
Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Ian Bradford: The Continued Emission of CO2 is Coming from the Oceans NOT from Human Activities

We shall start with a slightly different form of a graph I have show before.  I remind you that graphs of this type going back a long way in time are put together using proxies. Proxies are physical characteristics that give an indication of such things as temperature and amount of CO2. For example, if tree rings are close together, it signals slow growth and therefore low temperatures. 

Note the decreasing amount of carbon dioxide. If that level was allowed to fall to about 150 ppm (parts per million), then most plants would die and so would we. It would seem very irresponsible to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere at this time. Between 146 million years ago and the present, carbon dioxide has fallen at a steady rate. For at least half of this time the Earth’s temperature remained steady at about 20 deg C. So the temperature did not fall even though carbon dioxide was falling. Going back to about 600 million years ago, carbon dioxide rose to about 3500 ppm, but the Earth’s temperature dropped to slightly less than it is at present. Using a bit of common sense, it seems there is no correlation between the amount of carbon dioxide and the earth’s temperature. This can be seen at other parts of the graph also like 400 million years ago when carbon dioxide fell and the Earth’s temperature rose.

As someone has written:  “Communism and the Nazi party came to power because they realised that common sense had to be dethroned.”

In a previous article I suggested that the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere over the past 50 years or more was coming from the oceans- not from humans. A critic wrote that scientists can tell from the isotopes of carbon in carbon dioxide that the carbon dioxide poured into the atmosphere in the past 50 years is coming from humans.  

The Isotopes of Carbon

An isotope is an atom with more or less neutrons than usual.  The most common isotope of carbon is carbon 12. This has 6 protons in the nucleus and 6 neutrons.  Then there is carbon 13 with 7 neutrons and carbon 14 with 8 neutrons and this isotope is radioactive.

·      C12   is about 98.9% of all carbon,

·        C13 is about 1%, and C14  makes up a very tiny amount. C14 is not present in fossil fuels extracted from underground. Fossil fuels were formed millions of years ago and since the half life of C14 is 5730 years, by the time they are dug up there is no C14 left, as it has all decayed away.  So one of the alarmists’ arguments is that the vast majority of excess CO2 does not contain C14 and therefore can be attributed to fossil fuels. [Not sure what is meant by excess CO2.]

·      Plants have a preference for C12,  rather than C13, but they do absorb C13, so when plants, trees etc are burnt  C12  with a slightly reduced amount of C13, in carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere.  This means the ratio of C13 to C12   in the atmosphere is reduced slightly- the alarmists second argument. 

·      The third argument is that when fossil fuels are burnt, oxygen is used. The alarmists say that oxygen levels have decreased.       

Let’s take the third argument first.  As more carbon dioxide is put into the atmosphere plant growth increases substantially, as carbon dioxide is plant food. In fact, the whole planet has been greening in the past few years. More plants, therefore more oxygen.  So I think oxygen levels have actually increased, not decreased. 

The picture gives the increase in greening of the Earth from 1982 to 2015.  Most areas have seen a considerable increase in plant growth.  The small chart at the bottom  gives the change in leaf area and there is a large amount of green on the Earth map corresponding to the right of the chart. 

I’ll deal with the first two arguments later.  

The Very Warm Interior of the Earth

On July 18th 2011 the national Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and agency of the US government, declared in Scientific American and also in Nature Geoscience  that more than half the heat that keeps planet Earth from freezing comes from the fission reactor a the Earth’s core. The other half of the heat that keeps life possible on Earth comes from the sun. The Earth’s core is at a temperature of 6230 deg C. – equal to the temperature of the surface of the sun. 

No research paper regarding climate change has ever written includes the 50% contribution to the Earth’s warming coming from the Earth’s core. Current data describing Man- Made climate change is flawed by at least 50%.  No computer models have included the heat input from the Earth’s core. Further, there is also no data representing the energy released from the thousands of volcanoes erupting under the oceans every year in any document to be found regarding climate change.  Volcanic activity is increasing, especially since 1990. 

The graph gives the number of volcanic eruptions per decade since 1850 to 2010.  These are land volcanoes, but it is likely undersea volcanoes follow the same pattern.  

