
Sunday, April 14, 2024

David Farrar: Two more strikes for the nasty party

Stuff reports:

Labour leader Chris Hipkins has ordered his senior MP Peeni Henare to remove posts on social media ridiculing government ministers including a cartoon image of ACT Leader David Seymour with faeces coming out of his eyes and an anus for a mouth.

It says something about the judgment of the former Minister that he would think it was appropriate to post such a cartoon.

Just imagine the outcry if a National MP had posted such an image of Jacinda Ardern or James Shaw?

It follows Labour MP Willie Jackson, on Thursday, calling Media and Communications Minister Melissa Lee “stupid” …

Labour seem to want to live up their reputation as the nasty party.

The sentiment was echoed by Seymour, “ACT’s a free speech party and he’s got every right to post what he wants, but everyone has the right to decide what they think of it, too.”

“My biggest worry is democracy needs a competent opposition, I just hope this post isn’t the best they can do,” said Seymour.

Labour seem to like polling in the 20s.

David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.


Doug Longmire said...

"Labour leader Chris Hipkins has ordered his senior MP Peeni Henare to remove posts on social media ridiculing government ministers including a cartoon image of ACT Leader David Seymour with faeces coming out of his eyes and an anus for a mouth."

This would be a "hate crime" according to the current Police definition!!

Basil Walker said...

I( am totally over the insolent crap from Labour et al against the Coalition MPs. Personally after seeing the chairman of Nagpuhi blather in Maori language on Q&A taxpayer funded TV and threaten that in the click of a finger Ngapuhi would wlk away from settlement negotiations I say .

Taxpayers owe the current three generations nothing as they have gained from the taxpayer for years the same as every other citizen of NZ.

The insulting blather is comprehendble fluently by a small minority therefore should only be on Maori TV. OR scrap Maori TV and allow the blather on TV One and we all will move to another source of television. documentary

Anonymous said...

Seems to sum up the left really, sub average people and they certainly have an abundance of these sub par human beings. The culture of the left and their behavior is disgusting....but that's the left for you.