
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Gary Judd KC: A law school to be avoided

The Dean of the law school at the Auckland University of Technology is someone called Khylee Quince. I have been sent her social media posting in which she has, over the LawNews headline “Senior King’s Counsel files complaint about compulsory tikanga Maori studies for law students,” written these enlightened words:

I suppose it was inevitable that one of the old racist dinosaurs would make a pathetic squeal in an attempt to preserve the status quo….

Mr Judd and his “matauranga Maori is not science” friends can go die quietly in the corner…

What sort of lawyers will be produced by a law faculty led by someone who resorts to petty abuse instead of engaging in rational argument?

Why did she not explain why tikanga is law? Why did she not explain why a body of law built up over centuries for the purpose of testing whether a custom should be accorded the status of law must be jettisoned because tikanga cannot meet those standards? Why did she not answer other matters raised in my complaint to the regulations review committee. Responses like those could have been expected from a person holding a privileged leadership position. As it is not the response given, the inference may be drawn that she does not have answers which support her position.

The law school deans are members of the Council for legal education. Ms Quince became interim dean in 2021. Presumably that means she was one of those responsible for this breach of the human rights of potential law students. Whilst compelling those who wish to be lawyers to have sufficient knowledge of criminal law, the law of contract, torts and so on is a limitation on their freedoms, it is a limitation which can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society. If a person wishes to engage in the practice of law, they must be possessed of adequate competence in the core legal subjects. It is a quite different thing to compel them to receive indoctrination in a system of beliefs and values held by one section of the community.

Ms Quince has such absolute conviction in the rightness of her position that she will happily employ compulsion instead of reason and those who disagree must “go die quietly in the corner.”

To those wishing to take up law, I say try to find a university with a faculty whose leadership has greater respect for the tradition of law as a reasoning discipline.

Gary Judd KC is a King's Counsel, former Chairman of ASB and Ports of Auckland and former member APEC Business Advisory Council. Gary blogs at Gary Judd KC Substack where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

Good on you for standing up and calling out irrational and abusive people like Khylee Quince.

She needs to explain herself properly - which we all know isn’t going to happen - or be removed.

Peter said...

Gary, Ms Quince used to be given a regular column in 'The Post' where she used to spout the same sort of racist, Maori wonderfulness nonsense that derides and undermines the very profession in which she supposedly teaches.

With a name like Quince, I'll wager she has more genes from other ancestral lineages than the Maori one she so dearly clings to and desperately endeavours to dine out on. As with all racists, they use 'bully-boy' tactics with sound considered reasoning being quite foreign to them.

Aside from being a Dean, she is also an Associate Professor, which only underscores the dismal falling standards of scholarship at our tertiary institutions and how that downward spiral then becomes so easily self-perpetuating.

You ought not waste a moment of your time on her, for being only insulting and devoid of rational argument, she doesn't deserve it.

But your profession certainly needs your wisdom - to counterbalance the ignorance and mischief people like Quince are so keen to promote. Do keep it up.

Anonymous said...

I recall an article about Ms Quince. The reason she decided to become a lawyer wasn't because of any interest in the law or justice. It came from watching L A Law. Says it all.

DeeM said...

Another woke academic who needs to "go die quietly in the corner."
No chance of that. She'll "make a pathetic squeal in an attempt to preserve the status quo", pushing racism, inclusivity (which is really exclusivity) and a raft of other neo-Marxist claptrap, which she's embraced in her headlong rush to be idolised by her Leftie woke mates.

This particular one has no concept of the basic foundation of law, namely that it should afford ALL citizens the same standards of justice. Another so-called expert who falls at the first hurdle.
Something all too common these days.

Ken S said...

A similar situation to that of Morgan Godfery who has somehow morphed from a low level employee of a Union no one has ever heard of to a Senior Lecturer in Law at Victoria University.

Anonymous said...

But let's not forget that our successive governments, over the last 50 years, 'set the stage' for this direction of travel that we are witnessing today.
There is no getting away from cause and effect.

Peter said...

It seems an apology is in order for I called Ms Quince and Associate Professor. As of late last year I see she's been elevated to hold the title of full "Professor".

Now there's a principle, which unfortunately I can't lay claim to, about getting promoted to one's ultimate level of incompetence. So it seems I was, more or less, correct anyway.

Anonymous said...

She writes not like an educated and highly regarded professional in her field, but rather like a keyboard warrior whose greatest achievement is how many twitter followers they have. How sad the legal profession in NZ has devolved to this.

Don said...

Khylee Quince has provided a classic example of "argumentum ad hominem."
Perhaps she is a gifted teacher who will explain to her students what that means and how such crooked thinking is anathema to what we expect from those trained in the law. But I fear not. It is a sad feature of our dumbed down tertiary education that many such people now hold titles and positions that were once the exclusive domain of worthy academics who applied reasoning and logic to their responsibilities rather than emotional invective.

Anonymous said...

You have certainly risen above Quince's toxic rascist rhetoric that would do a disgruntled high schooler proud. Infantile, puerile and fantasist "gotcha speak" that indicates a penchance for soap opera melodrama. She should step down. From her high horse.

Peter van der Stam, Napier said...

This woman should be sacked in a hurry, without any paying of a farewell
What a disgrace this ?? professor ?? is to NZ law and University.