
Sunday, September 15, 2024

Ian Miller: Perrottet Admits Mandates Were Wrong

Accountability for those responsible for the disasters of global governments’ handling of the Covid-19 pandemic is nearly impossible. For several reasons.

Namely, that accountability would have to come from those currently in government. Many, if not most, of whom supported the mask mandates, vaccine passports, and other absurdities inflicted on the global public. It would also require those responsible to actually acknowledge their mistakes, then take responsibility for them. How often do we see politicians or influential public figures admit that they were wrong?

Mountainside FM: NZ a broken nation

Those British who had just put an end to slavery laid down the foundations of New Zealand.

They would never have written, or agreed with, a Treaty that divided the country into two unequal races, having asserted the very opposite: that all New Zealanders were equal British subjects.

This was a precious legacy for the new nation, to be safeguarded and never taken for granted.

New Zealand has paid the price of ignorance and inactivity, allowing a determined minority to build a tribal, ‘indigenous’ and race-based division, which destroys the claim to equality and liberty of all others....

Click image to Listen

Chris Trotter: Judge Not.

FOUR HUNDRED AND FORTY men and women professing the Christian faith would appear to have imperilled their immortal souls. The second of the Ten Commandments could hardly be clearer: Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image. And yet, in their open letter to the nation’s legislators, these 440 clerics have made it equally clear that, by their adoration of te Tiriti o Waitangi, idolatry is precisely what they are guilty of. Worse still, by publicly bowing down before te Tiriti, and serving it so aggressively, they have called down upon their heads the wrath of a self-confessed “Jealous God”, whose punishments extend – even unto the fourth generation.

Then again, citing the Old Testament probably cuts little ice with these Christians. They do, after all, introduce their attack on Act leader David Seymour’s, Treaty Principles Bill with a quote from the Gospel of Matthew:

Ele Ludemann: There’s always a choice

A good upbringing doesn’t guarantee success and people can succeed in spite of a bad upbringing:

Andrew Bolt chats to David Semour about the Treaty Principles Bill, on Sky News

New Zealand Regulation Minister David Seymour says there “needs to be a debate” regarding the Treaty of Waitangi.

Click to view - Then unmute to listen

Breaking Views Update: Week of 15.9.24

Sunday September 15, 2024 

PM Christopher Luxon says most NZers don’t support Treaty Principles Bill amid challenge from supposed National Party member

While on Newstalk ZB this morning, Luxon took a call from Michael who identified himself as a National Party member and questioned why Luxon had ruled out supporting Act’s bill, claiming there was “huge” support for Act leader David Seymour’s effort to re-define the Treaty principles.

Professor Jerry Coyne: Countering objections to free speech

Greg Lukianoff is, as most of you know, President of the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression. He’s also a lawyer and co-author, with Jon Haidt, of the excellent book The Coddling of the American Mind.   Yesterday in Quillette, Lukianoff wrote a piece that many of us may find useful, outlining how to give comebacks to flimsy arguments against free speech. The advice is especially useful now that both extreme Left and extreme Right are finding reasons to curtail speech, the former through demonizing certain opinions that go against Righthink and the latter through banning or censoring books. I think the article below is free, so have a look.

John Klar: Taxing Unrealized Capital Gains and an Inflation Nexus

The 'Inflate and Tax' proposals of Kamala Harris.

Among the various new taxes proposed by Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign are increased levies on capital gains and taxation of unrealized capital gains on wealthy Americans. Given recent history, this is particularly sneaky. The Biden-Harris team sparked rapid inflation, so now the Harris-Waltz duo wants to tax the phantom inflationary gain even before citizens holding assets as a shield against inflation have disposed of them. In other words, Harris plans to tax gains that don’t yet exist, which wouldn’t be possible without the inflation exacerbated under the Biden-Harris administration.

Dr Oliver Hartwich: Demystifying the state - what do you see?

Look at the cover of our new report Demystifying the State. What do you see? The image looks like a Rorschach test - those ink patterns used by psychologists. We chose this design on purpose. Just like a Rorschach test, the state means different things to different people.

Some see the state as the Prime Minister and elected government. Others think of ministerial staff and advisers. Many picture big government offices or workers like nurses, teachers and police. The truth is, the state is all of these - and more.

