Sean Plunket (The Platform) chats to Chris Gollins about Real Estate Agents being forced to sit Treaty training in their yearly refresher course.
The secret ‘partnership’ deal between the Cook Islands and China caught our Government by surprise. It caused concern because it will bring...
RE agents should throw out their Board which negotiated this. Were they consulted? Or, is this imposed from the top?
Which profession is next?
Next thing will be that real estate agents must sell 50% of houses to Maori....whether they can afford them or not.
Jeez, NZ is totally @#%&ed up!
How to take a great country and ruin it. We're becoming a third rate, banana republic.
And, to top it all, the latest opinion poll from the Tax Payers Union has Labour AHEAD of National, and Hipkins with a hugely positive favourability rating.
That's what happens when you promote a divisive racist agenda across all sectors of society. A large number of the people that will be hugely disadvantaged give you a vote of confidence. Sheep have got more brains than that!
Ignorance or stupidity? Almost certainly BOTH.
I trust all BV addicts have by now discovered The Platform. Sean is very good; he is not a personality cultist, seldome looks at the camera. Pick and choose from the offerings. The recent about the horrendous anti white poem being presented tonight is mind boggling and will likely be in the papers tomorrow.
Sean muses on what agents can do to express disapproval.The course is compulsory but nt tests after. I would recommend many deep yawns, looking at watch, and attention to phone.
Hopefully as more people become victims of this forced political WOKE indoctrination there will be a groundswell of questioning among the electorate. When children come home and tell their parents they have learnt that all white people stole Maori land and killed them or if they find that they too, like estate agents, will lose their livelihoods if they do not submit to indoctrination, they may finally understand the insidious legacy that Jacinda has left behind. Exorcising her deciples from NZ politics will not be easy, their tentacles have worked their way deep into Kiwi lives to an extent which probably isn't yet fully realized. Hopefully the electorate will realise the depth of the deception before the next election.
DeeM, I think the word you’re looking for is sheeple and Yes this Country is full of them.
Too stupid to see the writing on the wall, blinded by social media and too afraid to speak their minds less they be criticised.
It’s a depressing mix but one repeated in many countries.
You make it so easy for them when you comply!!
Suggest ear plugs,and 1960's style 'Playboy' inside the exercise book!What would happen if 2000 agents said no?
Having been involved in real estate as a salesperson in the past I find this requirement to be nothing but a complete crock. I will NEVER engage a real estate firm that practises this political and racist re-education crap.
good comment dee I think this country is now so full of idiots that we will most likely get the country that they deserve, god help us
There is a extremely large electoral opening here for what amounts to an "anti-Treaty" party, or such a policy from an existing established party – my instinct is that a great majority of New Zealanders are entirely sick of endless Maori demands (a completely one-way "partnership" if ever there was one), and endless pandering to them, and would like to see the ToW metaphorically set alight and the country move on. It has no legal standing in and of itself so disregarding it may ruffle a few feathers but would be constitutionally irrelevant.
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