A meteor- the Chelyabinsk meteor was a super bolide that entered the Earth’s atmosphere over the southern Ural region in Russia on the 15th February 2013. The meteor was approximately 18 m in diameter and weighed about 9,100 tonnes. Its speed on passing through the Earth’s atmosphere was 54,000 km/hr. The light from the meteor was briefly brighter than the sun. The object exploded in an air burst at a height of about 30km. The explosion generated a bright flash, producing a hot cloud of dust and ash that penetrated up to 26km above the Earth.
Previously in 2012 NASA had put up a satellite –Suomi, which was in orbit enabling it to track anything in the atmosphere over the whole surface of the Earth. The satellite then tracked the dust from the meteor explosion. Dust had been scattered evenly but only in the Northern hemisphere. There was no sign of any dust in the Southern hemisphere.
In the years after 2000, large numbers of big forest fires occurred in the Northern hemisphere. Larger than normal amounts of Carbon Monoxide were emitted into the atmosphere, greatly increasing the amount there. The Carbon Monoxide was mapped by NASA satellites. Carbon Monoxide is a poisonous gas and is regarded as a pollutant. As with the meteor dust all the Carbon Monoxide was confined to the Northern hemisphere. It was not detected in the Southern hemisphere.
Closer to home we have another example. The eruption of the Tongan volcano in January 2022 produced the largest underwater explosion recorded by modern scientific instruments. It blasted an enormous amount of water into the atmosphere-an estimated 150 million tonnes. Below is a map of that water vapour nearly a year later in December 2022. You will note that all the water vapour is in the Southern hemisphere.
A boundary of air, wrapped like a belt around the earth’s equator, is keeping the polluted atmosphere of the Northern Hemisphere separate from the relatively pristine south according to U.K. researchers. This has been confirmed by the team led by Dr Jacqueline Hamilton of York University.
It’s all to do with the Coriolis effect. This was first explained by Gaspar Coriolis two centuries ago.
The Earth is rotating about an axis. Which way it is rotating depends on where you are standing. If you view the Earth from the North Pole it is rotating anticlockwise. If you view it from the South Pole it is rotating clockwise. Let’s concentrate on the Northern hemisphere. If you are standing at the equator looking towards the North Pole then the earth is rotating in a clockwise direction. In one rotation the Earth has to move 40,000 km if you are on the equator. To complete a revolution in 24 hours you need to be moving at just over 1600 km/hr. The air above you is also moving around at the same speed, so you don’t notice the speed and gravity holds you to the Earth. Now at the Nth Pole if you are say a metre or two from the North Pole then you don’t have far to go in one revolution. Your speed may then be 0.0008 km/hr for example.
Suppose I am at the equator and I fire a bullet from a gun towards the North Pole. Let’s imagine the bullet in theory, can go all the way to the North Pole. Now remember at the instant the bullet leaves the gun, I, the rifle and the bullet are moving clockwise at 1600 km.hr. Looking at the diagram you can see at between a third and half way to the pole the speed of the earth has dropped to 1400 km/hr. (That’s because a point on the surface has less distance to go in the 24 hours.), but the bullet is still travelling clockwise at 1600 km/hr (discounting friction). So the bullet is ahead of the Earth at this stage. Further down near the pole the Earth is only travelling at 800 km/hr. So the bullet is now quite some way ahead of the Earth. The result is the bullet appears to travel along the red path in the diagram. This is the Coriolis effect.
When air or something in the air travels from the North Pole towards the equator the earth is now way ahead of whatever is moving (Because the object is only moving at 0.0008 km/hr), and so this time the air or moving object follows the green path.
The uneven heating of the Earth’s surface creates convection currents that move heat around the planet. These are the Hadley cell, the Ferrel cell and the Polar cell. The most important of these is the Hadley cell.
In the tropics the sun is almost directly overhead, so warm air rises and moves towards the poles. This process is part of the Hadley cell shown in the diagram, one of the major air circulation cells on Earth. The rising air creates a low pressure zone near the equator. As the air moves towards the North pole in the Northern hemisphere it cools, becomes more dense and descends about the 30th parallel, creating a high pressure area. The descended air then travels towards the equator, as the trade winds, along the surface of the earth replacing the air that rose in the equatorial zone, closing the loop of the Hadley cell. But the Northern hemisphere Hadley cell does not cross the equator. Now when the air moves towards the pole the Coriolis effect causes it to move to the East, (to the right in the diagram). When the air returns to the equator it moves to the left under the Coriolis effect.
