Its Official: statistics prove Labour Leader Chris Hipkins, NZ Education Minister from 2017 to 2023, trashed the education of a generation of Kiwis.
The Leader of the Opposition, Labour MP Chris Hipkins, was Education Minister from 2017 to 2023. Over that time the proportion of children leaving school with NZCEA Level 1 plummeted from 89% to 82%; with NZCEA Level 2 plummeted from 80% to 72%; with NZCEA Level 3 from 51% to 47% and with University Entrance from 56% to 53%.
With a record like that, I suggest Hipkins resign as an MP and take up the job of Vice Chancellor at one of our Universities, like his mate, Grant Robertson did at Otago. Robertson was best man at Hipkins wedding in 2020. Why not make it a grand slam & become the two best, leading men of our education system?
The pay's great - Robertson's is over $600,000, even though he hasn't taught, nor published in learned journals, let alone done a PhD. Nowadays relevant work experience is not required. Life experience is fine.
Maybe Chippy could be VC of Victoria University - then he can stay in Wellington, walk to Beehive Bellamy's for lunch, & keep advising how to run education for youngsters.
Keep 'em online & locked down to keep 'em out of trouble; ain't it right, Chippy?
Even though the young had close to zero chance of being hit badly by Covid. Which reminds me not, who was Covid Minister back then?
Professor Robert MacCulloch holds the Matthew S. Abel Chair of Macroeconomics at Auckland University. He has previously worked at the Reserve Bank, Oxford University, and the London School of Economics. He runs the blog Down to Earth Kiwi from where this article was sourced.
The role of Hipkins ( and his researcher mother) in the dumbing -down and destruction of NZ's once reputed Education system is now clear for all to see. A Marxist transformation which will take decades to rectify.
I remember seeing list of schools with their specific results being published last year.
From memory, the schools in Hipkins’ own electorate were amongst the worst performing.
Rosemary Hipkins' propaganda vehicle - NZCER - 50 staff in her swamp
NZCER strategic priorities ... No1 Decolonising education
- "Our independence enables us to provide non-partisan research"
Heres their briefing to the minister
And he couldn’t give a damn
In answer to your opening question, he most certainly did. How he has the hide to criticise anyone, yet alone the current coalition, beggars belief. Some used to claim he was a "Mr Fixit". Like him, the only thing they got right was the "F" - and he
"F'd" just about all that he touched.
Fittingly, that also reflects the grade I'd accord him - along with majority of those with whom he keeps company.
Hipkins, Tinetti and others - damage beyond belief. And yet, do we see any of them in trouble over it (other than being in Opposition)? Should they even be near Parliament after what they've caused? Child abuse on a grand scale.
How many NCEA passes is it reasonable for a student to acquire each year? How many are needed to go to University?
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