
Saturday, January 11, 2025

Breaking Views Update: Week of 5.1.25

Saturday January 11 2025 

Three hundred leaders gather - plan pan-Māori assembly to challenge government

Around three hundred Māori leaders are meeting today at Omāhu near Hastings to discuss a proposal which could include the creation of a new pan-Māori assembly.

The assembly would promote a collective response to government challenges from Māori.

The hui dubbed the Wānanga-ā-Motu follows [
See full article HERE

Minister says no to making Rangitīkei macron official
A district council’s bid to have a macron added to its region’s name has been rejected by the Minister for Land Information, who says he needs to balance competing interests.

The Rangitīkei District Council applied to the NZ Geographic Board in May 2023 to alter the name of its local authority but this was declined in December.

Councillors expressed disappointment at their final meeting for 2024, but there was no statutory process to appeal the decision....
See full article HERE

Graeme Spencer: Treaty Principles Submission

John Robertson: The treaty’s not sacred, it’s just a cash cow for politicians

JC: The Maori Party vs the Good of the Country

‘Reclaiming a Birthright’: Misconceptions about Moko  

This Breaking Views Update monitors race relations in the media on a weekly basis. New material is added regularly. If you would like to send Letters to the Editor in response to any of these articles, most media addresses can be found HERE

Friday January 10 2025 

Treaty principles bill submissions to reopen
Parliament's justice select committee has decided to reopen submissions on the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill after some people trying to submit online encountered problems with the website.

MPs on the Justice Committee met at 9am today and unanimously decided that the ability for the public to make submissions would reopen until 1pm on January 14.

Anyone who emailed a submission to the committee between Monday and Thursday morning — because they couldn't do it on the website — would have the submission accepted, provided it met the other conditions for submissions.

Initial estimates on the number of submissions put it at more than 300,000 lodged online. However, this number was expected to change as committee staff worked through processing the submissions....
See full article HERE

Closer ties between Labour and Te Pati Maori could be more about pragmatism than values
Chris Hipkins has told Newstalk ZB he's been trying to establish a stronger relationship before next year's election, despite previously calling it a "protest party".

Political Editor Jason Walls says that alignment may not be in Labour's interests.

But he says political polling, suggest it's extremely unlikely Labour and the Greens could form a government without Te Pati Maori support.

He says Labour seem damned if they do and damned if they don't, and Te Pati Maori is their "only hope" for next year....
See full article HERE

Lindsay Mitchell: Remembering Tariana Turia

2025 in the outlook for Māori, with Anthony Ruakere

Descendants of Treaty of Waitangi translators speak out against bill

FMC’s submission on the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill  

Thursday January 9 2025 

No confidence: Iwi reps call out Taranaki regional councillors
Taranaki Regional Council has lost the confidence of its iwi representatives after councillors blocked debate on the contentious Treaty Principles Bill.

The six iwi reps say councillors ought to consider such significant issues.

Last month, deputy chair Neil Walker moved fast to quell discussion of a submission on the Bill, despite it being written-up by order of his chair Charlotte Littlewood.

Iwi representatives on council committees have formally told Littlewood that's not good enough.....
See full article HERE

Treaty bill submissions surge, Hapai health delivers 10,000 in person
Māori health organisation Hapai Te Hauora will deliver more than 10,000 Treaty Principles Bill submissions to Parliament today following a Justice Select Committee computer glitch.

Over the past few days, Hapai has received more than 20,000, submissions to its portal....
See full article HERE

Public engagement through Treaty Principles Bill submissions 'very positive' - Stephen Rainbow
The Chief Human Rights Commissioner said it's encouraging to see that a large number of New Zealanders have made submissions on the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill.

Submissions online closed just before midnight on Tuesday 7 January, while hard copies can still be posted or delivered to Parliament before 5pm on Wednesday.

The legislation - which proposes to rewrite the treaty principles as they are defined by the courts - has attracted widespread opposition, with tens of thousands of people marching against it when it passed its first reading in Parliament.

