
Sunday, November 13, 2022

Denis Hall: The creeping cancer of modern Western style communism in NZ

Y’know when you or your friends call Jacinda Ardern a communist - and you just think it’s no big deal - no more than an appellation someone has spoken to express and idea and maybe annoy her? Well - you need to think again and understand something. She’s not angry or put out by that - because she knows you are right - and it makes her smile - because she also knows that although you say it - you most likely don’t really believe it.

It’s just a bit like calling her arrogant isn’t it. (I reject the premise of the question!)

Well lady - reject the premise of this little essay to follow.

Well folks - Jacinda Ardern is a Communist - with a capital ‘C’.

I think you need to start believing it - because if you look at this with your eyes open about the history of Global Communism like I do - you might be more than convinced that it’s true.

I have a feeling - that Jacinda Ardern could have covert aspirations to be a Leader of World Communism - and is on the verge of leading New Zealand into a new governmental “Co Governance” configuration - where the non-communist majority in New Zealand lose all power to a very militant and race specific minority - that finds its “Cloak of Invisibility” and its unarguable pushback excuses - and its get out of trouble clause in never ending accusation of the most heinous crime of all - Racist - or Racism.

Would the World Communist Bloc - consider that a reasonable tactic for taking over an otherwise prosperous and peaceful nation of well ordered people - oriented to the World’s Family of Democratic Nations?

Of course it would - it’s much less noisy and doesn’t kill as many people as guns - and they won’t want to scare the neighbors. The pacific Islands - Australia - Japan - Canada etc.

I sense that she sees a future where she and her cohort of parliamentary actors and activists - actually modern style racist subversives elected to Parliament on a web of lies - will lead the World by taking the first - First World Nation - back into the ambit of what is left of the old Communist bloc.

So dear fellow New Zealanders - as gullible as you may have proved yourselves to be - go back and look again at the famous Youtube clip (below) - of Jacinda Ardern giving the keynote address as the President of the World Socialist Youth Convention - where she calls for the support of the “Comrades” at least a dozen times - to unite and gouge away under the skin of the Western Nations - like an infection of political venom - and defeat the West using its own democratic institutions - which as soon as they succeed will be abolished.

When asked about this now - she just flings a pout - and says - “Oh - but I was so young then.” and with a grumpy face that she is so good at - she dismisses the question with a flick of the head.

But we who are looking - we who have our eyes open - we all know in our heart of hearts - that Communism never sleeps.

Communism and all its manifestations understands and believes in the long game - and the long game is now in the process of giving Communism a new Twenty First Century face - and making it acceptable to the Western mindset. She has put on the lipstick and rouge of the self-satisfied masses in the successful and peaceful West - and is flying the disguised communist banner of respectability - in the most peaceful Nation of them all New Zealand. She is recreating and reinventing Communism’s public face as we speak - and in your midst - and even as you see it happening before your very eyes - you refuse to see it because it looks so benign.

They know - those leaders of Global Communism know. But we New Zealanders can’t see it because our noses are pressed too close to the screen - watching crap and never ending propaganda and brainwashing on the TV - but they know. Those Commos know.

Jacinda knows that if she succeeds in subverting New Zealand to the Global Communist program - she will become their poster queen on a global stage - because if anything will get the attention of the Western World at large - it will be a relatively peaceful Communist takeover in New Zealand - - and I couldn’t help but notice that she has already started fermenting trouble in Canada over Trade - and gotten us banned from their otherwise global Dairy Market. And what will her mate - the ever creepy Justin Trudeau have to say (or think) about that?

Who cares - in the great Communist ideal - he will be disposable.

Of course they know - those Communist bosses - because they know and understand our weaknesses - and I can see Jacinda saying - “But y’know Comrades - keep it low key - low profile - no boasting in the world’s press yet. We’re not quite there yet - because the New Zealanders haven’t given up quite enough of their freedoms yet. But have patience - the last bits of legislation will be in place in the next couple of weeks as the pathetic New Zealand public think about Christmas - scratch their backsides and grunt in anticipation. We all know - they are classically acquiescent - so passive and docile - and have been so totally blinded by our paid up and controlled News Media that we have already taken over - and it has capitulated and surrender balanced Journalism in favour of our Communist Party Line. But we don’t call it that of course.”

