You’d think that democratically elected mayors would respect democracy but it appears that they actually don’t. Fifty mayors have decided to write to the Government to tell them off for making sure that Maori wards on councils are utu to the people who are going to have to pay for them…you know, like what a democracy does.
More than 50 mayors and regional council chairpersons have penned a letter to the Government, criticising their bill that would require councils to hold referendums on Maori wards established without a local poll.
The letter, obtained exclusively by 1News Political Editor Maiki Sherman, argues the legislation is “an overreach on local decision-making” and “a distraction from the hard work” councils are doing.
Additionally, the mayors and regional council chairpersons say they are “disappointed” by the bill and suggest it “undermines the important contributions that Maori are making”.
All the Government is doing is returning the issue to how it was before Labour started meddling on treaty issues. It was Labour that removed democracy when it came to Maori wards.
Under Labour’s law, the mayors and councillors had the sole decision-making power on whether to introduce race-based wards. Under the previous law, and now current law, the residents are given the final decision making authority. That is now as it should be.
Naturally the mayors are stroppy, mainly because they saw it as a way to embed statutory racism by creating race-based wards.
What these stupid mayors now risk is the Government exacting some utu on them with the reforms that are under way to unpick Labour’s disasters. I’m pretty sure they’ll live to regret this meddlesome approach against an elected government.
By all means they are free to promote their woke agenda, but the Government won’t be paying for it.
Local Government NZ may find themselves off side with the Government too.
Meanwhile, in the interests of informing the public who these clowns are ahead of local government elections next year, here is the letter with all the signatories. You know what to do…vote them out.
Read the letter here >
Cam Slater is a New Zealand-based blogger, best known for his role in Dirty Politics and publishing the Whale Oil Beef Hooked blog, which operated from 2005 until it closed in 2019. Cam blogs regularly on the BFD - where this article was sourced.
Cam Slater is a New Zealand-based blogger, best known for his role in Dirty Politics and publishing the Whale Oil Beef Hooked blog, which operated from 2005 until it closed in 2019. Cam blogs regularly on the BFD - where this article was sourced.
We once again re-look at an "old chestnut - Go Woke, Go broke".
Maybe the Rate Payers of the Towns & Cities of those 50 Mayors, should put pen to paper and write a letter advising that -
1. - We The People voted you into Office on the basis of working for the Town Or City you sought to represent
2. - in re checking your (please elect me) electoral policy then, we find no mention of creating Maori Wards
3. - since occupying the Mayor's seat, if you have been "coerced by left leaning Councilor's" who have decided (with out Ratepayer consultation) that this would a good idea - next Council Meeting - think again
4. - also at that Council Meeting - all seated around the Table should consider - that Democracy runs on One Vote (By the People), not having "self appointed people (as arranged by Mayor & Council) to assist in either running our Town/City and or blocking an agenda because it does not meet Iwi criteria.
5. You were elected by The Ratepayer, and work under Government Legislation, not Legislation Mandated by Mayor & Council as you see fit to implement & follow
6. - failure to understand above, then the message is simple -
6.a - do not stand at next Local Body election
6.b - should you do so so - remember One Democratic Vote, by The People, may see you become unelected.
In closing, your actions "smell of a Socialist Approach, that once in power" the People do not matter - this is New Zealand NOT Russia.
No surprises they prefer to spend time eroding democracy than do what they’re paid to do - maintain local infrastructure & facilities.
The same councils also decided to erode women’s basic rights & give men access to our spaces.
Most also refused the unvaccinated access to all council facilities too.
They’re fascists.
The problem is, no one bothers to vote in local elections, so these ideological troughers continue to get away with it.
I remain hopeful, just shy of confident, that the voting public, aka the Silent Majority, will see this pantomime, sham and ruse from the political puppets, for what they truly are, and vote almost precisely as they voted in the 2023 national election. We Want Democracy!
Secondly, what are these important contributions that Maori are making?
To Hughvane-
Sadly "the silent majority" will remain silent and 'tut-tut' when others speak up.
I will not name the City, but in that City - sadly & belatedly the 'silent majority 'sat up, and went hey, we do not like what the Council have done'!
To late, work was in progress and the end result (after 2 public meetings, the later the Mayor did not face up to) - the council decided to complete the works.
Another Council from a specific meeting, not on what she was saying (truth), but because of her relationship to very noted male, who has Public exposure for what he does. In this scenario the Minister of Internal Affairs should be stepping in and 'making very loud noises'.
To hughvane; maori gift long convoluted names for long established streets and other colonist derived structures. and their influence leads to extensive consultation and to favoured employemnt of maori for amny postions, the make work adding to GDP.
I dont believe in Democracy.
Democracy is nothing more than mob rule draped in a flag, leaves no space for outliers & individualists & is the very system that allows this crap to happen in the first place.
We need a Constitutional Republic to protect the rights of EVERYBODY, not just the mob & a social contract means nothing if it violates the inalienable rights of even a single person. Of course we would need a Constitution first & a decent Bill of Rights...
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