would be substituted where ever they thought they could get away with it. It would sound like gobbledygook - but would soon become familiar to the avid TV and radio audience - but most of them still wouldn’t know what it all actually meant.

People would say; - “We are just going to end up speaking a hybrid language” - and I need to ask you; would that be a racist thing to say? But wouldn’t it also be racist to try and force us all to speak Chinese?

Remember - in historic reality - the Chinese government made the learning of Mandarin compulsory - when hundreds of millions of Chinese spoke Cantonese. In the fifties the children at school were not permitted to speak Cantonese - and if their parents didn't make the effort and encourage them - they were in trouble too - because the government had made Mandarin compulsory.

Are we on the same journey do we think? Totalitairianism on our horizon too? And will we say something that disagrees with all that - or will we be afraid of being called a racist?

Can we really have this both ways? Be forced to talk about it - but say the wrong thing and its racist. It’s racist if we do - and racist if we don’t.

It's racist if we have the wrong nuance?

So really - put your hard working imagination aside for a moment - and ask yourself; - “Have we really thought about what it means to force another language on an unwilling population - and into the guts of the mother tongue of the People?

What about the human right to have OUR LANGUAGE respected?

Does that only count if the language to be respected is - NOT ENGLISH?

What would it it be like - to be forced to carry the Chinese language to the masses - against the will or the need of the people.

We have to remember - that the Chinese language is spoken by billions of people - and Maori language is not even spoken by 50,000.

As a last word I say the following: If people wanted to learn the Maori Language - then they would learn it - but by shoe-horning it into the Mother Tongue - thereby polluting both languages - aren’t we demonstrating in a most graphic way - that the creepy labor green government has given up trying to encourage people to learn it - or teach it voluntarily - and are now trying to force feed it to the masses?

It feels like forced language lessons to me - and I am offended by what they are doing to my precious language - my mother tongue - a language that I love and learn and value and that I communicate in through all of my life. I rely on it. It is mine and I own it - and I am entitled to use it and hear it in its purest form.

If one thing has to be put on the back of another to have it survive - then the word parasite comes to mind.

Denis Hall describes himself as an old man and an artist - a thinker - a writer - and a commentator. He does what he does - for the love of it.


Robert Arthur said...

The money poured into cultivation of the stone age hobby language is quite absurd. As a person always frugal it is irksome to see my considerable taxes fritterd in this way. NZ is not noted for high productivity and now we have the added burden of constant language obfuscation. Especially sad is the effort devoted by able teachers to instill every day working English into children brought up immersed in the stone age language. Meanwhile our maths, English and science is declining rapidly. Maori now seenms to ba a prerequisite to work for RNZ. Even Kim Hill is currently wasting her considerable intellect learning it. I rather hope she totally masters it and can then run rings around some of the stumbling trace maori. I trust Luxon' learning is a sop and does not indicate alignment with current maori demands.

Anonymous said...

My Body. My Mind. My Autonamy. My Sovereignty. My Freedom is MY KIWI IDENTITY. I won't be force-fed this 'be kind' of Govt crap that is devious & racist & seeks to divide by an obscure litmus charter that affects each & every one of us. 🙂

CXH said...

What we are actually creating is a new pidgin language. Not te reo or english, but some abomination in the middle. Our future generations will think they can speak english but the rest of the world won't understand them.

Charles said...

When Europeans arrived in New Zealand they came from a society with paper, a written language, magnificent buildings of stone, paintings, sculptures and noble wooden ships to sail around the world in. They had pretty much abandoned the habit of beating each other about the head with lumps of stone and eating the contents-unlike what was found to be the practise here. Their language was rich in descriptive phrases and steeped in words for practical everyday things like glass, windows, doors, roofs-concepts unknown to the savages that occupied this country. I have mused for some time on who it is that takes English words and mangles them into a semblance of what sounds like Maori language.It appears to be an insult to English. Without it having been accomplished, Maori would be a thin language indeed, resembling 'pidgin english' to a laughable extent.

MC said...

I wonder if little Willie Wonker and his bonkers cadre of gormless racists even begin to comprehend the damage they're doing? Mention one word in Maori on a jobsite and you're greeted with taunts, jeers & worse. Never before have I witnessed such reaction to all matters pertinent to Maori. Such a shame.

Janine said...

Most people who have any brain cells left can no longer tolerate our MSM tv channels. I have not watched for a couple of years.Sky news australia gives a good perspective of world affairs....and it's always in English.

Do those who keep watching our channels, constantly moaning about them, realise they are the very people who are enabling these organisations to exist?

Stop watching, the advertisers will disappear, the media will become virtually toothless. You will be much happier and better informed seeking alternative news outlets.

RAYMONDO said...

It is an affront and it is a bastardisation of English that is being perpetrated on NZ population via the State Broadcaster. It is 1884 come to life. It is English that has advanced learning, science, all progress that is not communistic in other words DEMOCRACY. This govt. is the worst govt. we have ever had and is stealing our heritage daily. What are you going to do about it?

Anonymous said...

the funniest remark i heard recently is that maori 'leaders' are disappointed that non-maori has registering for maori language courses. they actually want maori to learn maori first, but looks like non-maori have more time and money to take up all the slots in such courses. once again, it seems tow is being violated... damned if you do, damned if you don't!

perhaps it is time for govt to create separate maori maori language authority (to teach maoti to maori) and nz maori language authority (to teach maori to non-maori) - we could easily replicate the model using health, education, law policies being planned...

AprilGuy said...

Agree 100 per cent. Watching the reporters and anchors compete in the use of Maori words is sickening. I don't like the sound of the language at all (does that make me racist?) Ramming it down our throats will only result in ill feeling.