
Sunday, July 7, 2024

Eliora: The Vulnerable Are Still Being Required to Take the Jab

It is appalling in 2024 that people who are at a particularly high risk of dying or becoming seriously unwell are told they must have the Covid-19 gene therapy jab. This comes as cardiologists, specialists and doctors around the world are asking for this vaccine to be urgently pulled off the market.

The Transplant Society of Australia and New Zealand (TSANZ) are one such group. It beggars belief that for a procedure as critical as a heart or lung transplant that medical professionals would stipulate these criteria. Ms Irene Karman needs a heart transplant. Dr Jaime O’Loughlin, a clinical lead heart and lung transplant specialist, made it very clear the service required Ms Karman to have a primary course of Covid vaccinations with recommended boosters, in order to be a heart recipient. Ms Karman cannot understand why she should take this novel untested liquid into her body and put a new heart at risk of known cardiac injuries. It defies logic as, prior to this now-known nonsense of Covid panic, she met all the criteria and was placed on the waitlist. She declined the jab.

Ms Karman informed her lawyer of her dilemma.

Then the transplant team admitted they made a mistake. The criteria changed to her not requiring boosters, but still demanding she requires two Covid vaccines. Cold comfort.

See here:

OPEN LETTER TO THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH (“MOH”) in regard to the current transplant policy in New Zealand and the NZ Heart and Lung Transplant Service influencing the MOH to amend its previously stated policy that Covid-19 vaccines were no longer mandated for a patient to be considered for a place on the heart or lung transplant list.

Click to view

Another group is putting some young New Zealanders at risk. The New Zealand Defence Force confirms in an IOA response that Covid-19 vaccine mandates still exist. A J Woods, Air Commodore, Chief of Staff (HQNZDF), wrote on 4 March 24:

Members of the Armed Forces are required to meet individual readiness requirements, which include vaccinations as set out in the NZDF Vaccination Schedule. This schedule includes vaccinations against a range of diseases such as: measles; polio; hepatitis; diphtheria; tetanus; and Covid-19. […] (Bold added)

It is well known, and peer reviewed, that young men, in particular and likely to be the age recruited into the Defense Force, are vulnerable to having cardiac events and injuries after receiving the Covid-19 vaccination.

See here the response from the Defence Force to an OIA:

Click to view

There continues to be two classes of Kiwis. Not only those affected by Ardern’s mocking division of the jabbed and not jabbed: New Zealand also has a group of people who are in denial. They act like Covid never existed. They will not engage in any conversation about what has happened to everyone over the past four years. They carry on their blinkered way and close down any attempt at conversation. They will not admit the experimental gene therapy jab is untested and should therefore not be given to anyone, let alone be mandated for vulnerable people, young adults/children or pregnant women. The other group is fully awake, informed and living in the real world.

The differing reactions are stark and continue to keep people apart.

Even Dr Ashleigh Bloomfield knew the risk and eventually allowed GPs to acknowledge the jabs may cause serious cardiac injury side effects for some. The delay was outrageous, as half of the required risk versus benefits of informed consent seemed deliberately suppressed. GPs were not allowed to be honest about the risks. It may be proven one day to be unlawful to withhold such vital information.

Understandably people are very angry, as Bloomfield kept telling the public it was safe and effective.

Covid, a word now synonymous with cruel dictates and mandates, carries on. When this word is mentioned, some glaze over and want to ignore the whole thing. If the word Covid is mentioned in other quarters, people are outraged. The aftermath of division has not gone away.

People are lawyering up.

It’s serious.

It’s life and death for some.

Eliora is a fourth-generation Kiwi is a conservative voter and has worked in health. This article was first published HERE


Robert Arthur said...

I still cannot get out of my head those pictures of convoys of coffin trucks in Italy and America at the outbreak. USA associates of a collegue with connections with the medical indsutry in USA reported patients on their death beds begging for the vaccination. Possibly the strains have lost their clout. If I was so damaged as to need a heart transplant I think vaccination risk would be the least of my worries. However i do know of one realtive of assocites who died without explanation.

Anonymous said...

Anyone not living under a rock for the past 2 years knows that the Covid shots are neither ‘safe’ nor ‘effective’. They also know that academic studies of large numbers (Cleveland Clinic Study) show that the more jabs you have the more likely you are to get ‘Covid’.
The only question left is for those enforcing the jabs. How long do you think you can get away with this?

Anonymous said...


That statement about a Cleveland Clinic study has been proven to be a lie circulated on social media.

Check your "facts" before posting.

Studies have generally found that each additional vaccine dose reduces COVID-19 risk.

TJS said...

Still not getting the jab and you can fact check that too.

Not been sick since March 2019. I caught a cold. Oooh😱. Oh well I suppose. I prefer a more holistic approach personally.

Anonymous said...

It has been proved without a doubt that the covid vaccine shots do nothing not only that but the un.vaccinated will also share the bio weapon invented to depopulate the world

TJS said...

It is known and I believe that Ivermectin can dis.infect the un.vaccinated from the spike protein that is shared caused by shedding from vaccinated people. Bromiliad from pineapple skin fermented known as tepache is also helpful. Nothing like vatamin c and sunlight too.