Look at her expression. She cannot hide her smug.
And there's this!
On May 26 2022 - our esteemed Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern went to Harvard University in the USA to receive an Honouree Doctorate of something or other. They plonked a fancy hat on her head that was representative of that honour - and the coveted robes of office were ceremoniously placed around her shoulders.

Everyone cheered. Yaaaaay!
On May 26 2022 - our esteemed Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern went to Harvard University in the USA to receive an Honouree Doctorate of something or other. They plonked a fancy hat on her head that was representative of that honour - and the coveted robes of office were ceremoniously placed around her shoulders.

Everyone cheered. Yaaaaay!
She responded to that singular honour - offered by one of the most respected Intellectual institutions on the planet - an actual globally recognised centre of European knowledge and teaching - by performing an act of hypocrisy at a level so contemptuous -that apparently the global media could not even see it.
But I saw it immediately!
And of course in New Zealand we were gushing so much that we couldn’t see the fancy Robes of that office for the Maori Cloak she immediately had put over the top of it. And of course neither could the Harvard people respond to it - because it was all too far advanced by then - and her contempt was in their faces.
And of course everyone there and here wallowed in the most obvious act of collective virtue signaling I have ever seen.
They would not have known what to do in the face of such contempt - because I dare say they had never been confronted with contempt and arrogance on that scale before.
Then standing there - in the heart of Democracy and free speech (apparently) - she launched into a speech about curbing free speech - and openly displayed her contempt for free speech and people who don't share her left wing Marxist views.
So BY CONTRAST - we in New Zealand need to imagine the furore we would see if at a Maori or governmental presentation in New Zealand - that involved the presentation of a Maori Cloak - offered to some foreigner - and that foreigner chose to throw an academic robe over the top of the Maori cloak they had just been ‘gifted’ with - what would happen then?
People would be tearing the carpet up with their teeth and smashing the furniture to bits to make weapons to attack the recipient for delivering such an insult.
Am I the only one who can see this?
Truth again - sorry - can’t help it - it is all I know.
But I saw it immediately!
And of course in New Zealand we were gushing so much that we couldn’t see the fancy Robes of that office for the Maori Cloak she immediately had put over the top of it. And of course neither could the Harvard people respond to it - because it was all too far advanced by then - and her contempt was in their faces.
And of course everyone there and here wallowed in the most obvious act of collective virtue signaling I have ever seen.
They would not have known what to do in the face of such contempt - because I dare say they had never been confronted with contempt and arrogance on that scale before.
Then standing there - in the heart of Democracy and free speech (apparently) - she launched into a speech about curbing free speech - and openly displayed her contempt for free speech and people who don't share her left wing Marxist views.
So BY CONTRAST - we in New Zealand need to imagine the furore we would see if at a Maori or governmental presentation in New Zealand - that involved the presentation of a Maori Cloak - offered to some foreigner - and that foreigner chose to throw an academic robe over the top of the Maori cloak they had just been ‘gifted’ with - what would happen then?
People would be tearing the carpet up with their teeth and smashing the furniture to bits to make weapons to attack the recipient for delivering such an insult.
Am I the only one who can see this?
Truth again - sorry - can’t help it - it is all I know.
Denis Hall describes himself as an old man and an artist - a thinker - a writer - and a commentator. He does what he does - for the love of it.
Dennis, good on you.
You are right to point it out.
It is shocking and the fact that no one bar you has expressed publicly that shock, warns us how far the Ardern agenda has already encroached.
People do see. You are not alone.
I missed it because I’ve stopped looking closely.
Maybe a wake up call to us all to keep observing and understanding even when we feel overwhelmed.
Together, we can push back.
Keep up the good work.
you are correct 100% - the arrogance was in plain light, she is so full of herself she didn't give a moments thought as to where she was and the respect that should have been shown, it was another opportunity to force her control over an audience...
She is the true narcissist at work...shameful
Love your work Denis
Well said, Dennis.
And you are quite right - the hypocrisy is glaringly obvious. Ardern does hypocrisy quite well.
And Yes, we all know that the woke would scream in outrage if a Maori cloak was instantly covered over like this.
those institutions, as with pretty much everything else that used to stand for something, have been taken over, this kind of virtue signaling is already part of the culture.
the important take away here is that she has done such an excellent job selling us down the river that they gave her this dishonorable dictorate!
JA came up through the socialist youth movement and the western worlds cabinets are filled with these people and products of the WEF youth programs, just ask Klaus, he has said this plainly.
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