Look back at the history of Nations: That governmental take over of Media - is an essential move by any aspiring Communist leader and government.

Look it up!

TVNZ and TV Three and Radio New Zealand - all reconfigured as state media - now deliver nothing but the leftist government message - sugar coated here and there - but always entirely communist - masqueraded as cultural and indigenous. Yes - indigenous - what a great way to hide it. We wonder who thought of that! The Government are so confident now - that they ignore the obvious disquiet about this - and you Kiwis are already used to it. SO – pathetic.

So dear New Zealanders - you look the other way - and quietly allow these Communists in our parliament to take over what used to be called “News Media” and institute new laws against Free Speech and along with that “Language Laws” - and you do NOTHING - because you think it’s gonna go away at the next election.

THAT - is a cop out!

And then there’s the Iwi takeover of the Health System - entirely the creation of the population at large. The Water entities - also entirely the creation of the population at large. The Education System - also entirely the creation of the population at large - almost all the broadcasting system - also entirely the creation of the population at large.

And now Language laws - what will that mean - and curtailed free speech? What is it that is nor Communist about all that - and there is more of course.

For your family’s sake - listen to what I’m trying to tell you!

The Communists always call themselves something else - and resolutely play the long game - and just take as much as they can get without military style violence - and never give anything or anywhere back. They do not care if that means dividing it up - and when the going gets too tough - they just withdraw into their slightly enlarged sphere of influence - and keep pushing pushing pushing - and wear them (as in us) down slowly.

Look what happened to Korea - now South Korea and North Korea - and look at the astonishing difference. North Korea has become a virtual Communist prison for all but it’s Elite - and if we take the trouble to look - we can we see parallels of a developing North Korean style Elite here in New Zealand?

Call it Iwi Power - why don’t you? Unanswerable to anyone!

That could be Jacinda’s model for us.

The Americans went and sacrificed thousands of lives of their own youth to protect and defend the Koreans from Communism - and in the end were forced to surrender to the Communists in the North - and at a cost of billions to defend just the South - and there it remains - with a great wall across the entire peninsular.

…….. Well - at least we won’t need a wall - because we have Cook Strait.

Why the nation and people dividing wall you ask - there and in Berlin and other places?

Because the Communists never give in - and they never give back - and they know better than us that Communism cannot survive in close proximity to freedom - and they know that freedom of speech and individuality - is what you are losing every day to the Communists in your midst. (Otherwise known as Labour Green.)

Think about the New Elite - and how it has developed - and the astonishing riches it has acquired by threat and deception - and government assistance - and then think about the dynamic that supports and protects it from whatever unacceptable behaviours that it displays.

The great cloak of invisibility enshrouded in the accusations of racism.

The ubiquitous accusation of - “You are a racist - and if you push back that is racism - and right there - even though you are in the right to defend your freedoms - you are wrong because you are judged a racist.

Their other aid to the astonishing “Cloak of Invisibility” while they pass all these draconian laws - has been the "sickness" - and the stop the "sickness" stuff - inadvertently (but without a doubt) aided by the anti jab movement - whose activities have taken the attention of otherwise busy observers of dangerous and subversive governmental behaviours.

(and I edited the above passage about the sickness to see if I could lift the disrupter that had been placed on it - because I think it is a key word thing.)

So “Hey people - get your head around this: The "Sickness" will go away - but the Communism that is coming in behind it will be a permanent feature - because it will make laws to protect itself. That is why China is a capitalist country - with a Communist Government.



And she thinks she is winning it. We need to find our balls and stop her.

Enough Denis - if you haven’t convinced them yet - you never will.

Denis Hall describes himself as an old man and an artist - a thinker - a writer - and a commentator. He does what he does - for the love of it.


Mudbayripper said...

I know your right Dennis.

Anonymous said...