Satellite based thermal scanning of the Earth’s oceans by NASA have shown that there may be as many as 3 million volcanoes down under the oceans (New Scientist July 9th 2007). Above ground in places like Hawaii, Iceland, Mexico, or Indonesia there are only 500 active volcanoes. There may be 6,000 times more volcanoes under the oceans than there are above ground. Very little is known about these volcanoes under the oceans. 

Under the oceans is the Mid Ocean Ridge. It is 80,000 km long, and is in a continuous state of volcanic eruption and seismic activity. It is always leaking out lava. 

We have periods when La Nina dominates our weather. La Nina usually means we have a cooler spell. In 2011 we had La Nina. Consequently, 2011 should have been a slightly cooler year, but in fact we have a very warm year. IPCC like these years because they tell us it was the warmest year since.... global warming reigns.  That year 2011 just happened to coincide with an eruption of Axial Seamount. In 1998 we had another La Nina and so again we would expect a cool year. It was in fact, one of the warmest years for some time. Once again, it coincided with an eruption from Axial Seamount. There was another La Nina in 2015 and we had another very warm year, which again coincided with an eruption from Axial Seamount. It appears that this massive undersea volcano has a global warming effect when it erupts. Enough to overcome the cooling effects of a La Nina. What then if undersea volcanoes are causing global warming? 

The Axial Seamount

Axial Seamount is the busiest volcano in the Pacific Northwest. Its peak is about 480km off the Oregon coast, and almost 1.6km beneath the surface of the Pacific Ocean.  It belongs to a chain of volcanoes which stretches from Oregon to near Alaska- a distance of about 1800km. This chain sits in the boundary between two plates. Hot magma pushes up along the boundary building underwater volcanoes. Axial Seamount is the latest in the chain and is huge. Its base covers the entire city of Austen Texas.  Its lava flows are extensive. The volcano has generated lava flows 15m thick and the total eruptive volume is estimated to be up to 76,000 cubic km. 

Looking back in time, it seems the warmer than normal years coincided with the eruption of the Axial Seamount.  The warming of the ocean currents by the sub-oceanic lava flow can be directly linked to one single volcanic eruption. 

Note: The many ocean currents move this warmed water to other areas. The warmed water does not necessarily stay by the axial Seamount. 

Imaging continues to show that the oceans are warming, and by extension the planet is warming. These images are of water temperatures rising because volcanoes are erupting beneath the oceans all over the world. When a volcano erupts, the water it touches instantly boils and turns to 700 deg C steam. This steam has up to 1,000 times more atmospheric pressure than it would at the surface of the sea.  That steam is pushed to the surface where it evaporates.  It is not just the water that gets warmer, the air above also warms.

The top few metres of the ocean can store as much energy as the entire atmosphere, and relatively small changes in ocean circulation can move vast amounts of heat around the planet. 

Below is a diagram of ocean heat in the Pacific Ocean. Interesting names are given to the three hot spots. All of these hot spots in the ocean are caused by lava leaking out under the ocean at the mid-ocean ridge. The surface temperature is between 1 and 4 deg C higher than normal. Godzilla near the equator has been distributed around the Earth by the Earth’s rotation. 

The “Blob”  is off the coast of Oregon and may be due to the Axial Seamount.

Rising ocean temperatures release carbon dioxide from the oceans for two main reasons. Warmer water holds less carbon dioxide, and melting sea ice increases the rate that the warm and cold water mixes, and this dredges up high concentrations of carbon dioxide from the deep ocean. 

Both of these raise total global carbon dioxide concentrations to levels not seen since the Roman warming period 2000 years ago, or the Middle Ages warming period 600 years ago. This is NOT man-made CO2.  

So we have volcanoes erupting under the oceans , we have rising water temperatures , we have rising atmospheric temperatures, rising CO2 levels and rising global temperatures. All these factors have happened repeatedly and unabated nine times in the past 10, 000 years without the help from man or from burning fossil fuels. 

[Check back on the climate alarmists arguments before you read this] 

Let’s look at what we have:  Carbon dioxide is released when fossil fuels like coal and oil are burnt. There is no C14 in fossil fuels coal and oil because it has all decayed away over millions of years.  If we burn trees or vegetation once again there is no C14, because C14 is radioactive. Plants prefer C12 but  C13, is also absorbed.   It is found that the composition of carbon dioxide from the oceans is similar in composition to that in the atmosphere.    That is, mostly C12 with a very small amount of C13.  



