
Saturday, August 3, 2024

Fiona Mackenzie: Legacy Media Commentators Display Their Ignorance

Some commentators in the legacy media seem desperate to be seen as fair and supportive of identity separatists. They are vigorously protesting against the Government’s attempts to restore New Zealand’s democracy.

Recent rants have targeted legislation that may require Councils to hold referenda on identity-based electoral wards (i.e., those identifying as Māori versus all other New Zealanders).

It's shocking to sit in on local council meetings and hear Māori-identifying Councillors complain that they have to work for the benefit of all constituents, preferring instead to work solely for Māori. What does this even mean? Do they want to take council services (like roads, water, parks, rubbish collection, libraries, and swimming pools) away from New Zealanders and provide them only to Māori-identifying residents? How is that even possible?

Ignorant commentators claim separatism causes no harm. Really? Race-based electoral wards have the potential to channel ratepayer funds to race-based projects, and to divide blended families, workplaces, and communities.

By definition, Māori wards are based on a separatist ideology, one where favours are dispensed according to one’s preferred ancestral identity. They’re exclusionary and divisive.

Māori citizens registered on the Maori Electoral Roll will be unable to vote for a candidate on the General roll or even object to what those in power are doing.

Tribalism also becomes an issue in Māori wards because the strongest tribe in the electorate may push their candidates forward or gain tribal benefits to the detriment of other Māori in the electorate.

Councils already going down this track without a ratepayer referendum have well and truly jumped out of their lane. These same Councils are undoubtedly guilty of wasting ratepayers’ funds on frivolous exploits instead of necessities.

Māori wards are only one element in the campaign for race-based dominance and control of New Zealand, its economy, and all its people.

The Māori/tribal Sovereignty ideology gained much momentum under the last Labour Government, but was also helped along by the previous John Key’s kick-it-down-the-road/do-anything-to-be-liked National Government.

We are facing tribal claims for control of New Zealand’s entire coastline, all our drinking water and water bodies, confusion from the imposition of a recently developed language that very few people speak, an overthrow of our democratic constitution for a racially biased one, propaganda throughout our education, health and justice systems, and the renaming of our country by the media and corporates seeking approval from indoctrinated youth and interested parties.

The Māori elite have made their intentions clear (via Reserve Bank reports and in various media and government forums) by expressing their desire to control all data pertaining to anyone with a Māori ancestor.

With a foot, leg, and torso already in the door, race-based governance is striving to prevent New Zealand from ever regaining its democracy, and we will all suffer its loss.

Look around the world and see the violence, corruption, dysfunction, and poverty in countries promoting tribalism and racial favoritism. There are absolutely no examples of it working anywhere, so these ignoramuses can take their race or identity-based governance and shove it!

Democracy, if well-maintained by education, free speech, and an independent media, can manage and control humanity’s lust for power and control over others.

Democracy can make a country and its people more unified, stronger, healthier, and wealthier.

Our people and our country must take urgent steps to reclaim our democratic institutions and functions.

We must demand equal citizenship, and not ancestral, religious, or ethnic favouritism in the way we are governed.

Fiona Mackenzie is a businesswoman who has combined self-employment with voluntary work and is a firm believer in the safeguards that true democracy provides.


Fred H. said...

This Coalition Government needs to immediately abolish the Waitangi Tribunal Act and the Tribunal itself; Repeal all race-based legislation; Adopt the "Littlewood Treaty: as the official English draft of the Treaty of Waitangi; make a clear and unequivocal statement that we are all New Zealanders, wherever we came from originally; Withdraw from UNDRIP; and that there is to be ONE LAW for ALL, NO Exceptions, including ALL pay taxes; nobody bodies own the Marine the Coastal Area, only the Crown.

Can we not have a government that treats us all EQUALLY ? If not, why not ? National needs to be kicked out of the Coalition by ACT and NZ First who will gain their votes at the following Election. NATIONAL is a blight on democracy, as are the Maori Party.

Are we not all sick of the shenanigans in the Beehive that has brought this country into international disrepute ? Where is the Speaker, where is the Prime Minister ?

Rob Beechey said...

Key loaded the gun and Ardern pulled the trigger blasting our once unique and generally harmonious “one people” culture to smithereens. New Zealand’s race relations was once the envy of the world until opening the door to international interference. How do these political puppets live with themselves after creating this legacy of destruction? Will we ever recover what we lost?

Kiwialan said...

Fiona, since the Labour governments from the 70s high-jacked the education system it is nearly impossible to find non brainwashed unbiased journalists in the mainstream media. They are probably expert at kapa haka and te reo but lack real world knowledge and are totally devoid of research skills or critical thinking. Kiwialan.

Anonymous said...

Are people clear on the urgency of this issue?

Citizens can - and must - demand equality.
This means very support for Seymour's bill and insistence on a binding referendum by 2026 latest.

If this Bill fails to get through Parliament, a weak , apathetic or zero response from citizens to this step means He Puapua/tribal rule is then irreversible.

But, be warned:
The pro CG faction is doing its best to delay any action now - so that the new generation of brain-washed pro-Maori voters will come of age and vote Left. Once this happens - who knows what would be the fate of such a referendum in the years ahead?

Anonymous said...

"Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance."
– H. L. Mencken

Anonymous said...

Hon W Peters said we are known Internationally as New Zealand. NOT Aotearoa. So enlighten me please why our Athletes at the Olympics have Aotearoa on the back of their track suit top? Woke bull s..t!.

TV One allows its Journalists to include Māori greetings, Māori phrases when delivering news. And of course it’s allowing female journalist to have a Barcode on their chin. No wonder TV One is in dire straits financially. Why hasn’t Paul Goldsmith given them a rocket. Better still sack the entire Board.

The Coalition has made some big calls. Well done. Addressing the future of the Waitangi Tribunal and the future of the Māori seats will happen when David Seymour is Deputy Prime Minister. Luxon is playing the “long game”.

Anonymous said...

A well written piece describing the NZ situation perfectly. What was a once proud inclusive population, is now divided by ethnicity.
Where once all NZers had the opportunity to better themselves based on their own personal efforts, we have become bludging sycophants. Yes there has always been those who have struggled, but not necessarily because of race. Life is not fair and never has been. Going down an apartheid route is not the answer to a harmonious country. Luxon and National need to back their Coalition partners and show solidarity by reversing Māori only decisions, that more and more are motivated by a money grabbing elite.

Anonymous said...

You used the term “ignoramuses” to describe those behind the tribal revival. They are not ignorant; they are callous, immoral, opportunists. They are hugely dangerous to our survival as a democratic nation.

Niknmic said...

Time to challenge the government on its breach of NZs international legal obligation to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination. The UNCERD is legally binding on NZ. The UNDRIP is not legally binding.