The commissioner Stephen Rainbow said it was positive to see many New Zealanders engaged with the bill.....
See full article HERE

Māori wards referenda: ‘Tyranny of the majority’ or ‘democratic right’?
Holding a referendum on Māori wards has been labelled a “democratic right” by some and the “tyranny of the majority” by those on the other side of the political aisle.

Regardless, 42 city, district and regional councils are set to hold a referendum on their Māori wards this year, after the coalition Government passed a retroactive law requiring a binding poll to keep them.....
See full article HERE

Support intent but not the Bill

New Zealand Government, Opposition Parties Glorify Deceased Māori Party Founder  

Wednesday January 8 2025  

Shane Jones criticises tikanga at Dame Tariana Turia’s tangi
NZ First deputy leader Shane Jones blew up the paepae at Dame Tariana Turia’s tangi when he called on the former MP to “arise and teach your people not to shame your distinguished visitors” after the marae tikanga did not allow English speakers to pay their respects.

Three prime ministers - Christopher Luxon, Sir Bill English and Chris Hipkins - were unable to speak or allowed the opportunity to speak in English at Whangaehu Marae, near Whanganui.

An infuriated Jones said: “Maranga e Tari, akona tō iwi, manaakitia te manuhiri.”

Jones said that literally translated to “Tariana, rest no longer, arise and teach your people how to treat distinguished visitors”, he told the Herald......
See full article HERE

'Unnecessary': Selwyn council urges Govt to drop Treaty Principles Bill
The Treaty Principles Bill is “unnecessary” and a “distraction”, Selwyn District Council has said.

The council sent in its submission on the controversial bill on Monday, a day before the deadline closed.

ACT Party leader David Seymour’s bill seeks to standardise the original 1840 reo Māori and English interpretations of Te Tiriti o Waitangi/Treaty of Waitangi, but in aiming to redefine how Te Tiriti is applied, the bill has been accused of trampling on Māori rights.....
See full article HERE

Auckland Council opposes Treaty Principals Bill
Auckland Council has voted to oppose the Treaty Principles Bill, triggering contentious debate over political motives and adherence to Treaty of Waitangi obligations.

At its policy and planning committee meeting last month, the council voted to oppose the Treaty Principles Bill in its submission to the Government.

Committee chair Richard Hills recommended explicitly opposing the bill, but his stance faced resistance.....
See full article HERE

Wellington City Council joins 42,000+ vs divisive Treaty Principles Bill
Mayor Tory Whanau says the Council submission to Parliament further solidifies the strong opposition, encompassing both Māori and non-Maori communities, against the Treaty Principles Bill.

"The Council stands staunchly with over 42,000 others in rejecting this bill, which aims to divide us, weaken Māori rights, and erode our efforts to build a more diverse, equitable and inclusive society," Mayor Whanau says.....

See full article HERE

Unprecedented number of submissions on Treaty Principles Bill
An unprecendented number of submissions have been made to Parliament's website on Monday, as the deadline to submit on the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill draws close.

Tuesday 7 January is the final day to submit on the Bill online, with the opportunity for the New Zealand public to have their say through Parliament's website closing at 11.59pm.

However, hard copies sent through the post or delivered to Parliament can be submitted until 5pm Wednesday.

He could not provide any details about the number of submissions it had received, with that information remaining confidential until they have been presented to the committee.....
See full article HERE

Act Leader David Seymour says MPs shouldn't take a position on his Treaty Principles Bill until it's been through the Select Committee process
Despite National and New Zealand First promising to vote down the bill at second reading, Seymour says politicians should listen to submitters before making up their minds.

Given everyone has to live under our constitution, he says everyone should have a say on what kind of constitution that is....
See full article HERE

Dieuwe de Boer: Our Submissions on the Treaty Principles Bill

Hon Ruth Richardson: Treaty of Waitangi Principles Bill submission

Tuesday January 7 2025 

College Strongly Opposes Treaty Principles Bill
The New Zealand College of Public Health Medicine strongly opposes the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill and categorically rejects the three principles that it proposes.

