
Monday, October 10, 2022

Clive Bibby: Where to next

After a successful campaign led by Senior Stuff columnists and even our own local taxpayer funded democracy reporter to rid the country of the resident evil that is disinformation perpetrators, it will be interesting to see what next is the subject of their righteous crusade. 

I could name a few smouldering issues that are, not only worthy of close scrutiny but, unlike the above alternative thinkers, actually a real threat to our democracy and should be exposed as such before we begin on a path from which we will not recover. 
Here is my pick for top of list needing immediate attention. 

I am talking about the distorted version including blatant lies that is being promoted as the truth about our National history. Already, on a daily basis we must endure the mis representation of what actually happened all those years ago and it is allowed to go unchallenged by those in authority or with the capability to point out the inconsistencies in this flawed narrative. 

The most common individual example of this recurring myth and the one, for obvious reasons sanctioned and encouraged by the Government and all the left wing media outlets, is the disastrous effects of Colonialism on the Maori race. 

We are being told by all and sundry that the Maori are in a continual state of suffering from the deliberate suppression by colonial military forces and betrayal by successive governments that followed the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840. 

If only it were true!

Instead the facts show that Colonisation was the one thing that saved Maoridom from self annihilation. Priori to the Treaty signing, the population of the resident Maori race (estimated to be approximately 100,000 souls) was reduced by 40%, during the relatively short period spanning what is known as the musket wars, simply as a result of inter tribal warfare. You can’t make this up. 

Nor can you ignore the fact that it was Maori themselves who petitioned the British Monarch asking that colonial forces be sent in order to stop the slaughter. 

And a big part of the background to that request was the undeniable influence of the Christian Church based on the teachings of peaceful coexistence.

So, at that stage in our history, the influence of colonialism was the direct opposite of what we are being led to believe. 

However, there is no question that things tended to go downhill pretty quickly after the signing of the treaty and for that unfortunate development, successive colonial governments must accept the bulk of the blame.

It is no secret that Maori were subjected to some awful treatment during the latter half of the 19th Century and it is only relatively recently that efforts have been made to apologise and reward compensation to individual tribes for those crimes.

Yet for all that, the dream of reconciliation and adequate compensation for those misdeeds appears no closer that when the Waitangi Tribunal first began its excellent work. 

For some, including the current Government, It follows that nothing in the form of adequate compensation for these atrocities will suffice until Maori have equal status in all things that determine how the nation’s citizen’s fare as a future sovereign state. 

You can see where this is leading. 

We are heading for State sanctioned seperate development where effective control of our National resources and access to the decision makers is in the hands of 16% of the population - and that statistic in itself is a corrupted version of who should qualify as Maori. 

What ever way you look at it, this trend is the biggest threat to this country and must be stopped. 
It looks as if we will have to do that at the ballot box next year. So be it.

Clive Bibby is a commentator, consultant, farmer and community leader, who lives in Tolaga Bay.

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