Dr Guy Hatchard: The New Zealand Government is Failing to Come to Terms With Reality

The New Zealand Herald story, 12 September, entitled “Health Minister Shane Reti to reveal more about health targets as officials warn of manipulation”. Dr Shane Reti says he’s not concerned (???) but can’t guarantee his five targets for the health system won’t be gamed by under-pressure health staff as his Government strives for better healthcare services. Apparently, specific targets for timely healthcare responses put hospital staff under such pressure that they can be tempted to manipulate data to make things look as though they are improving.

Ele Ludemann: Need and value

The government is putting need and value to the forefront in public services:

New Cabinet policy directives will ensure public agencies prioritise public services on the basis of need and award Government contracts on the basis of public value, Minister for the Public Service Nicola Willis says.

Saturday September 14, 2024 


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Professor Robert MacCulloch: Is NZ's Unprincipled Parliament the True Reason why Productivity Growth has Collapsed?

NZ's Parliament calls itself our "House of Representatives". That's an empty description, given we now have a sitting Member who ran on the List for the Greens, but now has been kicked out of that party. So now the member does not represent a Seat, nor a Party. How can it be a House of Representatives when it has members who represent nothing? This week it got worse.

John Porter: Does no-one care?

Does no-one care that a minority of our population is being supported, encouraged and abetted by publicly elected politicians and public servants in their quest to impose tribal rule in New Zealand?

Does no-one care that, arguably, one of the world’s best ways of life is being ruined? Ruined for all people of New Zealand.

Does no-one care that one of the world longest existing democracies is being undermined and eroded at an ever-increasing speed?

It certainly seems like it to me. 

David Lillis: Science and the New Zealand Media

Information or Misinformation?

Recently Professor Jerry Coyne wrote a piece on traditional approaches to treating dieback in Kauri trees (Coyne, 2024). Of course, the main problem here is that sometimes public money is spent on the pursuit of ideas that have little or no scientific basis, or at least have not been verified scientifically. Another issue is the possible misleading of the public at large on matters that have to do with science and education. 

Dr Bryce Edwards: Political corruption in NZ can’t be tackled with a softly, softly approach

You might not have noticed, but another report has been put out about the dangers of corruption in the New Zealand political system. Released precisely two weeks ago by Transparency International New Zealand, their research is merely the latest warning about rising corruption to be published and ignored.

Owen Jennings: Now Here’s a Funny Thing.

Airlines have trees to offset their CO2 Greenhouse Gas emissions. That’s recognised and acceptable. More than that it is encouraged and subsidised.

Farmers have grasses to offset their CH4 (methane) Greenhouse Gas emissions. That’s not recognised and it’s not acceptable. More than that, they are heavily criticised and are threatened with severe penalties.

Humans emit CO2 Greenhouse Gas. We are not penalised because we are part of a closed, natural cycle where we eat greens that are grown by photosynthesis that uses CO2. That’s IPCC policy.

Karl du Fresne: My complaint to the BSA about the use of 'Aotearoa'

On the night of August 1 I was watching Sky Open’s coverage of the Olympic Games. The presenter, Laura McGoldrick, repeatedly referred to New Zealand as Aotearoa. I found this irritating, not least because it was unsubtly making a political point in what was supposed to be a sports programme, but I wasn’t so enraged as to throw something at the TV. We have become accustomed, after all, to media people flaunting their impeccable ideological credentials by the use of Aotearoa, despite the name having no popular mandate. That’s what they’re counting on: that we’ll come to accept it as the norm – or as Jacinda Ardern once put it, that Aotearoa will be adopted “organically”. How convenient to avoid the complication of seeking formal public endorsement. 

David Farrar: The University of Austin

The University of Austin has just admitted its first intake of students. It is a new private university dedicated to free speech and free inquiry.

Here is the speech from the college president:

Hon Nicola Willis: Need and value at forefront of public service delivery

New Cabinet policy directives will ensure public agencies prioritise public services on the basis of need and award Government contracts on the basis of public value, Minister for the Public Service Nicola Willis says.

“Cabinet Office has today issued a circular to central government organisations setting out the Government’s expectations for needs-based service provision. The circular makes clear that the targeting, commissioning, and design of public services should be based on the needs of all New Zealanders.

Breaking Views Update: Week of 8.9.24

Saturday September 14, 2024 

Māori Development Minister encourages govt agencies to be bilingual

On the eve of Māori Language Week beginning, Tama Potaka said he believes it’s “mis-characterising“ the position of the government by saying it wants to prioritise the English language over the Māori language.

“We want to make sure that [government agency] communication is done in the language that users know how to use and need,” the Māori Development Minister said on Stuff’s daily podcast, Newsable.

