
Monday, May 13, 2024

Mike Butler: Who really broke the treaty?

It wasn’t the Crown that repeatedly broke the Treaty of Waitangi, and $4.3-billion has been paid to “settle” grievances that had been fabricated, according to commentator Dr John Robinson.

Career scientist Robinson, who has authored a series of works on racism in New Zealand, puts a blowtorch on New Zealand’s treaty industry in his new book titled Who Really Broke the Treaty?

He has seen the inside of that industry, worked for it, and knows exactly how it functions.

You would be surprised at the scale of a massive scam that has been going on for nearly 50 years – in broad daylight, and funded by you.
How many New Zealanders understand that words uttered by the Maori King in public on January 20 this year demanded that our unified nation be dismantled and replaced by two separate parliaments based on race, Robinson wrote.

The Treaty of Waitangi, as agreed in 1840, handed the sovereignty of New Zealand to Britain. Land in Maori possession remained in Maori possession. All Maori people living in New Zealand were given British citizenship, he wrote.

That agreement gave the right to govern. British law prevailed thereafter. The absolute rule of the chiefs was gone, he wrote.

But when the Treaty of Waitangi Act created the Waitangi Tribunal, naïve politicians gave radicals free reign to twist the treaty, plunder the coffers, and try to seize control of New Zealand.

This 50-year grand scheme centres on allegations that “the Crown” (meaning you and I), broke the treaty and should pay compensation.

But if the treaty gave the government the right to govern according to the rule of law, what is it to break the treaty?

That would be action against the sovereignty of the united nation, and action taken outside the rule of law.

Robinson shows that the Crown did not breach the treaty at all, and that all breaches were done by rebellious chiefs, and here they are:
1. Mass murder of settlers by chiefs Te Rauparaha and Te Rangihaeata at Wairau in 1843.
2. Rebellion incited by Te Rauparaha and Te Rangihaeata in Wellington in 1846.
3. War waged by Hone Heke against the government in the north in 1845-56.
4. Rebellion at Waitara by Wiremu Kingi over the sale of the Pekapeka block in 1859.
5. The establishment of a rival Maori monarch in 1859, rebellion, and war.
During these events the Crown and the governors never broke the treaty. All actions taken were in accord with the accession of sovereignty and the assertion of British law, Robinson wrote.

Firm government action that defeated tribal rebels during the 1860s was not to break the treaty. It was to uphold the treaty, he wrote.

Land confiscations did not breach the treaty. They were a consequence of rebellion.

There were numerous efforts by the government to bring the second Maori King, Tawhiao, and his supporters, back into the New Zealand community after their defeat in 1864.

But Tawhiao continued to insist that he had “the sole right to conduct matters in [his] land from the North Cape to the southern end”.

“All treaty settlements are based on the Crown breaking the treaty. Since that is not so, all such settlements are a fraud,” Robinson wrote.

There is no justification for the continued existence of either the settlements or the Waitangi tribunal, he wrote.

If you wonder why the demands for race-based preferential treatment are ubiquitous and unrelenting, Robinson’s list of 17 institutions including the Waitangi Tribunal and the Supreme Court helps explain why.

Here’s an interesting fact Robinson has turned up.

The Government’s definition of Maori is based on the same metric as used in the “Jim Crow” laws abandoned by the United States in the 1960s.

That metric, used by nine southern states, defined as black anyone with black ancestry, even “one drop”.

The New Zealand government’s definition of Maori, as a “person of the Maori race of New Zealand and includes any descendant of such a person”, is a “one-drop” definition.

But while southern states in America used that one-drop definition to discriminate against black Americans, the New Zealand government uses it to discriminate in favour of Maori.

The perverse reality is that treaty is all about equality, yet for the past 50 years New Zealand governments have been practising racial discrimination.

Robinson shows how and when the treaty was twisted, the government gave birth to the monster that is the Waitangi Tribunal, and suggests a roadmap for ending racial division.

Early steps by the coalition government are heartening, most especially the proposed Treaty Principles Bill and the opportunity for a referendum on it.

However, doubts remain regarding the courage of the Prime Minister on race, and the presence of a tribal activist as a Minister.

Who Really Broke the Treaty? John Robinson, Tross Publishing, 158 pages, illustrated, $35 (including postage), available at or


Anonymous said...

If there was a like button for this article I would press it ten times.

CXH said...

This is not exactly new information, plus those snout deep in the grievance industry don't care. Any mention of things like this are just shouted down amid cries of racist, colonialist oppressors etc. They just don't care, in fact laugh at how pathetic we are thinking the truth matters.

In all this they are supported by the useful idiots, as Stalin called such people, and Vichy governments of various colours.

Anonymous said...

They broke the original Maori treaty, fabricated a fraudulent English treaty, and with the help of our complicit governments/politicians, extorted over $4 Billion of tax payers money/assets directly into their tax exempt Iwi corporations? FFS!

New Zealand got SHAFTED in 1975 with the introduction of the TOW Act, which introduced division, racism, apartheid and extortion into our culture. Well that’s ‘indirect democracy’ for you eh. One big club, and we aren't in it.

mudbayripper said...

Hard to believe New Zealand ranks as one of the least corrupt countries.

Anonymous said...

Not unlike the learned Dr Thomas Sowell, Dr Robinson speaks a great deal of truth about our racial history and differentiates fact from fiction.

His books should be in every school library and be required reading by all New Zealanders in positions of power or who have a public interface, be they in either the public or private sectors. Nevermind the dubious 'word or mouth' cultural and mythological learnings about tikanga, matauranga and te ou Maori, this is the 'real world' realty which we should all have regard to.

Anonymous said...

John Robinson has written a number of excellent books on the subject of Maori history, precisely to inform the public and bring out into the open what is being hidden and withheld from the general public.
It concerns me considerably that our current Prime Minister is reluctant to nail his colours to the mast, similar to the approach he has taken in corporate life where to raise your head above the parapet can be career destroying.
Do we really know what he stands for on many major issues?

Anonymous said...

Usual good article by Mike and very pertinent comments by readers.
Mike and Bruce Moon are valued contributors both of whom presently have items posted here.

Anonymous said...

Time is fast running out to halt this rort.

Radical Iwi and their minions are already railing against Seymour's Treaty Bill - hoping to get it cancelled before it even get debated by NZers.

If this blockage succeeds, a new "Aotearoa" constitution based on partnership could follow very quickly ... then NZ is locked into the He Puapua agenda where the 83% will pay for colonization forever (till the nation goes bankrupt),
The clock is ticking.....

Brynn Neilson said...

Great article. Convinced Me to buy the book.

OlderChas said...

It would be very interesting to find out how many school libraries carry Robinson's book. And more interesting to find out if any school libraries have removed his books in the last 10 years or so.

Doug Longmire said...

I've bought the book.
Delivered to my front door next day.

Anonymous said...

Seems to be a common theme - the "criminal" becomes the "victim" - that theory is plastered through the courts now - a mirror effect of sorts. The average NZer (regardless of race) is kept in the dark - courtesy of the media- and is oblivious to truths and alternative views by design, hence the fanning of the racism fire. Almost as per design........