So basically, when air moves in a cell to the pole it is deflected to the right (East), and when air moves towards the equator it is deflected to the left (Westwards). In the Hadley cell the winds from the East deflected to the left are called the North East Trade winds.
What happens in the Southern hemisphere is a reflection of what happens in the North. The point here is any emissions from the surface like Carbon Dioxide, in the Northern hemisphere for example, circulate in a cell. NO EMISSIONS CROSS THE EQUATOR.
Comparison of the anthropogenic emissions in the Northern hemisphere with those in the Southern hemisphere.
Anthropogenic emission of CO2 from coal.
Diagram from Wiktor Kobylinski
The comparison is from burning coal. Most would come from China and India, and this has increased. It is reasonable to say that because of the much larger population, more vehicles, more planes, more industries and so on, that emission of Carbon Dioxide from all human sources in the Northern hemisphere far exceeds the emissions in the Southern hemisphere.
All the World’s Carbon Dioxide Emissions. (from humans)
So we can see that the Northern hemisphere, (All the brown and the black), in 2021 put out about 80% of all anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide emissions.
All these Carbon Dioxide emissions put out by the big emitters stay in the Northern hemisphere.
Because the climate alarmists link the amount of Carbon Dioxide with increased temperatures we would expect the Northern hemisphere to be warmer than the Southern hemisphere. Climate alarmists know there is more Carbon Dioxide put out by humans in the Northern Hemisphere, and it stays in the North, so they try to tell us the Northern Hemisphere is warmer than the Southern hemisphere.
Temperature measurements taken in both hemispheres of the earth over the past two centuries particularly in Warsaw in the North, and Sydney in the South, show that temperature changes in both hemispheres are very similar. So temperature changes on the Earth are global. The Northern Hemisphere is NOT warmer than the Southern Hemisphere. Look at Australia for example. Right now (Feb 2025) there are many places across Australia with a temperature in the 40 Deg C range. In 2008 I walked around Melbourne in a temperature of 45 Deg C. The mainstream media do not tell you about record LOW temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere in several winters recently. Many found dead in their beds frozen to death, and many animals lost to the cold.
So what about Carbon Dioxide concentrations? In the graphs below are the Carbon Dioxide concentrations recorded at Mauna Loa in the Northern hemisphere and from Cape Grim in Tasmania, in the Southern hemisphere.
Cape Grim on the right starts at 1975 and goes to 2020. Taking the year 2020 going up and across, Mauna Loa recorded about 409 parts per million (ppm). Doing the same for Cape Grim it recorded about 407 ppm. These readings are almost identical. The readings from Antarctica are very similar.
Carbon Dioxide readings are the same in both hemispheres.
Temperature readings are the same in both hemispheres.
But wouldn’t you expect the temperature to be much higher in the Northern hemisphere since there are many more tonnes of anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere there? Remember these emissions are confined to the Northern hemisphere. But, measured temperatures are the same in both hemispheres and overall Carbon Dioxide concentration is the same in both hemispheres.
The conclusion is that anthropogenic emissions are not causing temperature changes in the Earth. We must conclude that any temperature changes must come from natural sources.
That’s very interesting Ian, so why does this Govt have a climate change minister who plans to waste billions of dollars on fixing a problem that doesn’t exist? Why does this Govt pursue the planting of pine forests that are never felled on rich arable farmland in pursuit of Net-Zero? Why is it when MP Maureen Pugh questions this madness she was silenced? Why doesn’t our corrupt MSM ever print essays like this for public discussion? Does anyone else smell a rat?
The Minister of the Climate Con should be locked in a room and made to read this until it sinks in.
As renowned journalist Melanie Philips says there are two conflicting forces in the world. Forget Left vs Right , Muslim vs Jewish or any other politics and think building up Western Civilization vs Breaking it Down.
Anthropomorphic CO2 clearly is a desire to destroy all those things we value in the West including health care , education and welfare. This CO2 cult is a diabolical means of draining the economic resources of the West to spend on humane things while the so called ' polluters' in other cultures continue on unscathed.
Thank you for your very easily comprehended explanation , exposing the madness of the cult.
Not only is there a discrepancy between the two hemispheres in CO2 (but not temperature) - there is also NO (ie. none at all) correlation between global temperature averages and human CO2 output.