Dave Patterson: Willful Blindness Describes Disastrous Afghanistan Retreat

What happened, how it happened, and who made it happen is not a pretty story.

The House Foreign Affairs Committee (HFAC) released its long-awaited final report on the Biden-Harris planning and management of the chaotic 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal. It isn’t pretty. Though the timeframe for the US departure from Afghanistan after 20 years of conflict encompassed several presidential administrations, the failure of leadership, decision-making, and operational execution was wholly that of the Biden-Harris administration. The public hearings, transcribed interviews, and document discovery dispute any attempt to place the blame elsewhere.

Kerre Woodham: What's the point in keeping intermediate schools?

One of the emails that did come in for the Prime Minister caught my eye, and I thought, you know, this is not a silly idea. It might be. I think there's some merit and discussing it and I'd love to run it by you.

It was from the Elephant Beetle Think Tank and a quick Google found that no such thing exists, probably a couple of people enjoying a glass of wine and having chats, but none the less... it questions why we still have intermediate schools. There are 116 intermediate schools that remain within the education system, and according to the Elephant Beetle Intermediate School plan, there would be huge cost savings without the fixed costs of operating intermediates, which can be diverted into the remaining school system.

Dr Bryce Wilkinson: Spending cuts versus wealth taxes

Opposition leader Chris Hipkins has said that the Labour Party is looking at campaigning in 2026 on the need for heavier taxation. Capital gains taxes, wealth taxes and a land tax are “back on the table”.

There is indeed a longer-term fiscal issue. Treasury’s long-term projections show that the ageing population will cause unsustainable fiscal deficits if nothing is done to reduce spending or raise government revenues.

Labour’s own fiscal profligacy has brought this problem forward.

Guest Post: Ancestors and the Culture Clash

A Guest Post by Sisyphus posted on The Goodoil

For an upcoming university course, one of the requirements is a stay on a local marae in order to get properly acquainted with Māori culture. None of us in the course are ourselves Māori, yet we must fulfill this requirement to pass.

One of the main requirements is that we perform a mihi. Which, if you don't know, has you list out a number of things, including your spiritual mountain, river, boat (which your family brought to NZ), tribe and a number of other things, ending with your name.

John MacDonald: Is it time to end the ACC freeride for tourists?

This is not the first time I’ve said this, but we are the people’s republic of pushovers, aren’t we? The way we give overseas visitors free ACC cover.

Even more so when you consider the news that ACC wants to increase its levies by two or three times the rate of inflation over the next three years because it's taking longer and costing more for people to recover from their injuries.

Peter Dunne: Wellington in decline

Back in 2013 then Prime Minister Sir John Key raised the ire of Wellingtonians when he told a Takapuna business audience that “Wellington is dying, and we don't know how to turn it around. All you have there is government, Victoria University and Weta Workshop.” His comments provoked such outrage in the capital that he was quickly forced to “unreservedly apologise” for any offence he had caused, adding “Wellington's an extremely vibrant place; there's lots of things happening here, lots of activity “and “I should have chosen my words better.”

Friday September 13, 2024 


Friday, September 13, 2024

Mike's Minute: The ideology for our cities will never be reality

Is it possible one of the great mistakes of the modern era has been made around our cities?

There are increasing areas of life in which the theory, the promise, or the dream is not only not coming to pass, but it's possible it never will

Shane Jones: Maori are not in jail because of colonisation

Shane Jones discusses Maori incarceration during question time at Parliament

Click to view

Jillaine Heather: The BSA must remember, censorship is a cure worse than the disease.

Harm is what the BSA report claims occurs when free expression isn’t properly regulated, but what does ‘harm’ mean? Well, you tell me. No definition is given.

If you read the Op-Ed in Stuff this week from the CEO of the Broadcasting Standards Authority, Stacey Wood, you may also find it hard to see it as anything other than an extremely condescending view of minorities.

David Farrar: Vance on Labour’s CGT obsession

Andrea Vance writes:

The polls might show support for the broad idea of taxing excess profits and capital gains, but when you dig into detail on asset classes, like shares and property, that diminishes.

It’s an aspiration paradox: people vote for the wealth they want rather than the lifestyle they have.

Professor Robert MacCulloch: Treaty of Waitangi legal "experts"....

Treaty of Waitangi legal "experts", in particular judges, have misunderstood its economic rationale, endangering national prosperity in the process.

The underlying aim of the Treaty of Waitangi, at least in economic terms, was to promote a higher standard of living for Māori and non-Māori alike. This article's purpose is to argue how its words were unambiguously designed to achieve that purpose, but have since been hijacked by political operatives and NZ's legal profession, ruining its original intent. 

