
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Mike's Minute: Is America ready for a female president?

Media outlets around the world rolled out the predictable articles yesterday post the announcement, with the headline "Who is Kamala Harris?"

They rolled out the same articles several years ago when she got picked as Vice President.

Depending on whether those articles are applicable in America depends a bit on whether she can now go on and win.

The Vice President isn't really a thing. They say it is, but Mike Pence was a good example before Kamala Harris that, really, it’s a figurehead job.

Yes, you are one heartbeat away from the presidency, but no one honestly expects that to mean anything. Except in the Harris case, you remember, she was meant to be something. She was meant to be the replacement when Biden bailed, either at the end of the first term, or anointed her at the start of the second.

She was the succession because Biden's job was to beat Trump, then retire.

The reason it never came to pass was because Harris turned out to be a dud and the problem with that is the job she never got handed on merit, she now potentially gets handed by default.

So the question is: can she run on a record that isn't Biden, given she is inextricably linked to the administration, or does she sink because of it?

How much of Biden's lack of support was because he was old and befuddled? How much did Americans not see the good stuff in the economy because of Biden and maybe they can now see it under Harris?

Is Harris so much better known than any of the other possibilities like Gavin Newson or Gretchen Whitmer, that she has too much of an inbuilt advantage to risk a real unknown?

Plus, a very real question, even though many would argue it shouldn’t be.

It's the Clinton question. Is America ready for a female president? Did Clinton lose because she was a woman, a Clinton, or because Trump was better?

These are all live questions. The upside is the big money is starting to flow for Harris that wasn’t flowing for Biden. She knows how the White House works, and the others don’t.

She might, might, be able to grow the Democrat turnout from those who would have stayed at home because Biden was too old to take seriously. Also, none of the others are so obviously better than her that you can't go past them.

So you can make a case for Kamala.

But make no mistake. This is now, and still, Trump's to lose.

Mike Hosking is a New Zealand television and radio broadcaster. He currently hosts The Mike Hosking Breakfast show on NewstalkZB on weekday mornings - where this article was sourced.


Ewan McGregor said...

"Did Clinton lose because she was a woman, a Clinton, or because Trump was better?" She didn't. She won the peoples election by 2.9 million votes, but the U S president is elected by the electoral college, where small states, normally Republican, have greater representation per capita. It's their system, but its undemocratic. In the last 6 elections, twice the people's preference has been denied office.
Go Kamala!

Basil Walker said...

Come on Ewan , Do a little research on the USA Court appointments and the complete farce of a USA Court appearance when he issue in question to be discussed is political after an election.

Ewan McGregor said...

Don't know what the hell you're talking about.

Anonymous said...

One has to wonder - where does Mr E McGregor gets his information from?

I also wonder if he has done any research on the "dear lady", if he has then he would know that she has "a history within US Law, that has not produced stellar moments". The same can be said for her term (to date) as the current VP.

Maybe Mr McGregor, should go to YouTube and see if he can find any interview with - Tulsi Gabbard, former Congresswomen, Hawaii 2nd District, who can offer some interesting insights into Kamala Harris - be warned Ewen, if you do - the content you will see (and the information that will be presented) "maybe harmful to your intellect".

How is the farming in Central HB these days??

Anonymous said...

Nasty personal tone to these comments - I don't know the individuals.

Each is entitled to their view even if others don't like it in which case reply with articulate commentary.

Ewan McGregor said...



Anonymous 10:15, you're right, this exchange has been getting a bit 'nasty personal', but the comments have remained focused on the issue under discussion rather than drifting off into ad hominem abuse. Be assured that I am doing my job and will delete comments when the red line is crossed.