The gangs welcome Jacinda home
Saturday, June 4, 2022
Garrick Tremain: Wonder woman returns
Labels: Gangs, Garrick Tremain, Jacinda ArdernThe gangs welcome Jacinda home
New Zealand is now reaping the consequences of the misguided appeasement strategy adopted by successive governments when dealing with the g...
Bloody brilliant
Sadly, the truth...
I don't understand the fuss about ram raids and drive by shootings. Maori have been exhorted for years to imagine decolonisation and that is what the gangs are doing. Raids on other tribes and blatant inter tribal warfare. With its guarantee of chiefly authority seems to me the ToW clearly justifies gang structures whereas it requires great imagination to read into it the recently contrived co governance concept.
Despite these observations, any day soon the Tribunal will likely find that ram raids and drive by shootings are somehow a product of colonisation and will need a maori based organisation to redirect their activities. A great chance to rally them against the traditional established state in the fight for separatism.
I had a friend (RIP) who was full blooded Maori who told me that if the Europeans had not come to New Zealand Maori would still be fighting and eating each other.WOW
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