Perspective with Heather du Plessis-Allan: Here's a solution to handling kids and social media

About this debate in Australia on banning social media for kids - I have just come across an article that makes the best comparison yet for how we should deal with this issue.

Treat it like sex.

This article is by an academic in Australia and she argues that the best way to protect kids from social media is by teaching them its dangers, like we do with sex.

David Farrar: $1.35 million for private toilets for bus drivers

The Taxpayers’ Union released:

The New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union can report through an Official Information Act that Metlink has paid $1,300,245 dollars (inc. GST) for a project to install seven toilets in Wellington, exclusively for the use of bus drivers. The locations of the toilets include Houghton Bay, Darlington Road, Wilton, Mairangi, Lyall Bay, Highbury and Karori.

Joanne Orlando: Young people need education, not unrealistic bans

The federal government has committed to a national plan to ban children from social media.

Details are still scarce. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has acknowledged that “no government is going to be able to protect every child from every threat, but we have to do all we can”.

Suze: The Globalists Are Winning

The UK, Canada and the USA are in the same boat with illegal migration, but NZ and Australia not so much because we are remote. The globalists haven’t forgotten about us, though.

The Cambridge English dictionary defines a globalist as “someone who believes that economic and foreign policy should be planned in an international way”, a role the WEF and the UN take seriously.

Ele Ludemann: Why fear debate?

Even before the draft Bill seeking a referendum on the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi was made public critics were calling for it to be scrapped.

One of the reasons for given for stopping the Bill before it started was that Act which is behind it, got such a small proportion of the vote.

That is irrelevant. Act is part of the coalition government, it campaigned on this policy and won the support to take it to a first reading in coalition negotiations.

Kerre Woodham: ACC needs to lift its game before lifting levies

I could not have put it better than ACC Minister Matt Doocey did yesterday. He wants ACC to lift its own game before it starts raising levies.

The Accident Compensation Corporation has just begun a one-month consultation on suggested rises of more than 7% on levies for motorists, and more than 4% for employers and earners. I mean everybody else is raising their rates, aren't they? So here goes ACC. They have motorcyclists, professional sports people and ballerinas, specifically in their sights. Ballerinas?! Dainty, little, tiny, wee things like them, I imagine it's a strenuous job, and if something goes wrong, if you're a ballerina, it would go wrong badly, but I wouldn't have thought there would be that many to make a drain on the Accident Compensation Corporation’s finances. But none the less, be warned ballerinas – you are in the ACC’s sights.

 Thursday September 12, 2024 


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Point of Order: Buzz from the Beehive - 12/9/24

Govt prescribes targets for an ailing health system – and boasts of a “targeted” approach to lift kids’ literacy, too

The establishment of targets in our health system isn’t news.

In March 2024 the Government announced health targets for cancer treatment, childhood immunisation, emergency departments and wait times for first specialist assessments and elective treatment.

Mike's Minute: The super debate is fraught

As we enter yet another round of the superannuation debate, I note it was led off last week by a group that wanted what they termed a “top up“, i.e. a pay rise for those who couldn’t save.

You can see how fraught that concept is from the get go.

Parmjeet Parmar: Uni’s compulsory Treaty courses damage learning experience

From next year, the University of Auckland will require all first-year students to complete a ‘Waipapa Taumata Rau’ course covering the Treaty of Waitangi and traditional Māori knowledge systems.

ACT has a number of concerns about this plan. Firstly, students’ time is precious.

We fund universities to prepare students for their careers, and that requires time spent specialising on subjects relevant to their chosen majors.

David Farrar: History repeats but hysteria increases

Did you know that in 2006 the entire Labour Party caucus voted at first reading for a bill that would delete all references to the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi in legislation. They did this as part of a coalition agreement. Sound familiar?

Yet in 2006 you didn’t have the usual suspects declaring it as genocide and such a threat to New Zealand that it is repugnant to even allow the public a say on the issue. You didn’t have editorials demanding the bill not even be debated.

Greg Clydesdale: Why Jacinda Ardern’s Poverty drive failed

Jacinda Ardern came to power with the stated goal of reducing poverty. At the end of her tenure, we could comfortably state her achievements were under-whelming. In fact, when we compare her goals to what she achieved, we can say it more explicitly – she failed! This represents a long list of failures to reduce poverty including the ‘Working for Families’ program and ‘Closing the Gaps’.

