
Friday, May 10, 2024

Cam Slater: It’s a Fair Point, and Proves How Puerile Media Are

The legacy media still aren’t getting it as to why people no longer trust them. A case in point is the puerile questions media were asking about “woke food”. Then they get all upset when the Prime Minister slams them so they go and write articles about it in a lame attempt to get a hit on Christopher Luxon.

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon was irked by questions from journalists following the Government’s announcement of funding for free school lunches on Wednesday, making a dig at a reporter for asking about what foods were and were not “woke”.

“It’s all the big questions from TVNZ today, isn’t it? Fantastic,Luxon said in response to a question about whether there was such a thing as “woke food”.

The term “woke food” was lobbed into the debate about free school lunches by the Act Party’s X (formerly Twitter) account, which said: “We’ll be doing more with less money to feed kids the fruit and sandwiches their parents would, not woke food like quinoa and sushi.”

In response, Luxon said: “I’d just say, given everything that’s going on in this country, do you think that is the most sensible question to be asking?”

When told that it was language that Act had been using, Luxon said “and that’s news?”

“Is it news today? Do you think that’s a really smart question – honestly?” he responded to the reporter.

“With everything going on in New Zealand today, when you’ve got people outside in this country struggling to get from pay cheque to pay cheque who actually want us to rebuild the economy, restore law and order, deliver better public services, that’s the most important question today – at a time today when when we’ve actually delivered more school lunches to more kids at lower cost and good lunches. That’s a good outcome.”

Luxon told the reporter he did not believe sushi and quinoa were woke.
NZ Herald

Luxon has a point. This is just ridiculous bullshit from the legacy media. It’s puerile, pathetic, and petty.

But Luxon seems to be a slow learner. He keeps thinking if he is nice to these media dolts then they’ll be nice back. That is just stupid, concrete thinking with no regard to the facts of the situation.

Luxon needs to go and spend an afternoon with Winston and learn a thing or two about how to handle rubbish legacy media.

Then implement a media utu plan to further starve them of funding.

Cam Slater is a New Zealand-based blogger, best known for his role in Dirty Politics and publishing the Whale Oil Beef Hooked blog, which operated from 2005 until it closed in 2019. Cam blogs regularly on the BFD - where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

Agreed cam. Chris luxon is to nice to these toxic left retards, esp the left media. We should all treat the left how they treat everyone else.....except they can't handle that.

Anonymous said...

The best Luxon, and others, can do when faced with these pathetic childish questions from the equally pathetic and childish MSM reporters is simply say - "next question please".

Anonymous said...

NZ reporters specialize in puerile questions, because such a large proportion of the viewing public are so thick that they don't question the propaganda they are being fed.

Anonymous said...

Woke food? Reminds me of something overheard in a small North Island town between a 3 0r 4 year old and his mother..."Mummy I want quin...oaaaa."
My other half quipped: "Oh be a real boy and get McDonalds..." Just saying...