On The Platform Michael discusses why did the Otago Regional Council pay $5.3M to Iwi and what he had to do to find out - a must watch

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Writer and former broadcaster Michael Laws, who served as an MP and Mayor, is now a councillor on the Otago Regional Council, and talkback host on The Platform.
Self-hating White people bending over for avaricious brown people taking advantage of said self-hatred has got to end. If you feed the scavengers they will never stop coming back for more.
Co-goverance means Maori do all the governance, benefitting themselves, and Pakeha pay all the money. It's traveling together like a fat man riding a donkey, with the Pakeha being the donkey. These iwi leaders are no different than Mugabe, Idi Amin and other black dictators of this world except we haven't let them go that far yet, but it's only a matter of time.
The Corporate apartheid agenda, is why.
This is way too important information - where is the local government Minister and the Ministry itself with all this? They should be all over this because I suspect that like me, the majority of ratepayers will also be well over this absolutely disgusting rort. If this does not wake National regarding the mess that co-governance has/is inflicting upon NZ then what the hell will? This must stop and not only that, the monies must be clawed back.
Thank you Michael Laws. Such dirty secrets desperately need sunlight. ORC is not alone - of that I’m certain. Just how much is local govt sanctioned grifting contributing to ever rising rates bills and non-tradeable inflation? The results of your nationwide OIAs will be extremely interesting. The sheeple need to know they’re being fleeced.
No surprises there. Where else did you think they could grow a $70Billion economy without actually working? Paying little tax also assists. The most lucrative one-sided 'partnership' anywhere on earth. As the saying goes - poor Maori, eh?
He Puapua - all over again. Would a really big unpleasant shock to wake NZers up?
This is both bribery, to keep the greedy swine quiet, and blackmail on the part of the greedy swine who would otherwise threaten to make trouble. Of course, that which Mr Laws has exposed is not at all new; it is happening throughout New Zealand as weak-kneed councils and lily-livered officials bow to part-maori extortionists and attempt to bleed dry the descendants of the colonists who made this country great, while the descendants of the natives, the first immigrants/invaders, sit on their fat buttocks and laugh like a drain at our stupidity.
How is this going to be exposed to the New Zealand community, knowing the msm will stay silent?i do have faith in Simeon,Winston and David to close this extortion down.
Follow the money - always !
Just who's pockets does it end up in ?
Maori Mafia - same techniques.
I gave up the newspaper to lower my blood pressure and to save time .But the time saved has been more than offset by compulsive viewing of Michael Laws He is in the league of Brian Edwards of old and if msm were not totally maori captured woud/should be on there. Also essential is his dialogue with Helmut, whose maori genes very clearly show and who has obviously spent so much time among them that his rational Germanic reason has been swamped.
It is one thing to rail against this obvious, blatant rorting within this forum but logically this information needs to be shared with all in New Zealand, particularly ratepayers (oh would that be preferential treatment of one particular group?). Since the msm are abjectly missing in action on anything of importance, the question is how can this be achieved? Are those in our government also ambivalent about this or do we have some members willing to step up to rectify this sorry state of affairs? Is the National Party complicit in this and if so maybe they need a change of leadership, may I respectfully propose Michael Laws? He seems to have more of a finger on the pulse that the current incumbent!
Maori have not been diligently and artfully infiltrating councils and govt agencies for decades just so they can spite whitey by inflicting mana gaining near impossible to remember tongue in cheek convoluted maori names for all locations.
Not only Regional Councils but City Councils too are guilty. Our Palmerston North CC have a long term plan to spend many $million on a new Marae/ "cultural centre" on land that council owns. but culturally important to Maori. Plus roading for buses to use. Excuse is it will be a "visitor centre', but it will be the marae users who will benefit, certainly not ratepayers who will be paying for it. Mind you, for a council who can spend $7 mill+ on a new dog shelter, spending on a new Marae will not be a problem for them
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