
Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Mike Hosking: Why do we have race-based flood funds?

Can you tell me how the weather that has affected certain parts of the country has somehow become race-based?

Does the rain fall differently on Māori? Does a flood affect you differently depending on your race?

If your home is yellow-stickered or red-stickered, is that dependant on whether you identify as Māori?

If your apples aren't getting picked, what role has race played in that?

This is the absurdity we deal with, as yet again the Labour Māori caucus strikes with another of their inexplicable hand-outs based purely on race.

There is $15 million for help - but only if you're Māori, for a Māori-led flood recovery.

Do Māori recover differently to flooding than anyone else? Do they do it with different equipment?

Just what is a Māori-led response?

How is it Willie Jackson, yet again, tries to explain this isn't special treatment when it is indisputably special treatment?

In aspects of life that are unique to Māori, it's understandable. For situations like past grievances, that’s why we have the tribunal - for wrongs that need to be put right that only Māori had to deal with.

Everyone in various parts of the country had to deal with the storms. The storms didn’t strike Māori any differently to anyone else.

It was communities that were hit. Some will have had different race make-ups, the same way some would have had different age make-ups and different rural urban profiles.

But the response is the same - if you got hit, you got hit. If you need help, you need help.

Given the Three Waters mess they are trying to unstitch as we speak, given the massive push back they have received in the Māorification of this country under this Government, you might have thought it would have sunk in, in election year.

You don't win votes by being separatist. You don’t get support by pretending money delivered based on race isn't race-based money.

That $15 million is only for one group of people. To get it, you not only have to be flood affected, you have to be Māori and flood affected.

Willie can say it until he runs out of breath but it doesn’t make him right.

Because he isn't.

Mike Hosking is a New Zealand television and radio broadcaster. He currently hosts The Mike Hosking Breakfast show on NewstalkZB on weekday mornings.


Anonymous said...

Privilege is now embedded very deeply..... noone would want to lose this.

But this loss must happen -sooner or later.

Anonymous said...

more handouts and special treatment for the special race.. You'll see a few more Audi's and BMW's roaming the streets there in no time no doubt.. Where did all that Covid money for maori go? The same place I suspect, the backpockets of greedy takers. How the country puts up with this racist corruption I'll never know. More snouts in the never ending trough unfortunately. You watch the reaction from maori when all this special treatment gets repealed after the election assuming National and ACT win. You'll see riots, violence and protesting like we've never seen before. Equal treatment will be discrimination to them after living off the tit of the taxpayer for years..

Graeme Hook said...

I am bone on bone in my lower back from the ongoing repairs from the 2021 July flooding that went through our house near 1 M and another flood event into house the following Feb just after new carpets were installed after the house finally repaired.
Still have unfixed road side farm fences, no one came to see all the damage from this flood event to so many houses in my valley just 1/2 hr drive west from the Beehive.
Not the Police or anyone from the council or our MP Grant Robinson.I see there is ten grand for farmers up there for fence repair? Nice...

Anonymous said...

You clearly haven't understood white privilege, Mike. It's only appropriate that our treaty partners get singled out and given special treatment for they have been oppressed, and now this time by an act of nature - unquestionably worsened by past or acquired colonial activities and/or as a result of our indigenous soles being spiritually separated (due to colonialism) from their sky and land gods.
Our Indian, Asian et al communities don't need that assistance for they have inbuilt resilience and have had an easy time in Aotearoa (and should be grateful in any event), unlike our poor, oppressed and disadvantaged Maori. After all, their tax exempt Corporations are not even worth $10Billion and the lifestyles of the likes of Jackson, Mahuta & Morgan are nothing like yours and especially mine. In the vernacular Willie would use - 'Get with the plan, man!'

Robert Arthur said...

Perhaps someday soon the msm, mainly the newspapers, will realise they are backing the horse about to lose and print objective comments like the above, notwithstanding their subserviance the maori economy andfear of cancellation from them.

DeeM said...

This Labour government, and the Greens, are infested with racist policies. They've been doing it for so long they probably don't even see it.

Only a resounding vote against parties that promote racist favouritism will get the message across and Hipkins most certainly hasn't got it yet.
Clearly, NZ hasn't reached that point, based on recent opinion polls. In fact, our two overtly racist governing pareties are still in with a good shout of winning the next election.

Robert Arthur said...

Hi DeeM
The problem is no opposition party has declared no special treatment for tarce maori, no more te reo twaddle. Perhaps they will nearer election date to ensure a landslide.

RogerF said...

Jackson and his cohorts were obviously absent the day they handed out brains!