The Bill is premised on dubious rationale, purports to solve a problem that does not exist and has been developed in a manner prejudicial to Māori.

Its principles subvert decades of jurisprudence and distort key concepts in our nation’s founding document. It has already provided a platform for misinformation and racism that is undermining social cohesion and harming health. If enacted, it would erode the very purpose and status of te Tiriti in our constitutional arrangements and lead to increased health inequities for Māori.....

Monday January 6 2025  

The Wāhine Māori leading NZ’s largest education union
Ripeka Lessels had been an educator for 20 years before she decided to become involved in NZEI Te Riu Roa’s Māori governance body, Te Reo Areare. It’s here she believed she could do the most good for tamariki Māori.

As someone who had trained and taught in mainstream schools, but happened to be a native speaker, she says she saw the parallel executive wing of the union as the right place for her.

And over the years, Te Reo Areare did have a significant impact in shaping union policy. “My focus was always on the Māori side, and if I could have an impact there, that’s where I wanted to stay.”....
See full article HERE

John Mendzela: Submission on the Treaty Principles Bill

David Farrar: Universities say fund on results not race  

Sunday January 5 2025 

An expectation Maori businesses will continue to start up and expand
A large economic report on the state of the Maori economy is expected to be released early this year.

It follows a snapshot which shows asset growth and a significant amount of businesses expanding, across sectors.

MBIE General Manager of Maori Economic Development, Shar Amner, says we're seeing better analysis and data collecting.

He says this can help inform iwi groups, financial institutions, and governments.
See full article HERE

David Farrar: Stuff refusing to run ads on the Treaty

Caleb Anderson: Are we experiencing a second counter-reformation?

Dr Peter Winsley: Submission on the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill

David Farrar: Te Pati Maori promise retrospective legislation

Dr Don Brash: Time to submit on the Treaty Principles Bill fast running out

JC: The Left in Full Flight

Tim Wikiriwhi: Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill - submission

Graham Adams: Storm clouds gather over Tamihere's fiefdom

David Farrar: Should we have a referendum on the country’s name?

Security insisted man take off his Toitū Te Tiriti shirt at ASB Classic. They later called it a ‘miscommunication’

Treaty Principles Bill - Vincent O’Malley’s Treaty Principles Bill submission

Anne Salmond: Hunger Games in the Beehive 

This Breaking Views Update monitors race relations in the media on a weekly basis. New material is added regularly. If you would like to send Letters to the Editor in response to any of these articles, most media addresses can be found HERE


Anonymous said...

A maori business is a business that identifies itself as a maori business. So for tax purposes, one would guess that most new businesses would self-identify in this way. What a scam

Robert Arthur said...

Of course the maori economy is bourgeoning. A myriad councils, govt agencies have in their policy specific statements requiring race based favouritism of maori. Fellow intransigent insurrectionists and brainwashed others have infiltrated all Council, government and many large private enterprises. Terror of cancellation effectively eliminates opposition to their manipulations. With operations so influenced from end to end by maori, critical accounting oversight is near impossible, and in any case also hugely deterred by certainty of cancellation. It is a gravy train even the least cunning and conniving maori are onto.

mudbayripper said...

I have great concern regarding the so-called Māori economy, what exactly set's it apart from the actual New Zealand economy.
It appears dangerous and deeply racist.
Apparently its worth has exceeded the 100 billion dollar value.
What does this mean for the rest of us second class citizens.

Anonymous said...

Mudbauripper I agree.
It sort of feels like germany in the 1930s when jewish people were removed from society gradually, step by step. To be a non maori business is to be labelled as 2nd class and more taxes must be applied. The maori economy is conditioning kiwis to know their place as less important citizens, who cannot benefit economy set up for one race only.

Anonymous said...

The "brought and paid for" apartheid economy.

