
Thursday, November 3, 2022

Clive Bibby: An apology would be nice - but unlikely.

Ground breaking reversals of government policies in two North American states (one in Alberta, Canada and the other in New York) appear to be the beginning of the end for one of the most notorious methods used by leaders (including our own Saint Jacinda) to control the population during the pandemic. 

I am talking about the mandated enforcement of vaccination against the virus.
And it is not hard to see why this form of dictatorial management is being held to account by those who are in a position to do so. 

Recently the revered British Medical Journal published a damning expose’ of the truth about some of the vaccines used during the pandemic- virtually saying that some of the ones touted as life savers were in fact likely to cause long term damage to the immune system of those who were most vulnerable. My wife and I are two people in that category but I’m not bothered - more concerned for those who were bullied into submission. 

So, given that negative endorsement by one of the world’s most eminent medical journals, it is no surprise that those with a conscience are quickly trying to align themselves with the innocent victims of mandated policies who may well be thinking about suing the state. 

In New York the Supreme Court has ordered that those who lost their jobs during the pandemic simply because of a decision to choose not to be vaccinated, should not only be reinstated but also receive back pay for the time out of a job. 

In Canada, the Governor of Alberta has apologised to those who suffered from a similar decision with a scathing attack on the previous administration who she said had abused what should be considered a basic human right of making decisions about individual health. 

My guess is that there is more to come and these reversals will only be the tip of the iceberg that will expose those illegal operators as enemies of the State - not the other way round as we have so often been led to believe. 

It is embarrassing that in this country, we are unlikely to see equivalent apologies and compensation for those who have suffered from the lynch mob mentality of people in authority during those shameful days. 

Here in Tairawhiti, l would hope that those who deliberately tried to demonise one of our own local councillors during the recent elections for having the courage of his convictions would be brave enough to admit they were wrong. But, as with the Prime Minister and her ilk, it is probably too much to expect that type of humble confession from these deluded mobsters. But it would be nice.

Clive Bibby is a commentator, consultant, farmer and community leader, who lives in Tolaga Bay.

1 comment:

Sally O'Brien said...

Public health care staff are still mandated in New Zealand public hospitals for a vaccine that still has provisional approval. Hospitalizations associated with Covid are arguably not currently more common than other respiratory viruses. Safety and effectiveness studies are are ongoing and have been revealing concerns.
Vaccine hesitant people are still facing no jab, no job every time a booster is due. Voluntary consent under duress is invalid.