
Thursday, April 4, 2024

Ele Ludemann: Left demonstrates disdain for business

Opposition parties are criticising the government for running the country like a business.

It’s not actually doing that but it is taking a more, and welcome, business-like approach to government.

In contrast to the six years under Labour, which was long on announcements and short on actions and achievements, the coalition government set itself a plan for its first hundred days and ticked off all 49 items on it.

It now has a plan for the next hundred days focused on three key areas:
  1. Rebuilding the economy and easing the cost of living
  2. Restoring law and order, and
  3. Delivering better public services.
“Having a clear plan with specific actions and timeframes for delivery creates momentum and drives focus.” . . .

It also enables the public to know whether or not it is delivering.

The left’s criticism of the business-like approach shows their disdain for, and lack of understanding of, business.

Good businesses have plans with goals and work hard to achieve them; they understand the importance of value for money and they know they will be judged on achievements not aspiration.

A government that takes a more business-like approach to governing will be much better for the country, and its people, than the previous big-talking, big spending, little-doing one.

You can read the action plan here.

Ele Ludemann is a North Otago farmer and journalist, who blogs HERE - where this article was sourced.

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