Anonymous said...

Mr Luxon, this is apartheid - Luxon/National wake up, realise this is not something to be swept under the mat and be part of the solution - if not get out of the way and let those who can do it!

Robert arthur said...

6th. So we have self disfigured maori as president and vice president of the NZEI, the all powerful teacher's union in large part responsible for the degradation of the NZ education system. Fortunately I will probably be dead when my grandchidren are moved overeas for a reasonable education and a life not ruled on a racial basis by maori.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't consider having a Westpac banking account after seeing their advertising for scholarships for Maori only.

Robert Arthur said...

I am incredulous that two blatantly pro their race tattooed maori should have made it to the top positions of the NZEI. The decline of the traditional teaching profession apparently far more advanced than I had imagined. I am curious about appointment details.Was it a secret vote of all members? Or a vote of delegats? If the former what proportion abstained? Even if supposedly secret many today would not trust a blatantly pro maori organisation to respect, so fear of cancellation would deter or steer very many votes.

Robert Arthur said...

Re 8th. If an MP I would be overjoyed at being banned from speaking at Turia's funeral. It would have taken me many hours to evolve words which would not have got me cleaved by a mere. Ironically her command of English was her most notable feature (Did she have full te reo?) The reverence accorded Turia is incredible. I do not know why non maori MPs attended. Even allowing for the fact that, like the Green party, the original TPM was a vastly more rational and respected organisation than the present, being the instigator of such a duplicitous, coarse and primitive rabble is hardly something to be proud of. Having been mentored by Helen Clark to then blatanly oppose her and the interests of NZ a classic example of maori exploitation and duplicity .

Anonymous said...

The PM and others should have exercised their tikanga and left the event. This simply shows what can be expected if He Pua Pua is allowed to ride roughshod over NZ.

Anonymous said...

At least Tariana Turia actually tried to use her time in parliament to do good for “our people” as she was so fond of saying. I always found that terminology divisive - very “us vs them” - but she certainly achieved way more than the current lot are even capable of contemplating. They’re not in Parliament to improve the lot of Maori. They’re there to expand their own power base and undermine Parliament from within.

anonymous said...

Spot on! No doubt that this is your future.

Ray S said...

What a blatant insult to mps not allowed to speak at the funeral for Tariana Turia. Jones had the guts to tell them what he thought. They should have left and gone home.

As for the TOW principles, if the bill is defeated, Maori will see that as a victory and all further claims will quote a vague "principle" in support and there will be no way to argue against.
Same old, same old.

robert Arthur said...

Ironically, Turia apparently did not have the lingo. So addressing the coffin in te reo hardly appropriate. But she was somewhat masterful in English; an accomplished address in would have been very fitting. Perhaps when told "no English" a simultaneous Dun Mihaka response by the 3 MPs may have been appropriate.

Anonymous said...

Example of co ordinated msm propaganda is the Taranaki iwi having a crack at the Taranaki council over the treaty bill . Main online item on Herald and Stuff . Other matters in Taranaki ignored .Part-Maori campaigning and anti - bill narratives are priority.

Anonymous said...

So unelected iwi can bully elected council officials if they don't do what the iwi want. Tribal rule is going to be fun isn't it!

Anonymous said...

Have a look at what the FNDC council is up to to undermine the coalition efforts to get Councils to stay in their lane and do the basics:
This was the motion by Councillor Hilda Halkyard-Harawira 12 Dec '24:
That Council

1. future proof Tiriti gains made over the last 184 years, and in years to come, so that incoming governments cannot undermine local progress and cause unnecessary anxiety amongst 53% of its population;

2. adopt and embrace mutual and beneficial partnerships with Māori that uplift community wellbeing i.e. housing, incentives for health, education and sustainability industries within the area;

3. proactively heed the recommendations of the Waitangi Tribunal findings regarding matters that impact on the territories within Tai Tokerau i.e. Te Paparahi o Te Raki Stage 1 & 2 Reports;

4. return all unused Council reserves to mana whenua expeditiously;

5. uphold and maintain former and yet to come Iwi settlements, reparations agreements/ redress options and their evolving conditions;

6. never approve resource consents or walking routes on wāhi tapu;

7. by June 2025, commit formally in the Long-Term Plan to the restoration of moana, rivers and streams and adopt the wholesale ban on all sewage and hazardous waste dumping to the harbours, rivers and streams in Tai Tokerau;

8. ensure 80% local procurement in all contracts to sustain Tai Tokerau businesses.

