The decline in support for the government in recent polls is not surprising.
Times are tough, people are wanting more progress and those in charge get blamed even if there is no fast fix for the mess the previous government left behind.
What does surprise me, is the increase in support for Chris Hipkins as preferred Prime Minister.
People must have short memories because, as David Seymour points out:
People must have short memories because, as David Seymour points out:
. . . Chris Hipkins is a politician we have to admire. Slipperier than an eel fed on sausage rolls, no politician has glided over failure like Chris Hipkins.
In a multi-year crime wave he was Minister of Police.
In the biggest attendance and achievement slump in the history of our country he was Minister of Education.
When the public service added 30 per cent more workers for no better output, he was the Minister for the Public Service.
In many ways those problems were caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the Government’s response to it. He was also the Minister for COVID-19, where his responsibilities included testing, tracing, making logical rules, and ordering the vaccines on time. . .
He was also Minister of Health.

And let’s not forget Three Waters:

How can anyone think he could do better if given a second chance at leading the country?
Ele Ludemann is a North Otago farmer and journalist, who blogs HERE - where this article was sourced.
In principle- impossible. In political reality - maybe. Depends on what Labour offers to the gullible sheeple and the Gravy Train set.
Maybe he was home schooled.
His mother and the education system/doctrine.........repercussions....
Never mind, give her a 'title'.
Because, as time passes and we get ever closer to the fruition of He Puapua and New Zimbabwe, the average NZer is either too complacent or stupid - take your pick. Luxon is still proving (although now well down the track) how bad he is; Hipkins left no doubt.
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