Fossil fuels         -------emit---------------------------------à      C12   plus  some C13   in CO2




Carbon Dioxide from seawater   ------emit-----------à       C12 plus   C13   in CO2

Both sources are putting out the same isotopes of carbon. 

So we have the 4% of carbon dioxide from humans with a little C13 in it all mixed with a huge amount of carbon dioxide from the oceans  again with C13.  So the mixture is mostly C12 with a very slightly lower ratio of C13 to C12   because the plants prefer C12. Because the contribution from humans is so tiny the reduced ratio of C13 to C12 would not be noticeable. 

Humans are NOT responsible for the increasing amount of carbon dioxide going into the atmosphere.  Nearly all of it is coming from the oceans. 

I just remind readers that there were many reports of a drop in human CO2 emissions when covid 19 was in full swing. This was due to the lockdowns and the reduction in activity of industries, shipping, air flights and so on.  Below is the graph of carbon dioxide emissions produced by Maua Loa. We would expect a dip in the graph from about 2019. No such dip is evident. Carbon dioxide levels continued to rise at the same steady rate. The oceans were still emitting carbon dioxide as they had been doing for some time. 

Finally: There’s the question of whether you think carbon dioxide is causing climate change. It didn’t take me long to realise that CO2 is not causing climate change. However, let’s humour the climate alarmist for a minute. Suppose it was causing climate change. If nearly all the carbon dioxide building up in the atmosphere at present is being emitted from the oceans what are climate alarmists going to do about it?  How do they plan to stop all undersea volcanic eruptions? 

Climate change will happen because of natural processes . We simply have to learn to adapt. That’s the key to survival. 

Ian Bradford, a science graduate, is a former teacher, lawyer, farmer and keen sportsman, who is writing a book about the fraud of anthropogenic climate change.


Anonymous said...

But how to convince the blinkered? Of course underwater volcanoes are having a huge effect on the oceans and weather patterns-and nothing anyone does on this earth is going to make a blind bit of difference!

Basil Walker said...

National and Mr Luxon PM , Why not have a television debate about the difference NZ is meant to be making in all facets of Global Warming / Climate Change . For and Against with a decent moderator .
Understand there is nothing tangible NZ citizens can achieve against nature . Ban any suggestion of Zero Carbon being used as a political or business expenditure because to believe all humans breathing is offensive is just ludicrous and makes our PM frankly prove he is dumb to the tragedy of promoting extinction of the human race .
We do NOT deserve huge waste of the NZ Parliamentary and household budgets on nutters , zealots and green nitwits .
Just be a leader and leave your personal preferences behind , or stannd aside and let the Coalition lead NZ

Rob Beechey said...

Another excellent piece Ian. I remember clearly when the world locked down, highways were empty, all aircraft were grounded, factories lay idle and China was visible from outer space for the first time. And guess what, as you stated Ian, co2 continued to increase in the atmosphere. The world had carried out this giant experiment for other reasons but its impact totally debunked the man made climate emergency hypothesis. This evidence was ignored by those promoting this political fairytale.

Martin Hanson said...

A couple of preliminary thoughts (possibly more to follow):
1. What proxies were used to estimate atmospheric CO2 levels in the Precambrian and Palaeozoic?
2. If he total surface are of the world’s oceans is 360 million square km, and if there are 3 million undersea volcanoes as Ian says, there would be an average of 12 per square km, which seems an awful lot.

Martin Hanson said...

Sorry for typo.
'surface are' should be 'surface area'

Basil Walker said...


Please consider 120sq km per volcano

Ian Bradford said...

Reply to Martin; Basic arithmetic. 360,000,000 divided by 3,000,000 is 360/3 which is 120 Is it not? One volcano per 120 sq km is not much.
Research uses a global climate model which aims to address CO2 levels. Back for the pre-Cambrian/Cambrian, the oxygen isotopes and in particular O18 found in Calcium Carbonate and Calcium Phosphate shells are one of the most common proxies used to infer past temperatures. Oxygen data from the late pre- Cambrian and early Cambrian showed evidence of a green house climate with a sea surface temperature in the range 20-25 Deg C. Evaporites indicate the climate at particular dry locations and with low rainfall, and low humidity. CO2 estimates from the GEOCARB 111 model gave values 2800-8960ppm ( Berner and Votharda, 2001). The FOAM model from the Math an Computer Science division of Argonne national Lab and others, found that they could reproduce the high temperatures from the Oxygen isotope record if atmospheric Carbon Dioxide in the model was at 8960ppm. Some of the increased CO2 was due to volcanic activity.

