
Tuesday, July 2, 2024

David Farrar: A convert to the mobile phone ban

The Herald reports:

Taranaki’s Waitara High School implemented a mobile phone ban at the start of 2023, more than a year ahead of the Government’s official move.

But it was only for pupils in Years 9 through 12.

Year 13s got to keep their mobiles.

“They can wear mufti and sign-out without parent consent. It’s a transition to adulthood,” principal Daryl Warburton told the Herald. It made sense for them to keep their phones, he thought. “I was reluctant to ban a device that’s so central to modern life. It was better to teach them how to use it responsibly.”

Now, he’s a convert to the Government’s total ban, which includes Year 13s, and break times.

Not having phones had got rid of a significant distraction in class and last year the academic results in Years 9 to 12 were up 15-20%, the principal said.

Wow that is significant.

“We had the best results in the history of the school, except Year 13 – so we saw the correlation.”

This year, with the total ban, senior academic performance has also increased.

So Year 13 acted as a control.

And on a social level, “kids used to message each other in the hallway, from one metre away”, Warburton said.

“Now break times and lunch times are absolutely raucous.” Tag and bullrush are back. There’s been a notable rise in minor injuries.

I guess an increase in injuries is a good thing 😃

David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After reading the article it seems like there is an opening for a Kiwi company to provide these phone pouches rather than purchasing them from an American company. Hopefully we see a local business come in to fill this position soon as it seems like the success of the ban will have it in place for the foreseeable future.