The latest 1News/Verian poll was published on Monday night. It is the second poll in as many days that shows National and the Government in decline, while the loonies of the left have risen enough to govern.
Think about that for a moment. People are telling pollsters that they’d prefer the fiscal saboteurs of Labour along with the weirdos of the Greens and the racists of Te Pāti Māori over the current coalition.
- 📉 National falls to 34%, down from 37% in December, while 📈 Labour rises to 33% from 29%.
- 🗳️ Left bloc (Labour, Greens, Te Pāti Māori) would secure 61 seats: enough to govern.
- ⚖️ Right bloc (National, ACT, New Zealand First) would have 60 seats: one short due to an overhang.
- 📊 Economic optimism drops to 36%; economic pessimism rises to 25%.
- 🎚️ 39% believe the government is going in the right direction; 50% think the country is on the wrong track.
- 👨💼 Luxon’s approval dips to 22%, while 📈 Hipkins’ approval edges up to 17%.
Meanwhile the electorate lists the cost of living, the economy and health as the three biggest issues. Taxing Kiwis to virtue signal to the rest of the world that we still believe in the climate scam doesn’t really seem like a good way to grow the economy. Luxon says that the world won’t buy our products unless we do; ignoring the fact that the world seems perfectly OK with buying products from China (just ask The Warehouse), or India or the United States.
His corporate managerialism is faltering, his slogans appear hollow and his party and his own ratings are plummeting.

Perhaps if he took his snout out his globalist feedbag for a moment, he might realise that the woke world of the managerial classes is sharply in decline. Nationalism, and looking after one’s own citizens, are very popular.
Add to that the electoral pummeling of the managerial elite classes at the polls and the obvious signal is that the people are sick of being pissed on and told it’s only a bit of light rain.
The exposure of the deep state money laundering of taxpayer dollars in the United States is symptomatic of the malaise Western governments find themselves in. People are sick and tired of being lied to by media, the politicians, the UN, the WEF and WHO. They are voting accordingly.
What National needs to do is get on the 80 per cent side of an 80/20 issue and make Labour take the 20 per cent side and die in a ditch defending it.
Luxon, sadly, is doing the opposite and a classic example is the Treaty Principles Bill. Luxon has forced the Nats to take the side of the elite iwi, continuing a long tradition of National selling out the country to Māori.
National’s own pollsters, Curia, say they are on the wrong track, and now Verian says it too. National’s slogan last election was to get New Zealand “back on track”, but it seems the train left the station and Luxon hopped on the Nowhere Express to political oblivion.
Something has to change and waiting is no longer an option.
People voted for change at the last election and Luxon hasn’t delivered it. If he doesn’t watch out, both David Seymour and Winston Peters are going to ride Trumpism to electoral success with a shattered National Party being a third wheel. Imagine the humiliation amongst the elites of the National Party at the Northern Club if they become a minor party. Their sphere of influence would be significantly diminished.
On the plus side, dwellers in the shadows who peddle influence, like Peter Kiely and Christopher Finlayson, will have that influence significantly curtailed. They’ll cry like the little bitches they are, but...anyway...
If Christopher Luxon doesn’t do something radical, like...oh, I don’t know...something like what Trump is doing and drain the swap, then his goose is cooked.
Cam Slater is a New Zealand-based blogger, best known for his role in Dirty Politics and publishing the Whale Oil Beef Hooked blog, which operated from 2005 until it closed in 2019. Cam blogs regularly on the GoodOil - where this article was sourced.
What is the point in improving the economy, only to have to handed indirectly to the Maori gravy train ?
The economy will always fix itself, eg after colossal wastage after a war, but re- gaining democracy is going to take a civil war.
Luxon is promoting that war like mood.
Point of discussion -The Curia Poll had TPM at 4% which in real election terms would have them out of Parliament and the whole scenario quite different .
They win electoral seats however so the 4% is only a factor in how may list mps they may get......
Ahem.... excuse me please Mr Slater.
National support went up in the middle of a long, tough, and necessary rescession.
ACT support has fallen.
Perhaps you could write an opinion on why that is happening.
I fervently hope you have sent personalised copies of your opinion piece ... well-compiled if I may say so ... to Mr Luxon, to Mr Seymour, and to Mr Peters, with a very large transparent watermark 'You Are Warned' atop the page.
Mind you, some clown in Parliamentary security would classify it as hate speech and relegate such a letter to File 13.
There's Mark Hanley again...the National Party apologist...
Luxon raves on ad nauseum re economic issues but continues ridiculous spending of tax payers money on appeasing maori and reparation payments. These payments have been going on for 50+ years and Waitangi Tribunal are continually dreaming up other ways to make these continue. This has to stop, it is a rort and NZers are sick if it. Continuing to pay into the climate fraud and signing NZ up to ridiculous emissions reductions in the Paris Accord is suicidal. As is the DEI woke carry on and the bureaucrats writing policy to entrench this is all costing NZ. If Luxon really wanted to work towards fixing the economy he would deal to these things. WHO also needs to be given the boot as we have the expertise here to develop pandemic response policies so long as properly accredited people are allowed to speak. There are so many areas where savings could be made that his rhetoric is just that. Empty words.
Thx Hugh, the personal abuse makes me.feel great because....
1. I know I'm winning the argument as you can't argue the facts
2. I know poeple who find my balanced and evidenced opinions counter to their own views, still find my superior methodology and information compelling reading.
Sorry Mark, but I think your self appraisal of "superior methodology and information " make "compelling reading" is a somewhat inflated
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