
Thursday, April 4, 2024

Professor Robert MacCulloch: Delay or scrap tax cuts?

Delay or scrap tax cuts? You must be joking. Is there no end to the economic nonsense Big Media spouts?

As we know, our Big Media companies refuse to accept the result of the General Election. The journalists who work for them have no interest in the democratic will of the people. They know how NZ should be - the view of NZ'ers is irrelevant to them.

At present Big Media is waging a campaign against the tax cuts proposed by the National-led coalition, arguing the country cannot afford them. Even the NZ Herald's Fran O'Sullivan who is meant to be right-of-center says, "The rational choice would be to wait for revenues to restore and park the tax cuts until we can afford them". Meanwhile the deservedly bankrupting Newshub reports that, "A former Reserve Bank economist says the government's fiscal hole is so large that it is not the time for tax cuts". The quote is no doubt intended to help bolster Big Media's case that the government is illegitimate & shouldn't be allowed to do what it wants to do, since those who have been to Journalism School know everything and have decided its a bad decision.

So why would delaying or scrapping the tax cuts be an utter stupidity? Because they were formally promised by the National Party in the run-up to the election. Should the Nats not go ahead with them then the government would have no credibility. Being "credible" is defined as doing what you say you will do. Governments & central banks that break their promises cause economic chaos. Let's say a Central Bank loses its credibility. Then when it says it wants to bring inflation down, no-one will believe it and will think that it will keep printing money. Consequently people keep putting up prices - and inflation and interest rates go wild. So can you believe that Big Media & their "economic expert" mates are seriously arguing that the new coalition should shred all of its credibility by scrapping one of its most important pre-election promises? Should that happen, then none of us would care what Luxon, Peters or Seymour said anymore, since we would not take them at their word. It would be devastating to the implementation of all of their future plans. Its time that NZ Big Media stopped its utter nonsense and ended its campaign to make someone who keeps their promises look bad. Maybe breaking one's promise in that industry is par for the course.


Professor Robert MacCulloch holds the Matthew S. Abel Chair of Macroeconomics at Auckland University. He has previously worked at the Reserve Bank, Oxford University, and the London School of Economics. He runs the blog Down to Earth Kiwi from where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

The way the lickspittle legacy media operate is to create a fake consensus, using this to crush opposition.

First of all, they will gather a cabal of neo-Marxists to parrot identical talking points. To complete their fakery, they will find a couple of bogus centre-right commentators, who are willing to collaborate with neo-Marxist thought, in exchange for thirty pieces of silver. These fake commentators operate like the Groucho Marx joke - “Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.”

The result is that we see the same tired list of neo-Marxists and fake centre-right commentators babbling identical drivel. They claim that unanimity has finally been achieved!

I saw one of these conspiracies recently where Bryce Edwards reported that neo-Marxists like Bernard Hickey and Danyl McLauchlan didn’t like the tax cuts. He added that a number of fake centre-right commentators, such as Fran O’Sullivan and Matthew Hooton, also didn’t want tax cuts. He argued that his fakery had created a consensus.

Before you think that these neo-Marxist plots are childish and doomed to fail, I should remind you about the Zero Covid Cult.

A fake consensus involving politicians and bureaucrats was generated. Cindy Ardern hired Bloomers, Baker and the rest of the retards. They even conscripted a huge pink tranny (They / Them / Please / Go Away). This giant pink troon gave the impression of diversity to the consensus. She looked different. Pink. Super-sized. Whale-like.

Alas, there was zero diversity of thought. There was an insane Covid Cult, where they all chanted the same lines. Any and all thoughts deviating from this insane Covid Cult were banned.

Our only hope for diversity of opinion is if the legacy media goes completely bust, ending the control the neo-Marxist cabal has over all mainstream commentary.

Dare to dream...

Anna Mouse said...

Journalists should be journalists and cconomists should be economists. Sadly in New Zealand today it seems journalists are experts on everything from climate to economics. They now really only fool the really foolish.

Rob Beechey said...

Top comment Anna Mouse.

Basil Walker said...

I totally understand the need to have the tax cuts close to what was in the election manifesto albeit a little wiggle room may be accepted to maintain credibility. HOWEVER

NZ voters were adamant that the Maorification of everything and the naming of Ministeries , Business and Government services be changed from Maori and our Coastal and Seabed legislation including the dopey High Court decisions must be cancelled and non ethnicity law reintroduced .

Failure to remove maori requirements from everything will cause far more angst against the Coalition Government than a miseably small tax cut .