If there was, you can be sure the climate alarmists would be loudly displaying a graph with two lines, one for CO2 and the other for temperature, both heading skywards. There hasn’t been.
The closest they’ve got was the infamous “hockey stick graph” of Michael Mann, since spectacularly disproven.
For those who missed it, climate alarmist “scientist” Mann put together a dataset of global temperature measurements spanning centuries.
The earlier “measurements” weren’t measurements at all, just “inferred” temperatures based on tree rings and ice drilling cores and the like.
Where the science was faked was in the data interpretation. Later measurements were seen as more accurate because they were based on satellites and modern equipment, so Mann gave them greater weighting in his graphing.
Although he shared the original data, he wouldn’t disclosed what the weighting factors were.
That was until a couple of American mathematicians reverse-engineered his graph and worked out what it was. Better still, they were able to produce their own hockey stick graph from RANDOM data, using the same weightings.
Lies, damn lies, statistics, and now graphs - exposed!
Another, more obvious, lie has been in plain sight for decades: Human-caused CO2 emissions are 4-5% of all the CO2 in the atmosphere. This poses two inconvenient questions:
1. How can human-caused CO2 emissions be the predominant cause of climate change when it is such a small proportion of the gas allegedly responsible? and,
2. How can reducing human-caused CO2 emissions make any difference to global temperatures when we cannot control the other 95%?
The alarmists have been unable to answer either question.
Are we all so swayed by alarmist group-think that we accept this nonsense?
Has the lie been big enough and repeated often enough that the majority now believe it? (Goebells).
Ian, always ask a geologist what has happened in the previous 4.5 Bn years, and what the likely chances of Planet Earth disappearing in a burst of flame ?
Wakey, wakey people if it hasn't happened previously it ain't going to happen now.
The more imminent danger is a the blocking of the UV over all of the planet with Elon Musks Starlink satellites leaving tonnes of aluminum oxide in the upper atmosphere as they are deliberately jettisoned at the end of the short service life.
No UV has never happened before but that will definitely be an anthropogenic effect.
What will that do to all biology ?
Or the threatening Kessler Effect with all satellites, and parts of satellites colliding catastrophically and then burning up on re-entry.
Forget 21st century life as we knew it.
While agreeing with Ian Bradford’s argument that “anthropogenic CO2 does not cause global warming or climate change” in the alarmist sense of those advocating Net Zero policies, it is perhaps worth reminding ourselves of the important role CO2 and other green-house gases play in making Earth unique within the solar system by having provided the conditions for the evolution of our rich floral and faunal life that we all enjoy. It is of course true that at present levels of atmospheric concentration, which are exceedingly low when viewed over geological timescales1, even quite large changes in the concentration of CO2 will have very little and diminishing effects on any warming of the Earth. And it should be remembered that by improving the efficiencies of photosynthesis, any such increases in levels of CO2 will help green the planet and increase agricultural yields. However, I do wonder if Ian’s arguments bring us any closer to demonstrating the relative unimportance of anthropogenic CO2 emissions in any global warming we might be experiencing.
By reminding us of the importance of Coriolis forces in controlling antisymmetric patterns of atmospheric and oceanic circulation in the Northern and Southern hemisphere and highlighting the stark differences in emissions between the North and South, it is concluded that this would be expected to produce markedly different concentrations of anthropogenic CO2 between the two hemispheres. Hence, if the anthropogenic CO2 influence is real this would be anticipated to produce very different temperature changes between the two hemispheres. And yet, as pointed out, “temperature readings are the same in both hemispheres” leading to the conclusion “that Anthropogenic emissions are not causing temperature changes in the Earth”.
But this conclusion seems to then be negated by the evidence from the Mauna Loa and Cape Grim cited by Ian, and incidentally supported by much other data, that show there is no such difference in CO2 concentrations between the two hemispheres. It would seem that all one can infer from the case put forward by Ian is one of two conclusions: either, the predicted Coriolis effects of very limited mixing between the hemispheres turns out to be not correct; or, all the anthropogenic stuff being emitted in mainly the North is having virtually no influence on naturally occurring changers in CO2 concentrations. Seemingly, the arguments put forward tell us little further about whether CO2 is really the culprit for observed climate change.
James Croll FREng, Emeritus Professor of Civil Engineering, U of London
See: Does the geological evidence indicate a causal link between CO2 and climate change?, James Croll, Clintel Conference, Prague, November 12-13, 2024 [Croll-2024-Prag-Geology-CO2_Climate.pdf]
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