Taxpayers shelled out thousands of dollars transporting a dead turtle from Banks Peninsula to Wellington, storing it in a freezer for 21 months, then sending it back down to where it washed up for a high-powered and fully-catered powhiri, complete with a helicopter ride and a handmade coffin constructed by public servants. No scientific research was performed at any stage.Based on responses to several Official Information Act requests, plus earlier media reports, the Taxpayers' Union can set out the timeline:
- In March 2019, a dead leatherback turtle is found on the shore in Banks Peninsula. He is never named though he is known at the Taxpayers' Union as Michelangelo.
- DOC advises Te Papa that the local Banks Peninsula marae, Koukourārata, has provided approval for Te Papa to receive the turtle.
- A DOC ranger uses a tractor to transfer the turtle to the back of his ute, then commissions a truck belonging to a pet food company to keep the turtle chilled. The ranger warns that transporting the turtle to Wellington will be a "logistical nightmare". The ranger's wage costs are $200.
- The turtle is collected by Te Papa from the Department of Conservation office in Christchurch and driven up to Wellington in Te Papa’s Toyota Hilux, at a reported cost of $475.75.
- The turtle arrives at Te Papa's Tory Street facility, where staff plan to perform a necropsy, check its gut for plastic, gather biological information for "the global turtle research community", and ultimately skeletonise the corpse.
- In an apparent change of heart from the local iwi, Ngāi Tahu representative Matui Payne tells media of "a sense of grief and sadness that we didn't have the opportunity to grieve for our kaitiaki, for our tipuna." Te Papa cites "issues relating to consultation and support" and enters into discussion with Koukourārata "regarding the return and repatriation of the honu [turtle]."
- The late turtle spends 21 months in Te Papa's freezer.
- No scientific research is conducted. Te Papa explains, "To enable scientific research to be undertaken, the turtle would have had to be skeletonised (i.e. processes undertaken to reduce the turtle remains to a skeleton). In conjunction with tikanga, it is usually important that all parts of the taonga or specimen (in this case, the turtle) should be buried, if possible. . .In terms of science objectives, Te Papa has not conducted any research on the turtle during its time at Te Papa so has not gained any research insights."
- At some point, Te Papa staff build a "te honu crate" or turtle coffin, with materials costing $580.85.
- On 11 December 2020, Te Papa staff are joined by a contingent from Koukourārata for a karakia (prayer) in Wellington.
- DOC transports the turtle from Wellington back to Bank Peninsula in a refrigerated truck. The three-day journey includes reported costs of $940 in mileage, $448 for the Cook Strait ferry crossing, and $500 in wage costs. A Koukourārata representative accompanies the turtle during this journey.
- Eight Te Papa staff, including members of the Board and the senior leadership team, fly to Canterbury for the deceased turtle's powhiri.
- Domestic travel, car rental and accommodation: $4,327.77
- Powhiri and kai for 40 people: $880.00 - At the powhiri, the eight Te Papa staff are joined by seven DOC staff.
- Four of the DOC staff are paid by the hour: total cost $600.
- DOC pays a $200 koha to Koukourārata.
- DOC spends $130 on mileage. - The turtle arrives at its powhiri, is removed from its coffin, placed on an altar to thaw while speeches are given, and eventually strapped to a crate and flown via helicopter to its burial site: a hilltop on a nearby island. DOC pays $1600 for the helicopter service. Video and photographs from the day capture these events.
- Two DOC staff conduct an archeological survey of the burial site, and three staff dig the hole. Reported wage costs for these activities are $900.
"Te Papa was prepared to obtain this turtle for research on a rare species. That is valid. Koukourārata, who had expressed no interest when the turtle first washed up, suddenly wanted it back and intact. The result was a truly bizarre odyssey that saw a dead turtle travel by land, sea, and air, before ultimately being buried by public servants on a hilltop."
"After thousands of dollars and 21 months of fuss, the turtle ends up right back where it started, providing no scientific insights. In fact, Te Papa told us over the phone that they couldn't even verify whether the turtle was male or female. What a waste. Such a majestic creature deserved far better than to wait 21 months in a freezer while bureaucrats negotiated a protracted repatriation mission that would make the Ministry of Foreign Affairs blush."
"We have to give some credit to Te Papa and DOC for their thorough answers to our questions. We get the sense they're proud of the enormous time, attention, and staff hours they've devoted to Michelangelo's odyssey. Unfortunately, they've tarnished the turtle's legacy with this epic saga of government waste."
Te Papa information response 1
Te Papa information response 2
DOC information response

Primary school children in Banks Peninsula observe the turtle. One appears to be holding her nose. (Source: Stuff)

Te Papa receives the plastic-wrapped turtle.

An image of the turtle coffin, built by Te Papa staff (Source: Te Papa)

The turtle is placed on an altar upon its return to Bank Peninsula (Source: Facebook)

Mourners from Koukourārata and Te Papa eulogise the turtle while a helicopter approaches.

The turtle is flown to its hilltop burial site.

The turtle is buried high above its preferred habitat.
Louis Houlbrooke is Campaigns Manager at the New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union.
I guess that's what this government means by "partnership" and "equity" when referring to its relationship with Maori.
This is just a taste of what we'll have to put up with if He Puapua gets enacted.
The grief and suffering over a dead turtle that nobody knew personally rings pretty hollow. If it was in a zoo and could almost understand it. It strikes me this is the local iwi playing power games just because they can. As long as you mention tikanga, kaitiaki etc etc then nobody dares argue or you are a racist.
This is Maori preparing the ground so that they can claim greater protection and OWNERSHIP of the environment and our government plays along. Seabed, foreshore, forests, mountains, farmland...what's next. No that's everything there is!
Yes DeeM, a lot more of this to come. Wasn't it NZ first politician who called this sort of thing "Hocus-pocus"
Your sentence, local iwi playing power games DeeM is right on the money,in a way it’s a lure that is fail safe,i can milk you as much as i like like anytime i like and when you’ve had enough and complain, i’ll hit you with one of the best words the english dictionary has besides indigenous,the word RACIST!
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