Is anyone else as disgusted as me?

anonymous said...

Para 2. Another important initiative which will be dangerous if it does not succeed:
the petition to abolish Maori electoral seats ( proposed by Bruce Willis ) - to run till December 2025 on the Parliament site.
Unless this is well publicized by leading blogs , it could fail - and the issue will never be addressed by MPs ofr parties.

*Abolition was advocated by the Royal Commission Report on MMP to avoid over-representation.

Anonymous said...

Nzers are still largely in the dark about all these issues. I find that the most common reactiion is " Oh that will never happen here." When you point out the policies they look blankly and say " No that won't be right" or " it's happening everywhere else in the world too." So tribal rule it is then apparently

Anonymous said...

Israel is an ethnocracy and apartheid to boot. They also want it all.

Anonymous said...

One hopes that the NZ College of Public Health Medicine and the various Council's that have submitted on the Principles Bill will be able to produce the mandates from their members supporting their stances? Without such, their submissions should be shredded, for they are not worth the paper they written on.

Anonymous said...

“Three hundred leaders gather - plan pan-Māori assembly to challenge government”

That is treason.
RNZ is happy to present it as a news story.
Luxon doesn’t appear to give a damn.

robert Arthur said...

In response to Anon above the msm should rip into the likes of the HHH resoluuion, but they too cowed.
Re 11th. It is nice to know the Rangitikei Council is so on top of serious matters that they can fritter time pondering the addition of a complicating macron to their name.
It would be interesting to know just how the giant maori insurrection coordination planning meeting is financed. It is incredible that so many have so much free time, especially as many have to fit in regular protracted funerals.. Unfortunately other groups are too productively busy and naive to form any counter. That network of highly state subsidised insurrection coordination centres (marae) are apparently proving successful in their nation wide encouragement of counter to any aspects of legislation not specifically favouring of maori/trace maori.

Chuck Bird said...

Anonymous posted, "Para 2. Another important initiative which will be dangerous if it does not succeed:
the petition to abolish Maori electoral seats ( proposed by Bruce Willis ) - to run till December 2025 on the Parliament site.
Unless this is well publicized by leading blogs , it could fail - and the issue will never be addressed by MPs ofr parties.

More details please. A link would be useful.

Anonymous said...

A N Other here: try: like most petitions at: (click on "sign a petition" to view those put up there) few get many signatures because let's face most are just noise. This is a shame because it masks and demeans those like the subject one to have Maori electorates removed which with enough publicity might get some traction.

anonymous said...

Link - petition n7 on the list.

Allan said...

Like all of these blowhard Hui's it will be full of absolute b/s and the misheld belief that they are the superior race when history shows us that without the influence of colonisation they would still be a bunch of tribal entities full of corruption and fighting amongst themselves and going nowhere. The whole thing is based on a false belief that the Treaty is a founding document when in actual fact the Maori Chiefs who signed it wanted to do so to attain the protection of British law in order to stop the continual intertribal fighting, slavery, utu and decimation of the Maori race by those who had obtained muskets. Also sovereignty was definetly given away and that is another historical fact.

Chuck Bird said...

Thanks for the link Anonymous. I have signed and will spread the word on Kiwiblog and elsewhere.

anonymous said...

To Chuck Bird 11/1/25 7.52: the plan is to mobilize the blogs ASAP to advertise this petition - which, if it fails to get large numbers, will be hailed as a victory by the Left/radical Maori.