I had the opportunity to speak to Ardern’s Child Poverty Unit (CPU) in 2020 and recognised at the time that they would fail. They were driven by the same ideologies behind other failed programs, that is the poverty cycle.

Bruce Moon: Democracy at Work

Well now, perhaps the plot is thickening with that doughty veteran, Dame Anne Salmond, asserting the “breathtaking ... effrontery” of David Seymour in his “riposte” (her word) to Church leaders.

She seems to forget that Seymour is in fact a senior member of Parliament who happens to be a deputy Prime Minister and free speech being not quite dead yet in this country, he has every right to make this challenge to church leaders – or anybody else for that matter.  Equally, those church leaders have every right to reply to him should they wish to do so.  All good, surely when the topic is quite an important one.

Ian Bradford: What Next? Climate Vaccines for Cows and Climate Injections for Humans!!

In New Zealand, two AgResearch scientists have been working on a vaccine for cows to stop them producing Methane.  They have been wasting time on this for 15 years and  have received $31 million to carry out this research. Money that could have been much better spent on hospitals, or education, or police, and so on. 

Climate Change Commission chairman Rod Carr says Methane reducing technologies have great potential to cut Methane further than farming adaptation can achieve. 

Barry Soper: There was no debate - Harris won

How on earth anyone can go out and vote for a man like Donald Trump is beyond me.

His stupidity in another setting would be certifiable and he'd be admitted to an institution for the confused, but this 78-year-old is running for what's arguably the most powerful job on earth - and if you listen to him, he'd have no problem in putting that power into action.

Jonathan Lawler: The Stewards of History Desperately Need Mises

The word “archivist” likely conjures images of a meek librarian surrounded by dusty shelves, old boxes, and brittle paper. Alternatively, conflation with “archeologist” might summon mental replays of  Raiders of the Lost Ark. But archivists are not a fedora-wearing, pistol-packing, whip-wielding bunch. While lacking pistols or whips, however, archivists surprisingly accept and promote dangerous and intolerant collectivist ideology—some to the point of condoning violence. As a professional community, archivists should turn from this path and embrace Mises’s insights into peaceful social cooperation and tolerance.

Jeffrey A. Tucker: What Broke Libertarianism?

Nearly the whole of the professional, intellectual, and government class has betrayed the cause of universal human liberty in our times. But among those who were supposed to be less susceptible were the people called libertarians. They fell too, and tragically so. This subject is especially salient to me because I have long considered myself to be among them.

Dr Oliver Hartwich: Security report shows NZ returning to traditional allies

The New Zealand Security Intelligence Service (NZSIS) has released its annual threat assessment, marking a pivotal moment in the country’s national security posture. This year’s report signals a dramatic shift from the approach of recent years, not just in its content but also in its unprecedented candour.

New Zealand faces an array of security challenges. Foreign interference tops the list, followed closely by espionage, while the threat of violent extremism remains ever-present. What sets this year’s NZSIS report apart is its willingness to confront these problems head-on.

John MacDonald: Should we keep treating 10-year-olds as criminals?

If someone is 10 years old, they aren't legally allowed to smoke. They aren’t legally allowed to drink alcohol, and they’re not really allowed to have their own Facebook page, but they can be held criminally responsible for violent crimes such as murder or manslaughter.

And the new Chief Children’s Commissioner, Dr Claire Achmad, says that’s crazy and wants the minimum age of criminal responsibility to be raised from 10 to 14.

Dr Eric Crampton: Youth vaping is bad policy and bad politics

Sometimes bad policy is good politics. At least over relevant political time horizons. Problems that only emerge in the future will be for some future government to deal with.

And sometimes it’s a mistake on both counts.

Kerre Woodham: It won't be that simple to solve the electricity crisis

It won't be a particularly good morning for the people of the central North Island. There was a sense of inevitability really, though, with the announcement that Winstone International will be closing its two mills near Ohakune. For months now, Winstone have been working on trying to find a way to keep the mills open in the face of declining commodity prices and astronomically high power prices.

JC: Our Rights Must Be Protected

Since Covid appeared, democracy seems to be increasingly the domain of the right.

Since the arrival of the Covid pandemic there appears to have been a marked erosion in Western democracies of citizens’ rights. Governments in power at the time, particularly those on the left, appeared to seize it as an opportunity to create an experiment to force ideology upon us to see how much we were prepared to put up with. Leading the pack was our very own Jacinda Ardern, along with her partners in crime Justin Trudeau and other likeminded leaders.