
Saturday, November 30, 2024

Capitalist: Must Be Designed to Fail

You can imagine my hoots of derisive laughter at Andrew Coster being named head of the ‘Social Investment Agency’ (don’t worry, no one else had ever heard of it either until a couple of days ago) in order to “...[advise] the government on commissioning services for vulnerable people...” according to the NZ Herald. The article rather hilariously talks about a ‘hiring process’ and other twaddle, suggesting Coster’s job isn’t anything other than being fired as police commissioner and a government too sooky to pass a special bill through parliament officially firing him, as I would happily have done.

Regardless, this whole caper is designed to fail. The “vulnerable people” in question are the bottom 10 per cent of the population. They’ve never been told they need to follow rules, live regular-type lives and face sanctions for breaking rules. Instead they’ve been patted on the head, told nothing is ever their fault, that they are victims and have no need to either take accountability for their actions or act like adults.

If you really wanted to change things, a good way to start would be to dust off the results of the anti-smacking referendum – and ignore those who deceitfully claim it means somehow laying into children with a baseball bat. Then bring back the strap and cane to schools. Take these little [rascals] from age five and say, ‘Here are the rules, you must obey them. If you don’t, it’s six of the best. Do it a second time and it’s another six of the best – and so on until you do as you’re told and behave.’

Something as simple as that would do more good than Coster and Willis poncing about pretending they will achieve something and that the underclass will suddenly see the light. But New Zealand has no plans to tell the truth and actually solve any problems.

Capitalist is a simple country boy from the deep south who seeks nothing less than the destruction of socialism and collectivism in New Zealand. This article was first published HERE


Anonymous said...

Agreed that the lack of discipline, hence respect, disappeared when Sue Bradford introduced her bill. We now have an entitled generation thumbing it’s combined nose and stamping it’s feet until it gets it’s way.

Kawena said...

New Zealand (It's fast becoming aoteraroa now, isn't it?) cannot tell the truth about its history! Why should it tell the truth about anything else?

Anonymous said...

And to what age can your children be bashed ?
And wives, their fare game too are they ?

Anonymous said...

By his own admission, Capitalist is a simple country boy. My dictionary offers up one definition of "simple" as being "foolish, ignorant, inexperienced, feeble minded". So when he advocates beating children in the interests of good discipline he lives right up to that definition. Hardly an example of the "expert commentary" the promoters of this platform promise at the top of the page. His comments may be still considered cutting-edge analysis in the deep south but the rest of the country moved beyond that years ago.

Gaynor said...

I agree with Capitalist children need discipline but that doesn't have to be whacking them. Some may benefit from physical punishment but for many children this is not appropriate . Apparently more psychological harm can be caused by some verbal techniques of punishment than physical ones. Physical violence and killing of children has increased drastically since Sue Bradford' s no -smacking law.

From my experience the modern child is often not receiving correction of any sort. This is the foolish trend of recent child centered education and rearing practised in play centers and beyond. Hence if a small child hits another child they are distracted away from the situation by suggesting they do something else. The word 'no' or 'don't' is not used because it could damage the child' s self esteem which apparently is sacred. I heard of a three year old who took a bottle of drink from a stall at a school fair. Instead of the parent saying something like ;"Please put that back . It doesn't belong to you. ", the parent said to the child , "Is that a good choice you have made? " . The child didn't respond but started to wander away . Once again the parent asked the question but still the child kept walking. This interaction continued until the stall holder intervened and claimed back his bottle. This is psychological garbage with children not learning right and wrong but rather
relativistic morality and devoid of proper parenting.The conclusion to this is insecure , mentally unstable children with no moral compass.

At school there is the ridiculous practice of not marking work including misspelt words. The child is not required to complete work nor correct it.

Common sense alone should dictate this is all nonsense resulting in an inevitable increase in crime.

Anonymous said...

Yes, two simple words 'common sense' , but it is totally lacking in today's society