
Thursday, September 12, 2024

Ian Bradford: What Next? Climate Vaccines for Cows and Climate Injections for Humans!!

In New Zealand, two AgResearch scientists have been working on a vaccine for cows to stop them producing Methane.  They have been wasting time on this for 15 years and  have received $31 million to carry out this research. Money that could have been much better spent on hospitals, or education, or police, and so on. 

Climate Change Commission chairman Rod Carr says Methane reducing technologies have great potential to cut Methane further than farming adaptation can achieve. 

A Canterbury University professor says “It’s the second most important greenhouse gas globally but it’s a long way behind CO2.”  Well, another climate alarmist completely ignoring water vapour.  Shame on you.  He goes on to say: “CO2 builds up so every kg that comes out of your tailpipe, about 30% of that is still in the atmosphere 1000 years later.”   

That’s an interesting statement. So 30% of the Carbon Dioxide that comes out of the tailpipe of my car today is still in the atmosphere 1000 years later.  So you put labels on the CO2 with the date it comes out of my exhaust, so that 1000 years later you can identify those same Carbon Dioxide molecules!   

It is not possible to give a time that Carbon Dioxide stays in the atmosphere. It depends on a number of factors.  The oceans for example, take up most Carbon Dioxide.  If the oceans cool then more Carbon Dioxide is taken up. This is just one example why no time can be put on Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere. Another, is the fact that The Earth is greening. More vegetation means more Carbon Dioxide is taken up.  

But there’s more from the Professor.  “The Methane from ruminants is pretty much gone after 50 years.”  That’s in dispute too. Methane only stays in the atmosphere for between 7  and 12 years. It combines with oxygen to form Carbon Dioxide.  Methane is quite short lived in the atmosphere. 

CH4  + O2    =     CO2 +  2 H2

Here’s more from the Professor:  “I think we should definitely do something on Methane, because it is a powerful greenhouse gas.”   Oh! I thought it had been firmly established that Methane wasn’t nearly as powerful as first thought. Then he says: “Modest cuts to short lived pollutants stabilises the contribution from those gases. So globally, to stay under 2 deg of warming will probably need to have Methane emissions drop a bit. But the big job will be getting CO2 emissions all the way to zero.”  What a ridiculous statement. For a start, do you intend to bomb all the coal burning power stations in China? But you use the word “pollutants.” So in your mind, Carbon Dioxide is a pollutant. Carbon Dioxide is the second most important gas on the planet, behind oxygen.  It is NOT a pollutant. 

In the first of the four stomachs in a ruminant –the rumen, there are microorganisms that help ferment the feed. Among the microbes are methanogens, which combine the fermentation by-product Hydrogen with Carbon Dioxide to produce Methane.  The animal burps the Methane out.  The idea of the vaccine is to prevent the methanogens from making so much Methane.  

Let’s check out Methane:

Methane CH4 is put into a tube with a thin transparent seal in each end. The material of the seal has to be a material that passes most radiation through it.  Into one end is shone radiant energy of a wide range of wavelengths. At the other end is a spectrometer- a device for detecting radiation, whether visible light of otherwise. The spectrometer is moved through 180 degrees and the radiation or lack of it, is noted.  It is found that with Methane, most wavelengths pass through the gas but there are two narrow bands in which the radiation is absorbed and so no radiation reaches the spectrometer for those two narrow bands. We have recorded the absorption spectrum for Methane. So Methane does not absorb all the radiation (heat), from Earth that falls on it, but does so only in two narrow bands of wavelength. Here is a picture of those two narrow bands. 


The first band is centred on about 3.5 microns (µm). A micron or micrometre is a millionth of a metre.  The second band is centred on about 7.5 µm. Below is the absorption spectra of all the so called greenhouse gases. 

I have drawn vertical lines through the two main absorption bands of Methane. Note that water vapour has many, and wide absorption bands. (That’s the blue).  Note also that the absorption bands of Methane coincide with the broad bands of water vapour.  Only 14% of Methane emissions come from ruminants. All of Methane makes up only 0.00017% of all the gases in the atmosphere. So since ruminants only are responsible for 14% of methane emissions we take 14% of 0.00017 which gives approximately 0.00002 %. This means there are just two Methane molecules for every 10 million other molecules. 