Erica said...

This is so interesting. We do interplanetary exploration but it seems general knowledge about our own Earth is not well known.

After reading this I felt fairly depressed at the shocking ignorance of our politicians and even scientists who should know better.

How many billion dollars did Jacinda give to international climate scams?

Rob Beechey said...

I totally agree with you Basil Walker. A public debate would be a frightening prospect for our ruling elite.

Martin Hanson said...

Yes, arithmetic was never my strong point; silly error on my part.

However, on the issue of the origin of increased atmospheric CO2, I beg to differ with Ian. He says that “humans are NOT responsible for the increasing amount of carbon dioxide going into the atmosphere. Nearly all of it is coming from the oceans.”

I refer him to “Changes to Carbon Isotopes in Atmospheric CO2 Over the Industrial Era and Into the Future”, a paper by Heather Graven, Ralph F. Keeling, Joeri Rogelj in the Journal Global Geochemical Cycles.

It’s a long and detailed paper, but among their key points is the statement that

“Carbon isotopes, 14C and 13C, in atmospheric CO2 are changing in response to fossil fuel emissions and other human activities”

Ralph Keeling and his father Charles are internationally known for their graph of continuous measurements taken at the Mauna Loa Observatory on the island of Hawaii from 1958 until the present, which Ian uses in his column.

Interestingly, the Keeling curve shows a saw-tooth pattern due to seasonal decreases and increases in CO2. In the northern summer, photosynthetic uptake of CO2 exceeds its output in respiration, so its atmospheric concentration decreases, and in the northern winter, the reverse is the case.

In view of the curve’s sensitivity, if volcanoes were a significant source of CO2, one might have expected the curve to show episodic, irregular rises in CO2, but we do not.

That said, although I think anthropogenic global warming is real, I’m certain that globalists and their glove puppet media are exaggerating its immediacy as a threat, and are using it as a weapon to control the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

IB is incorrect, though I do appreciate he makes an attempt to address the isotopic ‘fingerprint’ that is one of the telling arguments against his AGW denialism.

In addition to the scientific research that MH highlights, there are good summaries of the climate science on the points IB raises in two Science Feedback articles – both citing peer-reviewed journal articles – find with internet searches:
– "Ian Plimer incorrectly states that human CO2 emissions are not responsible for increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations and global warming"
– "no evidence for a significant influence of volcanoes or solar variability on recent climate change"

A few of the key points: In modern times it is human activity that is responsible for the increase in CO2 in the atmosphere. The evidence includes counting up sources of CO2 emissions by human activities, measurements of CO2 in the atmosphere and the ‘fingerprint’ of carbon isotope ratios. Contrary evidence to attributing this isotopic ‘fingerprint’ to a ‘greening’ of the planet – which would have led to an increase in O2 concentrations – O2 concentrations have been falling steadily since 1990, driven by combustion and respiration.

Although it’s true that human-sourced CO2 emissions are quite small compared to natural sources of CO2, their day-in, day-out output by us humans, along with only about half of them being removed by natural carbon sinks, is resulting in a steady increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations ever since the beginning of the industrial revolution.

Climate scientists have excluded any other significant changes in climate forcing from other sources, such as volcanoes and the sun. Note that it is the change that is important: it doesn’t mean these other forcings don’t exist or don’t have insignificant variability.

As for the oceans, they are a net carbon sink not a net carbon emitter.


Anonymous said...

I’ve found a very relevant article on Science Feedback – it cites peer-reviewed articles, too. The article effectively refutes IB’s argumentation around the carbon isotopic ‘fingerprint’. It explains why the ‘fingerprint’ is one of the robust pieces of evidence that the increase CO2 emissions in modern times is being caused primarily by humans. Find the article with the internet search "carbon isotopes do not show that humans climate impacts are too small to notice"

The article is worth reading in full, but a couple of key points:
– The biosphere (and so with any ‘greening’ as well) is a net sink, not a net emitter. The oceans are a net sink, too.
– The isotopic ‘fingerprint’ also eliminates volcanic forcing of CO2 as a significant factor of GW in modern times.