
Thursday, November 9, 2023

Peter Hemmingson: Brown Supremacist Bluff and Threats

It should by now be clear to all that after six years of Labour Government, self-entitled brown supremacist part-Māori have gained vastly increased political traction and momentum at the expense of ordinary New Zealanders.

The longer this situation continues, the harder it will be to arrest. 

As Black American political economist, Thomas Sowell, reminds us: “When people become used to special treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination.”

Brown supremacist part-Māori clearly have no compunction in deploying bluff and threats to protect their ill-gotten gains.

Tau Henare is Deputy Chair of Auckland Council’s Independent Māori Statutory Board—an unelected co-governance position. 

After Auckland Council voted against Māori seats for the 2025 local body elections, Henare said this to councillors who voted down the proposal:

"A message to those 11 Councillors who voted ‘No’ on Maori Wards. … I now will vote ‘No’ and oppose everything you put forward at any one of my Committees which are Planning and CCOs.”

Māori Party co-leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer threatened that any attempt to change the Marine and Coastal Areas Act to restore seabed and foreshore to Crown ownership would lead to an "uprising of the hikoi of all hikois."

The Oxford Dictionary defines “uprising” as: “a situation in which a group of people join together in order to fight against the people who are in power. ‘He led an armed uprising against the government.’”

Ngarewa-Packer doesn’t appear to be too well-acquainted with the idea of peaceful political dissent.

Green Party co-leader Maraca Davidson said that "conversations on Te Tiriti are absolutely about causing social unrest."

Reading between the lines, Davidson is suggesting that any removal of unearned ethnocentric entitlements for brown supremacist part-Māori will lead to violence.

Labour Minister Willie Jackson said of ACT's proposed Treaty Referendum "if they try push that through, It'll be '81 Springbok Tour, civil unrest times five, times ten."

Not even a fig leaf on that one.

Te Pāti Māori president John Tamihere, also warns of  violent brown supremacist protest if a referendum on the Treaty goes ahead.

“You don't unwind 30 years of hard won incremental treaty jurisprudence overnight with a tyranny of the majority,” he said.

Tamahere clearly doesn’t understand democracy.  In his world view, tyranny of an unelected minority based on ethnocentric identity politics and Constitutionally inappropriate judicial activism is what we should stick with.

“There will be significant civil unrest … nor should, any leader take us down that track.”

It will not be a leader but a majority of NZ citizens by way of binding public referendum taking us down this track.

If  brown supremacists were backed into a corner on the issue they would have to resort to protest, Tamahere said.

“That protest will be significant, as it should be ... there will be days of national Māori action and they'll close down Whangarei, Auckland, Tauranga, Hamilton, Wellington.”

No fig leaf on this one, either.

This is how Maori deal with being blocked or thwarted on any issue. 

If you can’t argue it down, smack it down, that’s the Māori way.

Want your missus to cook a bro some eggs? Want to stop your baby crying? Want to derail a Treaty referendum? 

Just use violence. 

Our new Government should not buckle to this nonsense or allow itself to be bullied and intimidated.

If brown supremacist part-Māori want to bring it when we roll back their depredations, let them come at it.

One of the core duties of government is to protect the Body Politic against all enemies—foreign and domestic.

Make no mistake: these people are the enemies of a free and democratic society.

Most of us don’t want to live as second-class citizens in a Third World tribalist dictatorship, which is where this is headed.

The time is long overdue for the Government to defend our democracy and our individual rights and freedoms against this execrable ‘brownmail.’ 

The only thing these haters and wreckers understand is a bigger stick.

I’m with Red Squad leader, Ross Meurant, who in The Red Squad Story, wrote: “I took the view that the Police were not there to come second—ever.”

These Nimrods need to be faced down NOW.

Far easier to permanently uproot a sapling than to chop down a mighty tōtara once it’s fully grown.

Peter Hemmingson is a New Zealander of multiple ethnic origins, who believes in a single standard of citizenship for all.


Anonymous said...

Never a truer commentary.

Rob Beechey said...

New Zealand once exemplified racial harmony. We were proud of our mixed Pakeha, Maori uniqueness that was admired the world over. The Ardern/Hipkins secret launch of divisiveness created great harm that will take years, if ever, to recover from.

Anonymous said...

The 'special treatment' and planting of the 'sapling' began in 1975 with the passing of the TOW Act by our 'democratic' government of the day.

No referendum required?

Our successive 'democratic' governments since then have just made the situation worst by adding, tweaking, twisting, caving, lying, rolling over until here we are, an apartheid country.

No referendum required?

So who do we blame, the 'creators' of the problem or the entitled Nimrods who need to be faced down?

We the people had better step up to the plate as our 'democratic' successive governments have let us down.

Referendum(s) required.

Chris Chapel said...

These threats are an admission that the majority would reject all racist favouritism, given the opportunity. Jackson and the other gangsters have shown their rejection of democracy. I hope Seymour gets his referendum on treaty principles. Luxon better take note - Like many New Zealanders, I would gladly vote again to bring an end to the treaty fairy tale gravy train.

Robert Arthur said...

If extreme right wing bovver boys (or pro maori masquearading as such to elevate the conflict) could be avoided, any maori violence would likely be effectively met by huge turnouts of "other" NZers. If and when the msm decide yo go with the vast majority, huge demonstrations could be easily arranged.
Henare's vindictive fixed attitude illustrates all that is wrong with maori in positions of major influence and control.

Anonymous said...

The fire was set and kindled decades ago but the last six years have added fuel. If co-governance projects were to continue that would be an accelerant that would create an ash pile of democracy and progress in NZ.
Thank you, Peter, for this great summary of the situation. I would love to share it but the topic is a no-go area for those who have been poisoned by the MSM.
It's great to see that Muriel Newman has been published in The Herald recently and Mike Hosking is airing issues that never saw the light of day before the election. So maybe we can turn this cart around before it careens all the way down the hill.

Anonymous said...

Not sure I have seen wording of proposed referendum. Whilst Aus came up with the right answer, the process was a debacle.

In fact as the Treaty was done and dusted in 1840, the referendum is effectively- do we unwind the treaty and go back to them and their rules and us and our rules and plenty of bloodshed each time something needs to be sorted out? Very retro.

EP said...

OK - so Maori are a minority in these islands, and some people can't bear it. But it is what it is folks. For many of you who claim to be Maori your DNA is well mixed with that from the northern hemisphere - where those of us whose ancestors travelled from there have their DNA well mixed amongst Celts and Vikings and Saxons and so on. And Maori have no claim in the world to be holier than thou, with their history of extermination of other tribes. They are just contemptible. Grow up you people. You take all the benefits of the influx of other cultures - and always have!