The Electoral Commission has made another blunder:
The Electoral Commission is under intense scrutiny over its decision to set up a polling booth at Manurewa Marae, where Te Pāti Māori candidate Takutai Moana Kemp is the CEO.
This issue is part of a larger probe into election conduct at the marae, in the wake of a tightly contested race in Tāmaki Makaurau, which saw Kemp secure victory over Labour MP Peeni Henare by just four votes — a stark contrast from the 495-vote lead Henare held on election night. . .
Was nobody at the commission thinking that having a polling booth at a marae where the CEO was a candidate would be a really stupid idea?
The legal framework governing Aotearoa-NZ’s elections is designed to prevent any form of influence that could be construed as unduly affecting voter decision-making.
The commission would likely seek legal review or advice from legal experts or the Crown Law Office to decide if using a polling station at a candidate’s place of work could be seen as a breach of these principles, potentially affecting the outcome of an incredibly close race. . .
The 491 vote difference between the election night count and the final one indicates a lot of people hadn’t been enrolled until they voted.
How can anyone be sure that at least some of those voters weren’t influenced by the the candidate being the CEO of the marae where they voted?
It would have taken only four of them to vote for any other candidate than Kemp to result in a draw and three to vote for Henare to make it a win for him
Having a polling station at a candidate’s workplace would raise serious questions even if the result was much more decisive. When the majority is only four votes those questions become even more serious.
Ele Ludemann is a North Otago farmer and journalist, who blogs HERE
The hugely state subsidised insurgency propoganda centres (marae) grossly inappropriate for a polling station. Why do maori have to be constantly plied with food? Judging by the Brobdingnands at my local supermarket very few are on a basic diet, or even mine.
The legal framework governing Aotearoa-NZ’s elections is designed to prevent any form of influence that could be construed as unduly affecting voter decision-making.
Where is Aotearoa-NZ?
Sounds like a corrupt, dodgy place to me.
Thank you for plain speaking here. Of course this is yet more cringing to Maori - which is really a pity as Peeni Henare is a real loss to government.
New Zealand is said to be the second least corrupt country in the world. The rest of the world must be in a parlous state!
Surely Ele, the question should be "Is anyone at the Electoral Commission capable of thinking?"
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