Water vapour averages about 2% in the atmosphere. Water vapour is the most prolific greenhouse gas and is never mentioned by the climate alarmists. Based on the average of 2% this means there are for every one methane molecule, 100,000 water vapour molecules. Scientists have established that most heat leaves the earth’s surface by convection. Only about 8% leaves by radiation. That’s a small amount. Because there is an overwhelming amount of water vapour compared to Methane, and because the absorption bands of water vapour coincide with those of Methane, it is clear any radiation will be absorbed by water vapour long before it finds a Methane molecule. So Methane plays no part in anything. 

Just as an aside, the same argument can be applied to Carbon Dioxide. 

Cows do not cause global warming.   

Australia’s CSIRO’s research organisation did try and failed. The AgResearch team also tried and failed.  A decade and millions in funding later, the team has still not achieved a measurable drop in the burped-out Methane of trial sheep. A 2015 story declared :  “Outcome of methane vaccine will be known in months.” Nine years on we still don’t have an answer. A technical report concludes that at this point there is a low level of confidence that we will discover an appropriate agent by 2025. But one of the two scientists say 2035 is not unachievable.  So another 11 years of retaining their jobs and lots more funding.  One of the scientists says it is a privilege to work on something so important. Well actually it’s not important because Methane and Carbon Dioxide are not causing climate change.

The Centre for Climate Action Joint Venture- the JV has announced it will invest up to $2.5 million  to support research on developing a Methane vaccine and Methane inhibitor for use on New Zealand farms.  They mention the drive towards near zero Methane by 2040.  Another pipe dream.  

Should a vaccine ever become successful, realise that if we eat meat, we will be ingesting this vaccine. 

However, this is not the end of the vaccine story.  Bill Gates and the WEF are advancing plans for climate vaccines. (This is from June 2024). Billionaire Bill Gates, the WEF, and their globalist allies are advancing plans that allegedly seek to “save the planet” from climate change through the use of vaccines. In recent months, unelected elites have been targeting the global food supply over claims that farming contributes to the so-called “climate crisis.”The WEF and the UN insist that emissions from agriculture are preventing governments from complying with net zero targets. To meet the goals of the WEF’s “net zero” agenda governments are increasingly under pressure to destroy the farming industry, despite the obvious threat to the food supply. Gates is a vocal advocate of the anti-meat agenda. 

However,  a reporter, Yudi Sherman warns that the globalists are not planning to stop at just vaccinating animals and will also target the general public with so-called climate vaccines. Sherman notes that a company called ArkeaBio just raised $26.5 million in funding to do just that. The funding will pay for the company to begin developing climate injections for the human masses. Once the WHO “Global Pandemic Treaty” is adopted the vaccines could be forced onto the public once a climate emergency is declared. 

Note:  The WHO has already tried in this country not long ago to get us to adopt the treaty and it was rejected. But they have vowed to keep trying. If they try again, NZ must reject them. They will force us to receive vaccines, with consequences if we don’t.  If you can’t grasp the seriousness of this, then you may be marked for depopulation Sherman warns. ArkeaBio has not yet announced any plans to create a human version of its “global warming” injection yet. However another company called Gingko Bioworks has developed climate shots for humans. Gingko which is funded by Gates, is pushing to develop mRNA injections that it says will save the planet from global warming.  The WEF has been heavily advancing the plans stating that it is a critical response to the climate crisis. 


Perhaps a reader can tell me how a climate vaccine for humans may work.  One way I suppose is to sterilise all humans by means of vaccines.  It may be possible to inject us with something that would kill us eventually. Because it would take a few years, it may not be traced back to the vaccines.  If the WHO gets control in each country (and they have vowed to keep trying), then vaccinations would be compulsory on their say. 

AstraZeneca, maker of a viral vector covid vaccine that was pulled from the market after being linked to sudden deaths, is also working on its own climate shots as well.  

The push from unelected globalist elites comes after Slay News recently published the results from a groundbreaking study that debunks the entire anti farming narrative. The study has debunked the globalist narrative that emissions from cows are causing climate change while proving that cattle herds actually lower Methane levels in the atmosphere. The researcher found that, if grazing cattle were removed from pastures emissions would actually go up not down.  