You say:
"So dear New Zealanders - you look the other way - and quietly allow these Communists in our parliament to take over what used to be called “News Media” and institute new laws against Free Speech and along with that “Language Laws” - and you do NOTHING - because you think it’s gonna go away at the next election."
Well Dennis there are quite a few who read this blog who totally can see the cloak of invisibility and secret agenda. So please stop insulting us and perhaps offer a constructive suggestion. What do you really think we can do? And are you prepared to take a leadership role?
Many of us don't have connections in high places or resources to do stuff so we are relying on pontificating old blokes like you to front up - please.

Anonymous said...

Dennis. You and many other commentators espouse Jacinda Adern"s cunning plan when it is obvious Jacinda's intellect is not sufficient for cunning or planning.

Jacinda and her labour party cohorts have only one plan... to enrich themselves.

Including the unashamed use of covid fear to unnecessarily shut down the country and create a huge taxpayer fund which has been funneled hither and thither to end up in someones pocket.

Add to that the new left political strategy of enriching racial minorities who in turn enrich the politicians who gave them our money.

The down side is NZ is left broke and broken.

Jacindas self enrichment program has created a lot of misery for s lot of nzers and there is much worse to come with an impending recession and nothing left on the cupboard to fight it.

My advice to you all is don't get sick.

Tinman said...

Anonymous, I think even you go too far.

I agree that Adern has neither the smarts nor the work ethic to plan and implement Denis Halls' suggested plan but I also doubt whether she has the smarts to steal on such a large scale.

To me it appears that she has simply, by that laziness of thought and action, created a vaccuum that a group of seriously dishonest racists have taken advantage of to enrich themselves.

These thieves were notably too bloody lazy to get out of bed until greed provided the motivation.

I have long been an advocate of the reintroduction of corporal punishment solely for dishonest and incompetent politicians The current racist cadre demonstrates why.

I'll even volunteer to swing one of the whips.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you dennis. I also think kiwis are complacent. I am a kiwi also. It's like a collective groupthink takes over as was evident during covid. Maybe this is because we are a small population? I remember working in london and if your job didn't work out, you could just leave and the next employer would not know about it. Here, even in auckland, if you walked out, the whole city would know as the managers brother would work for the opposition, and your collegue's wife also. It's just too small. So.unfortunately nz is a perfect test case for all this woke orwellian nonsense.

Denis Hall said...

Hello Anonymous - I note that Anonymous the word - but for a missing "E' has a mouse in it.

Dear Mous, The reality is Mous - that ,many New Zealanders do in fact look the other way - and just hope that it will all eventually go away. But - like me - nearly 20 years a pensioner - you could help me by writing to the government - as I do - to the Newspapers - as I do - and to Breaking Views - as I do - and I also post this kind of stuff at least once a week on Facebook. BUT - Big BUT - because the Government has seized control of the Media - and Hitler and Stalin and Pol Pot and Kim Jong Ill all did the same - there is no traditional recourse that could be considered peaceful - and the fact remains that I would never suggest any nonpeaceful means to move the Government back to sanity. But dear Mous - if you - instead of writing and telling me off for talking to you - you could consider getting on board and writing to the Government an the News Media - and if all of us did that - and flooded the governemtnwith our negative feeling - any idea that they would get away with all this would be tempered by doubt on their part. New Zealanders need to sit domn - get the emails from the internet - and write a letter saying ENOUGH IS ENOUGH - it would just as likely be enough - Best regards - Denis Hall

Robert Arthur said...

The great and immediate threat to NZ is maori control. How maori have so artfully pulled off this coup will be the topic of study by political students in the remaining free world for decades. But I struggle to see the connection between a race based reverse aparthied system and basic communism. (Although I do concede the maori corporate bodies will closely match the empires of the Russian oligarchs, but is that system in its current form true communism?). Is the maori takeover encouraged because it is seen as highly destabilising, and therefore the mechanism to create the hate, confusion, anarchy and despair in which true communism can triumph?

Unknown said...

I can empathise with the commenters.
Until you realise they are not listening to you, they will not listen to you. There are no consequences for them. They are quite happy for you to state the obvious til the cows come home. By now, hopefully, you will have noticed the Executive the Judiciary and the Legislative are complicit. So maybe not today, maybe not next week, maybe on your deathbed but hopefully before, you will realise there is only one solution. Complain, moan, and be unhappy for the rest of your life or seriously consider the 1789 solution.