
Monday, August 5, 2024

Clive Bibby: The cheap clean energy myth.

If the IPCC was really committed to the clean, green energy programmes that are being promoted in countries that can afford to indulge its ideology, it should at least be prepared to put up answers to questions about the reliability and affordability of these progeny of Climate Change.

One only has to look around the world at countries that are currently lead by the sycophantic believers of these false prophets to realise how most of their projects aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions through the introduction of wind, solar and other costly alternative energy sources to the national grid have failed - and in some cases where the existing energy supplies are fossil fuel based that are being totally replaced with clean energy sources, the prescribed alternative is worse than the problem it was meant to cure.

That isn’t to say that clean energy supplies like solar and wind don’t have a place in the mix of sources that are affordable per unit of power and environmentally acceptable in the place where the plants will be built.

Unfortunately it would appear, given the negative reaction from the people who live in countries where the costs of these newly introduced providers are being imposed, that this whole transition has been poorly planned and the people least able to afford the cost of plugging in are demanding a return to the old days - to hell with the zealots and their fixation with Climate Change - if the old people can’t stay warm during the cold nights, they die!

And blackouts due to the unreliability of the energy supply chain are the final straw that breaks the camel’s back.

Just take a look at what is happening across the ditch in Australia.

The Albanese Government, captive of the minority, idealogically driven Greens have rushed headlong into banning all coal fired power stations while hypocritically continuing to export large quantities of Coal and Gas.

Under the previous government we were doing much the same thing here in Godzone.
It is ludicrous even if viewed only through the eyes of those who thought it was a necessary move in order to save the planet.

Most rational people will accept government strategies aimed at protecting our ability to survive and thrive .

But they draw the line at embarking on programmes that are unaffordable or actually achieve little in the world wide battle for survival itself.

It is no surprise then that nations are voting for policies that have been sensibly worked through and are the result of balancing its environmental needs with what is politically acceptable.

That is why we are likely to see changes of government in countries where the people have had enough of this nonsense.

It is back to the future for most of us.

Why are we not surprised.

Clive Bibby is a commentator, consultant, farmer and community leader, who lives in Tolaga Bay.


Anonymous said...

Clive the politicians are well aware of the lunacy in present energy policies, but they are moral cowards and dare not reject the policies that have been handed down to them. If it was just a case of behaving rationally none of this feculent nonsense would never have got to the front door.

Ewan McGregor said...

And the point of this piece is…? It covers the present and likely future of electricity generation, or at least, purports to. There is not a single fact quoted. The ‘look at what is happening in Australia’ is covered in one sentence, which claims that coal-powered generators are being banned. They are not, but being progressively replaced by gas, solar and wind, which now represents a third of the nation’s electricity generation, and growing continually. Further, coal exports, also covered in the sentence, are declining. A key buyer here is China, which is making big strides in sustainable energy.
The heading, referring to cheap clean energy as a myth, is entirely misleading. It is not a myth at all. It’s real, indicated by the most basic research. There’s a global revolution taking place, accelerated by that of battery technological development.
This is a topic fundamental to the future of our planet and life upon it, and inextricably intertwined with global climate change. Superficial comment, including denigrations like ‘sycophants’ and ‘zealots’ does not do it justice at all.

Anonymous said...

EW: Well said!

For a recent worldwide overview (revised January 2024), see the Our World in Data article – web search "Ritchie Roser Rosado Renewable Energy"


Basil Walker said...

Ewan , I disagree with your opinion thrust against the writer . Wind and solar energy plants are NOT cheap energy because they require the same amount of backup electricity production when it is night time and when there is no wind. FACT . Remember ; People still switch on the light before they check if the sun is up and it is blowing outside.