The same recent study has concluded that globalist claims of manmade climate change are completely fabricated and have no basis in reality. The researchers found that there was no scientific evidence to support theories of anthropogenic global warming. According to the study led by leading scientists in Greece, claims that humans cause climate change are based on imagination and assumptions.  The study’s paper authored by lead researcher Professor Demetris Koutsoyiannis of the National Technical University of Athens, was published in the scientific Journal AIMS Press. In the “Conclusions” section of the paper, the researchers write :    

“Rather such claims are based on imagination and climatic models full of assumptions. The causality direction in time series by climatic models is opposite to that of real world data. The study found that the narrative of human generated Carbon Dioxide emissions affecting temperatures is based on fake science.”  

In the abstract section they wrote:  “The premise of this study is that the climate system is very complex and subject to perpetual change due to numerous processes, either internal or external to it.  The study stated that under the guise of science the propagation of the anti CO2 narrative is being driven by political and economic forces.”

The researchers also detail the dramatic changes in climate over massive amounts of time. They note that the Earth’s climate has been changing naturally for a far greater period than the time since the introduction of fossil fuel burning technology over the last 200 or so years.   Before the Industrial Revolution, Earth has been through multiple Ice Ages and periods of far warmer temperatures than today.  Primarily the study deduced that human-caused Carbon Dioxide emissions are not causing temperature fluctuations in the Earth. 

The study confirms that globalists such as the WEF, the UN, Bill Gates and other green agenda advocates are promoting the manmade climate change narrative because they have an ulterior motive.   

Ian Bradford, a science graduate, is a former teacher, lawyer, farmer and keen sportsman, who is writing a book about the fraud of anthropogenic climate change.


Doug Longmire said...

Regarding greenstone wearing Rod Carr's recommendations:-:-
The Climate Control Commission’s recommendations have been costed out by NZIER.
Full compliance has been costed out. The cost to NZ’s economy will be $86b per year.
That is 86 BILLION DOLLARS per year – EVERY year. $86,000,000,000 per year.
That works out to $17,000 per year per head of population.
This is fast track economic suicide.
Translated – a typical four person family will be paying 4 x $17,000 = $68,000 per year, EVERY year just to meet the dreamland CCC’s recommendations. This is a THOUSAND DOLLARS A WEEK !! This is economic train wreck suicide.
Bear in mind that this is only to stop NZ’s CO2 emissions, which are only 0.17% (= 1/600th) of total global emissions. i.e. NZ emissions are basically zero.

Anonymous said...

The globalist World Economic Forum (WEF) has declared that the Covid pandemic was merely “the test” for “a huge number of unimaginable restrictions” on the general public’s freedoms.
In a post on the WEF’s website, Klaus Schwab’s Switzerland-based organization gloats that the willingness of “billions of citizens across the world” to comply with Covid restrictions proves that members of the public can be manipulated into accepting “individual social responsibility.”
The WEF lauds how “billions” of people complied with Covid “restrictions,” arguing that they would do the same under the guise of reducing carbon emissions.
Such conformity would be encouraged via technology, including artificial intelligence, digitization, and “smart home” devices, argues the group.
The article goes on to call for a social-credit style carbon emissions rationing scheme.
Such a scheme would provide “individual advisories on lower carbon and ethical choices for consumption of product and services,” the WEF suggests.
New social norms would also be created to define what “a fair share” of personal emissions represents and determine “acceptable levels” of personal emissions.

Grumpy said...

In very simple terms, this thing is becoming 'nuttier' by the day. Control (reduction actually) of the world's population by a 'world government' does increasingly appear to be part of a plan. Whether it is originating from the WEF or the Club Of Rome, or...?? I personally wouldn't know, but you cannot have this much smoke without some sort of fire. That it isn't rational should not deter anyone from asking "what in Hell is going on?".

Anonymous said...

Claus his father was a Follower of Hitler Germany. And close confidant of Hitler and his clique.
SO, here we have it again: an apple does not fall far from the tree, specially if it is a rotten apple.
Billies father was the same.
So father so son.